hololens2_HoloLens 2即将发布:您需要知道的


Microsoft just unveiled HoloLens 2 at Mobile World Congress and we’re excited to help you prepare for the development of the next generation of augmented reality (AR) experiences in Unity.

微软刚刚在世界移动大会上发布了HoloLens 2,我们很高兴能帮助您为Unity中下一代增强现实(AR)体验的开发做准备。

Unity’s three-year relationship with Microsoft has enabled developers to build world-class AR experiences spanning immersive entertainment and industry solutions. Just take a look at what we’ve done for automotive & transportation, AEC, EdTech, and more. Brands are using Unity today to revolutionize the way hospitals operate, rethink the world of mobility, and bring 2D blueprints into a 3D world. We can’t wait to see what you build next with HoloLens 2.

Unity与Microsoft的三年合作关系使开发人员能够在沉浸式娱乐和行业解决方案中构建世界一流的AR体验。 只需看看我们在 汽车和运输AECEdTech等方面 所做的工作 即可 。 今天 , 各大 品牌都在使用Unity来 改变医院的运营方式重新思考移动世界并将2D蓝图带入3D世界 。 我们迫不及待想看看您接下来使用HoloLens 2构建什么。

下一代HoloLens (Next generation HoloLens)

With HoloLens 2, users will be even more immersed in the experience thanks to a field of view (FOV) that’s twice the size of its predecessor at a resolution equivalent to a 2K display for each eye. Those visuals will be more stunning and detailed thanks, in part, to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 Compute Platform and a move to a 64-bit OS. This ARM-based architecture boasts higher compute-per-watt capabilities than the first generation HoloLens’ x86 chipset, helping to balance efficiency and computational power. This move will be supported by the release of 64-bit Universal Windows Platform (UWP) support in Unity 2019.1. Additional hardware improvements include an 8MP camera, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, a flip-up visor, and better weight distribution.

使用HoloLens 2 ,由于其视野(FOV)是其前身的两倍,而每只眼睛的2K显示屏的分辨率却足以使用户沉浸在体验中。 得益于Qualcomm Snapdragon 850计算平台以及向64位操作系统的迁移,这些视觉效果将更加震撼和细致。 这种基于ARM的体系结构比第一代HoloLens的x86芯片组具有更高的每瓦计算能力,有助于平衡效率和计算能力。 Unity 2019.1中对64位通用Windows平台(UWP)的支持将支持此移动。 其他硬件改进包括8MP摄像头,蓝牙5.0连接,上翻式遮阳板和更好的重量分配。

User inputs have also received upgrades, allowing for even more flexibility and control over your application’s design and how the user engages with it. HoloLens 2 can now track fully articulated models of both hands, capture the user’s eye gaze, and more accurately action on verbal commands using a noise-canceling microphone array.

用户输入也得到了升级,从而提供了更大的灵活性,并可以控制应用程序的设计以及用户如何参与其中。 HoloLens 2现在可以跟踪双手的完全关节模型,捕获用户的视线,并使用降噪麦克风阵列更准确地对口头命令进行操作。

The release date for HoloLens 2 is yet to be confirmed, but pre-orders are now available.

HoloLens 2的发布日期尚未确定,但现在可以预订

为HoloLens 2开发做准备 (Preparing for HoloLens 2 development)

We’ve been working with Microsoft since the release of the first generation HoloLens in 2016. We are honored to be powering 91% of all HoloLens applications and experiences and are committed to collaborating with Microsoft to get you ready for HoloLens 2.

自2016年第一代HoloLens发行以来,我们一直在与Microsoft合作。我们很荣幸能够为所有HoloLens应用程序和体验中的91%提供支持,并致力于与Microsoft合作为您准备HoloLens 2。

Over the next few months, you’ll see the release of new development tools, updated documentation, and additional design guidance. Until then, you can always use the first generation HoloLens as a foundation towards HoloLens 2. Below are answers to questions you may have:

在接下来的几个月中,您将看到新开发工具的发布,更新的文档以及其他设计指南。 在此之前,您始终可以将第一代HoloLens用作HoloLens 2的基础。以下是您可能遇到的问题的答案:

What will I need for HoloLens 2 development?

我需要HoloLens 2开发吗?

You will need Unity 2018.3 or Unity 2019.1b, and Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit v2 (MRTK v2) which is currently in beta. HoloLens 2 support will release with MRTKv2 RC1 in March 2019.

您将需要Unity 2018.3Unity 2019.1b和Microsoft的Mixed Reality Toolkit v2 (MRTK v2)(目前处于测试阶段)。 HoloLens 2支持将于2019年3月与MRTKv2 RC1一起发布。

What considerations are there in choosing between Unity 2018.3 or Unity 2019.1b?

在Unity 2018.3或Unity 2019.1b之间进行选择时需要考虑哪些因素?

Microsoft currently recommends Unity 2018.3 as it’s the most stable environment and supports 32-bit ARM. At Mobile World Congress, you saw multiple demos that used Unity 2018.3 to create impressive, highly performant experiences.

Microsoft当前推荐Unity 2018.3,因为它是最稳定的环境并支持32位ARM。 在世界移动大会上,您看到了多个使用Unity 2018.3创建令人印象深刻的高性能体验的演示。

You also have the choice of using Unity 2019.1b (currently in beta) for projects that require additional performance gains. Unity 2019.1b is the first version that supports 64-bit ARM for UWP and, generally speaking, 64-bit provides performance advantages.

对于需要额外提高性能的项目,您还可以选择使用Unity 2019.1b (当前为beta)。 Unity 2019.1b是第一个支持用于UWP的64位ARM的版本,通常来说64位提供了性能优势。

Where can I learn more about Microsoft’s MRTK v2 and future support for HoloLens 2?

在哪里可以了解有关Microsoft的MRTK v2和将来对HoloLens 2的支持的更多信息?

Visit Microsoft’s guide on Getting Started with MRTK v2 to learn more about the toolkit and check out the MRTK v2 roadmap which outlines a timeline for upcoming releases from Microsoft.

请访问Microsoft的MRTK v2入门指南,以了解有关该工具包的更多信息,并查看MRTK v2路线图 ,该路线图概述了Microsoft即将发布的版本的时间表。

Where can I learn more about porting my first generation HoloLens app to HoloLens 2?

在哪里可以了解有关将第一代HoloLens应用程序移植到HoloLens 2的更多信息?

Microsoft will provide guidance on porting applications over the next few months. Learn more here.

Microsoft将在未来几个月内提供有关移植应用程序的指南。 在这里了解更多。


That’s a brief overview of the new hardware and how to start preparing for HoloLens 2 development in Unity. We’ll keep you updated on important releases and feel free to visit Unity’s Windows Mixed Reality forums if you have questions, tips to share, or just want to update the community on your progress.

这是对新硬件的简要概述,以及如何开始为Unity中的HoloLens 2开发做准备。 如果您有任何疑问,分享技巧,或者只是想向社区更新进度,我们将为您提供重要版本的最新信息,并随时访问Unity的Windows Mixed Reality论坛

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/26/hololens-2-is-coming-what-you-need-to-know/






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