
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are featuring Claudia Leon for this month’s Faces of Unity Blog. Claudia is the Verified Solutions & Affiliates Manager for the Asset Store. Learn more about her story and the impact she is creating at Unity! 

为了庆祝西班牙裔传统月,我们为克劳迪娅·莱昂(Claudia Leon)制作了本月《团结的脸》博客。 Claudia是 资产商店的 经过 验证的解决方案和分支机构经理 。 进一步了解她的故事以及她在Unity所创造的影响!

What do you do at Unity? 


I am the Unity Affiliates Manager and I support the Unity Verified Solutions Program (VSP). I work on the Asset Store team. 

我是Unity会员管理器,我支持Unity验证解决方案计划(VSP)。 我在 Asset Store 团队工作。

As a partnerships manager for our VSP, I am responsible for increasing visibility and driving the adoption of our partner’s products and services within the Unity developer community. 


As manager of the Unity Affiliate Program, l empower the global Unity community to endorse and promote our products.


What does your day-to-day look like? 


I split my time between the VSP and the Affiliate Program, which keeps things interesting. 


In order to advocate for my partners and strategically market their products within the Unity ecosystem, I meet with several teams a week. A lot of collaboration is necessary in order for my partners to be successful! I have regular calls with each of my partners to discuss marketing initiatives, technical updates, and upcoming events and then scope out a marketing plan for them. 

为了提倡我的合作伙伴并在Unity生态系统中战略性地销售他们的产品,我每周会见几个团队。 为了使我的合作伙伴成功,必须进行大量合作! 我经常与我的每个合作伙伴联系,讨论营销计划,技术更新和即将发生的事件,然后为他们制定营销计划。

On the Affiliate front, my time is spent looking at data to ensure affiliates are generating sales revenue, looking for new affiliates to recruit into the program and maintain strong relationships with those currently joined. 


Where were you before joining Unity?


I worked for a subsidiary of Webloyalty, called Incentive Networks. We built white-label rewards program solutions for companies looking to offer their customers a loyalty program. I managed over 1200 partnerships across Retail, Travel, Software, Finance, and Subscription and overlooked a small team of college graduates. 

我曾在Webloyalty的子公司Incentive Networks工作。 我们为希望为客户提供忠诚度计划的公司构建了白标奖励计划解决方案。 我管理了1200多个零售,旅行,软件,金融和订阅方面的合作伙伴关系,却忽略了一小群大学毕业生。

What made you decide to work at Unity?


I was ready to join a company that was doing something really cool for others. Unity provides people of all skill levels, backgrounds, and ages an opportunity to be creative. I dig that. 

我准备加入一家为他人做的事情真的很酷的公司。 Unity为所有技能水平,背景和年龄的人提供了创造机会。 我挖了。

What cool projects are you working on? 


The Asset Store’s mission is to make it fun and easy for users to find, source and sell content. Our team is focused on growing and evolving the Asset Store and every day feels like we are working on a large project. From hobbyists and indies to enterprise level, the goal of the Asset Store is to look at how we can provide developers of all levels and in all verticals the best tools. It’s truly a team effort. 

资产商店的任务是使用户能够轻松有趣地查找,获取和出售内容。 我们的团队专注于资产商店的发展和发展,每天都觉得我们在从事大型项目。 从业余爱好者和独立开发者到企业级别,资产商店的目标是研究如何为各个层次和各个行业的开发人员提供最佳工具。 这是真正的团队合作。

Have you met any professional milestones at Unity? If so, what?

您在Unity遇到了任何专业里程碑吗? 如果是这样,该怎么办?

While being at Unity I was presented with the opportunity to speak on a panel for the Latina’s in Tech Organization. This was both nerve-wracking and exciting because it was something I’d never thought about doing. Sharing my personal and professional story with other like-minded women supporting one another and encouraging each other’s success was a great feeling. I’m also looking forward to participating in the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) conference, where Unity will be present. Come see us at booth #1155 to learn more about opportunities! 

在Unity期间,我有机会在Latina的技术组织的小组中发言。 这既令人不安,又令人兴奋,因为这是我从未想过要做的事情。 与其他志同道合的女性分享我的个人和专业故事,彼此支持,互相鼓励,共同取得成功是一种很棒的感觉。 我也很期待参加Unity将会出席的西班牙专业工程师协会(SHPE)会议。 快来1155号展位与我们联系,了解有关机会的更多信息!

What do you enjoy about Unity company culture?


I enjoy the fact that all ideas are welcome at Unity. Our team has collaborative and open brainstorming sessions where no idea is a bad idea and everyone is expected to contribute. Everything is open for discussion, which I love. 

我喜欢所有想法都可以在Unity上使用的事实。 我们的团队进行协作和开放式集思广益会议,没有一个想法是一个坏主意,并且每个人都应该有所作为。 我喜欢的一切都可以讨论。

What do you enjoy about working at Unity overall?


I enjoy the people that I work with and the passion that our customers have for our product. Unity matters to so many people and our users let us know every chance they get! 

我喜欢与我一起工作的人以及客户对我们产品的热情。 团结对很多人都很重要,我们的用户让我们知道他们获得的每一个机会!

What would you tell someone considering a career at Unity?


I would tell someone considering Unity to attend events or meetups. There is no better way to get a glimpse into what Unity’s impact is across industries than checking out our presence at conferences or stopping by Unity meetup’s that are often organized by passionate Unity users. 

我会告诉考虑使用Unity的人参加活动或聚会。 要了解Unity在整个行业中的影响,没有比查看我们出席会议的机会或停止通常由热情的Unity用户组织的Unity聚会更好的方法了。

What excites you most about the future of Unity?


The vision is grand. We are growing fast and making huge impact on industries outside of gaming. With a strong focus on building balanced teams through diversity and inclusion efforts, Unity is in a position to make impactful actions that could influence other large tech companies.  

愿景是宏伟的。 我们正在快速发展,并对游戏以外的行业产生巨大影响。 通过集中精力通过多元化和包容性的努力来建立平衡的团队,Unity可以采取有影响力的行动来影响其他大型科技公司。

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?


My father always told me, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” While I certainly believe that you have to have skills and knowledge to do your job well, forming relationships, being kind, and respecting others will take you far. I’ve been fortunate in that most of my career, the job has come to me. I have a strong network of contacts who I continue to foster relationships with. You’d be surprised what a random text to an old colleague to ask how they are doing can do! 

父亲总是对我说:“这不是你知道的,是你认识的人。” 我当然相信,您必须具备技能和知识才能做好自己的工作,建立人际关系,友善和尊重他人会带您走远。 在我职业生涯的大部分时间里我都很幸运,这份工作就交给了我。 我拥有强大的人脉网络,并将继续与他们建立联系。 您会感到惊讶的是,随机发给一位老同事问他们如何做的文本!

Favorite video game?


Sonic the Hedgehog. What can I say, I’m nostalgic.

刺猬索尼克。 我能说什么,我很怀旧。

What’s your favorite non-Unity related activity?


Listening to podcasts. This American Life, Serial, Super Soul Conversations with Oprah, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Rogan… Any chance I get I’m listening to something. 

听播客。 与奥普拉(Oprah),乔·布登(Joe Budden)的播客,乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)的美国生活,系列,超级灵魂对话……我有机会听到我的声音。

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you? 


I’m a certified Unicorn. Born & Raised in San Francisco, 94112 to be exact. 

我是认证的独角兽。 确切地说,是生于旧金山的94112。


If you’re interested in learning more about Unity Technologies and opportunities to be apart of teams that are driving huge impacts like Claudia’s Asset Store team, check out our careers page!

如果您想了解有关Unity Technologies的更多信息,并希望有机会加入正在推动巨大影响力的团队(例如Claudia的Asset Store团队),请查看我们的 职业页面!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/16/faces-of-unity-claudia-leon/





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