

Our Student Ambassadors create opportunities and spaces at universities, where their peers can come together and learn how to make the most of Unity. Student Ambassadors represent the leaders of their communities, helping people move forward. Apply for the program today!

我们的学生大使在大学中创造机会和空间,他们的同龄人可以聚集在一起,学习如何充分利用Unity。 学生大使代表社区领袖,帮助人们前进。 立即申请该程序!

At Unity, we’re dedicated to empowering burgeoning creators. Students around the world are learning and using Unity to make projects that stretch the imagination – from incredible strategy games and mind-bending puzzles to VR experiences that help people learn and can assess people with Parkinson’s Disease. Behind these creators are the communities that support them: classmates, clubs, meetups, and game jams. And to build great communities, you need great community leaders. 

在Unity,我们致力于增强新兴的创作者的能力。 世界各地的学生正在学习和使用Unity来制作能够激发想象力的项目-从 令人难以置信的策略游戏令人费解的拼图游戏 到可以 帮助人们学习评估帕金森氏病患者的 VR体验 。 这些创作者的背后是支持他们的社区:同学,俱乐部,聚会和游戏果酱。 要建设优秀的社区,您需要出色的社区领袖。

Student Ambassadors represent the heart of their communities, organizing events to help students learn, and reaching out to new audiences to show them how they can use Unity to bring their ideas to life. No matter what continent they’re from or what country they’re in, Student Ambassadors lead the way for their peers, helping people discover their own potential. 

学生大使代表了社区的核心,组织各种活动来帮助学生学习,并与新的听众接触,向他们展示如何使用Unity将他们的想法变为现实。 无论他们来自哪个洲或位于哪个国家,学生大使都为同行提供帮助,帮助人们发现自己的潜力。

In today’s society, information is available in an instant. People can learn any number of skills reading blogs and watching videos. However, communities are what turn these learnings into understanding – giving people a place where they can be with like-minded individuals. Asking a friend or a mentor for help provides a new perspective on a problem, and communities provide spaces for help or asking questions.

在当今社会,信息是即时可用的。 人们可以阅读博客和观看视频,学习各种技能。 但是,社区才是将这些学习转变为理解的基础,从而为人们提供了一个与志同道合的人相处的地方。 向朋友或导师寻求帮助可提供有关问题的新观点,社区可提供帮助或提出问题的空间。

Student Ambassadors facilitate these discussions and activities for their peers. Learning something new for the first time can be daunting. Having someone to help along the way opens the door to more opportunities. That’s why these students dedicate their time to make the experience fun and exciting, through in-person workshops to learn Unity. These workshops help to break down the barriers on what’s possible.

学生大使为同伴们促进了这些讨论和活动。 第一次学习新东西可能会令人生畏。 一路上要有人帮助打开了更多机会的大门。 这就是为什么这些学生通过亲自学习Unity的工作坊奉献自己的时间来使体验变得有趣和令人兴奋的原因。 这些研讨会有助于打破一切可能的障碍。

Once that barrier has been broken, large events like game jams and hackathons become less intimidating. They transform from spaces full of experienced people making the biggest or best thing into opportunities to collaborate with others. Students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to be confident in what they’re building and make something they are proud of. 

一旦打破障碍,大型活动(如游戏阻塞和黑客松)就不再那么令人生畏了。 他们从充满经验的人的空间转变为最大或最好的东西,变成与他人合作的机会。 学生具备技能和知识,可以对自己正在建造的东西充满信心并做出自己引以为傲的事情。

Whether at game jams, meetups, or workshops, Student Ambassadors are there to help. They are the on-campus, community resource for learning, creating, and growing. They provide the space where you can understand the technology, share your ideas, and build things together.

无论是在比赛现场,聚会中还是在研讨会上,学生大使都可以为您提供帮助。 它们是用于学习,创造和成长的校园内社区资源。 它们为您提供了一个空间,您可以在其中理解技术,共享想法并共同构建事物。

Around the world, students’ lives are being changed by the amazing work that Student Ambassadors are doing every day. Show your community what they can accomplish with Unity. Become a leader they can rely on. University students are encouraged to apply!

在世界各地,学生大使每天所做的出色工作正在改变着学生的生活。 向您的社区展示他们可以通过Unity完成的工作。 成为他们可以依靠的领导者。 鼓励大学生申请!

Join the Unity Student Ambassadors Program.

加入 Unity学生大使计划。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/12/become-a-unity-student-ambassador/






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