

IN this week's roundup, you'll learn about arrays and array formulas, see how to speed up macros, and many more tips.


If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.上下文帖子 (1. Contextures Posts)

In case you missed them, here are the articles that I posted recently:


  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集

2. Excel仪表板课程 (2. Excel Dashboard Course)

Registration is open for Mynda Treacy's Excel Dashboard Course. and you can save 20% if you sign up by Thursday (April 23rd). The course is a great investment, and you can read my review for the highlights, and more information.

Mynda Treacy的Excel仪表板课程现已开放注册。 如果您在星期四 (4月23日)之前注册,可以节省20% 。 本课程是一项巨大的投资,您可以阅读我的评论以了解重点内容以及更多信息。

3.了解数组公式 (3. Understanding Array Formulas)

Array formulas can be confusing and intimidating, if you don't use them often (or ever!). On the Model Off blog, Dan Mayoh explains what arrays are, and how to use array formulas in financial models. There is a homework assignment too, for extra practice, with a workbook to download.

如果您不经常(或从未使用过)数组公式,则可能会造成混淆和恐吓。 在Model Off博客上,Dan Mayoh 解释了什么是数组 ,以及如何在财务模型中使用数组公式。 此外,还有一项作业供作练习,供下载练习本。

4.与乔恩·Perl捷交谈 (4. Talking With Jon Peltier)

On the Visualoop blog, Tiago Veloso talks with Excel charting expert, Jon Peltier. Jon explains how he got started in Excel, and gradually built his own business, where he sells his time-saving Excel charting utilities.

在Visualoop博客上,Tiago Veloso 与Excel制图专家Jon Peltier进行了交谈 。 乔恩(Jon)解释了他是如何开始使用Excel并逐步建立自己的业务的,在那里他出售了节省时间的Excel图表实用程序

5.加快您的VBA代码 (5. Speed up Your VBA Code)

Last week, we saw complaints about slow VBA code in Excel 2013. This week, learn how to speed up your code, with ten simple tricks from Mike Alexander.

上周,我们在Excel 2013中看到了有关VBA代码缓慢的抱怨。本周,通过Mike Alexander的十个简单技巧,学习如何加快代码速度

In a related post, Mike Woodhouse suggests some improvements, and warnings, for the tips.

在相关的文章中,迈克·伍德豪斯( Mike Woodhouse) 提出了一些改进和警告,以提示

6.处理大数据集 (6. Work With a Big Data Set)

On the Udemy website, data analyst David Taylor explains how to work with a big data set, using baby names from a social security database. You can download the file, and follow along. The tutorial is below the sales page for an advanced Excel course, so scroll down about halfway, if you end up at the top of the page.

在Udemy网站上,数据分析师David Taylor解释了如何使用社会保障数据库中的婴儿名字处理大数据集 。 您可以下载文件,然后继续。 该教程位于高级Excel课程的销售页面下方,因此如果您最终位于页面顶部,请向下滚动大约一半。

7.样本数据透视表 (7. Sample Pivot Tables)

If you're learning about pivot tables, you can download an interesting workbook to experiment with. The Australian government has just published an Excel file with a pivot table showing their imports and exports with trade partners. They certainly send a lot of alcoholic beverages to Canada, so apparently I'm not the only one drinking Australian wine!

如果您要了解数据透视表,则可以下载有趣的工作簿进行试验。 澳大利亚政府刚刚发布了一个带有透视表的Excel文件,其中显示了它们与贸易伙伴的进出口。 他们当然向加拿大发送了许多酒精饮料,因此显然我并不是唯一一个喝澳大利亚葡萄酒的人!

8.右键菜单编辑器 (8. Right-Click Menu Editor)

If you'd like to modify the right-click menus in Excel, without diving into the VBA code, you can try Doug Glancy's MenuRighter add-in. It's easy to pick items from a list, and click to add them to the menu. Download the current version, or volunteer to test the newest version.

如果您想在Excel中修改右键菜单,而又不涉及VBA代码,则可以尝试使用Doug Glancy的MenuRighter加载项 。 从列表中选择项目,然后单击以将其添加到菜单很容易。 下载当前版本,或自愿测试最新版本。

9.新书:Tom Urtis撰写的Excel VBA 24小时培训师 (9. New Book: Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, by Tom Urtis)

"Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition is the quick-start guide to getting more out of Excel, using Visual Basic for Applications…This self-paced tutorial explains Excel VBA from the ground up, demonstrating with each advancing lesson how you can increase your productivity. Clear, concise, step-by-step instructions are combined with illustrations, code examples, and downloadable workbooks to give you a practical, in-depth learning experience and results that apply to real-world scenarios."

Excel VBA 24小时培训师,第二版是使用Visual Basic for Applications进一步利用Excel的快速入门指南。此自定进度的教程从头开始解释Excel VBA,并在每节高级课程中演示了如何清晰,简洁,分步的说明与插图,代码示例和可下载的工作簿相结合,为您提供了实用的,深入的学习经验和适用于实际情况的结果。”

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/04/20/excel-roundup-20150420/






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