

Unity 2019.3 will add support for using Unity as a library controlled by native Android/Java and iOS/Objective C apps so you can easily insert AR and other Unity features.

Unity 2019.3将增加对将Unity用作由本机Android / Java和iOS / Objective C应用程序控制的库的支持,因此您可以轻松插入AR和其他Unity功能。

We know there are times when developers using native platform technologies (like Android/Java and iOS/Objective C) want to include features powered by Unity in their apps and games. Starting with Unity 2019.3.a2, you can integrate the Unity runtime components and your content into a native platform project so you can use Unity as a library.

我们知道,有时使用本机平台技术(例如Android / Java和iOS / Objective C)的开发人员希望在其应用和游戏中包含Unity提供的功能。 从Unity 2019.3.a2开始,您可以将Unity运行时组件和内容集成到本机平台项目中,以便可以将Unity用作库。

This means that you can now insert features powered by Unity, such as augmented reality (AR), 3D/2D real-time rendering, 2D mini-games, and more, directly into your native mobile apps.

这意味着您现在可以将由Unity提供支持的功能(例如增强现实(AR),3D / 2D实时渲染,2D迷你游戏等)直接插入到您的本机移动应用中。

运作方式:变更项目结构 (How it works: Changes to project structure)

The Unity runtime library exposes controls to manage when and how to load/activate/unload within the native application.


The mobile app build process overall is still the same. Unity creates the iOS Xcode and Android Gradle projects.

总体而言,移动应用程序的构建过程仍然相同。 Unity创建iOS Xcode和Android Gradle项目。

However, to enable this feature, we changed the structure of the generated iOS Xcode and Android Gradle projects as follows:

但是,为了启用此功能,我们更改了生成的iOS Xcode和Android Gradle项目的结构,如下所示:

  • A library part – iOS framework and Android Archive (AAR) file – that includes all source files and plugins

    库部分– iOS框架和Android存档(AAR)文件–包括所有源文件和插件

  • A thin launcher part that includes app representation data and runs the library part


You can find out more details about the changes to the Xcode/Android Gradle projects in this forum post.

您可以在本 论坛帖子中 找到有关Xcode / Android Gradle项目更改的更多详细信息 。

We also have step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Unity as a library on iOS and Android, including basic sample projects.

我们还提供有关如何将Unity集成为 iOSAndroid 上的库 (包括基本示例项目) 的分步说明 。

Please note that using Unity as a library requires that you deeply understand the architecture of Android/Java and iOS/Objective C applications.

请注意,将Unity用作库需要您深刻理解Android / Java和iOS / Objective C应用程序的体系结构。

一些限制 (Some limitations)

We tested many scenarios for Unity as a library hosted by a native app. But since Unity no longer controls the lifecycle of the runtime, we cannot guarantee it will work in all possible use cases. For example:

我们将Unity的许多场景作为本地应用程序托管的库进行了测试。 但是由于Unity不再控制运行时的生命周期,因此我们不能保证它会在所有可能的用例中工作 。 例如:

  • Unity as a Library supports full-screen rendering only; rendering on only a part of the screen is not supported.

    Unity作为库仅支持全屏渲染; 不支持仅在屏幕的一部分上进行渲染。

  • Loading more than one instance of the Unity runtime is not supported.


  • You may need to adapt third-party plugins (native or managed) for them to work properly.  

    您可能需要改编第三方插件( 本机托管 ),以使其正常工作。

推动正在彻底改变营销活动的技术 (Powering the technology that is revolutionizing marketing campaigns)

Unity as a library is a tremendous advantage for various use cases across industries. In particular,  brands and creative agencies can now easily insert AR directly into their native mobile apps.

对于整个行业中的各种用例而言, Unity作为库是一个巨大的优势。 特别是,品牌和创意代理商现在可以轻松地将AR直接插入其本地移动应用程序中。

Cutting-edge brands see the value in adding AR to their traditional marketing campaigns. With Unity support for Unity as a library, the process is streamlined. Brands and creative agencies no longer have to rebuild their app to insert AR or hack together a solution to use Unity as a library.

尖端品牌看到了在传统营销活动中添加AR的价值。 通过Unity对Unity作为库的支持,该过程得以简化。 品牌和创意机构不再需要重建其应用程序以插入AR或一起破解将Unity用作库的解决方案。

Consumers are ready for AR marketing. AR lets brands foster a personal relationship with consumers, and we’re excited to offer a solution that powers the evolution of marketing.

消费者已准备好进行AR营销。 AR让品牌与消费者建立起个人关系,我们很高兴提供能够推动营销发展的解决方案。

To learn more about how brands and creative agencies are using Unity, check out our solutions page.

要了解有关品牌和创意代理商如何使用Unity的更多信息,请查看我们的 解决方案页面

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/06/17/add-features-powered-by-unity-to-native-mobile-apps/






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