OctaneRender for Unity更新

OTOY’s cinematic render engine integration with Unity just got its next major update, opening up new possibilities for you! As the worlds of VFX and gaming collide, explore some of OctaneRender’s latest features in Unity, bringing cinematic, path-traced rendering directly into the Unity workflow.

OTOY与Unity的电影级渲染引擎集成刚刚获得了下一个重大更新,为您打开了新的可能性! 随着VFX和游戏世界的碰撞,探索OctaneRender在Unity中的一些最新功能,将电影般的,路径跟踪的渲染直接引入Unity工作流。

介绍GPU加速的光照贴图烘焙 (Introducing GPU-Accelerated Lightmap Baking)

Blinding fast, and with physics-accuracy, OctaneRender® Lightmap Baking in Unity has arrived. It complements what you can do with lightmapping in Unity today, enabling you to bake large scenes in seconds.

Unity的OctaneRender®光照贴图烘焙已实现快速盲目化,并具有物理准确性。 它补充了您今天在Unity中使用光照贴图所做的工作,使您可以在几秒钟内烘焙大型场景。

OctaneRender lights are baked into lightmaps and applied to the surfaces for playback in real-time projects.


利用Unity的后处理堆栈 (Leverage Unity’s Post-Processing Stack)

Combine the power of Octane’s physics-based rendering with Unity’s Post-Processing Stack to design a signature look for your project. Unity’s color grading, light boom, depth of field, lens flare, and more, can now enhance cinematic scenes composed with OctaneRender® for Unity.

将Octane基于物理的渲染功能与Unity的后处理堆栈结合起来,为您的项目设计签名外观。 现在,Unity的色彩分级,光圈,景深,镜头光晕等等,可以增强使用OctaneRender®for Unity构成的电影场景。

Bridge the gaming and VFX Pipeline with ORBX®Color grading, bloom, vignette, chromatic aberration, and depth of field have been applied to this OctaneRender scene using Unity’s Post-Processing Stack.


使用ORBX®桥接游戏和VFX管线 (Bridge the gaming and VFX Pipeline with ORBX®)

Integrated with 21+ 3D authoring tools, OctaneRender® now brings industry-standard VFX workflows into Unity. Import lighting, materials, geometry, cameras, and animations through OctaneRender’s ORBX® format.

OctaneRender®集成了21种以上的3D创作工具,现在将行业标准的VFX工作流程引入Unity。 通过OctaneRender的ORBX®格式导入照明,材料,几何图形,摄影机和动画。

Beyond traditional FBX functionality, now you can design with unbiased, physically-based lighting and customizable OSL materials and cameras. Author in your favorite VFX package, and use OctaneRender’s ORBX format to transfer into Unity.

除了传统的FBX功能之外,现在您还可以使用基于物理的无偏照明和可自定义的OSL材质和相机进行设计。 使用您喜欢的VFX包进行创作,然后使用OctaneRender的ORBX格式转移到Unity中。

Follow tutorials that walk you through the new workflows.

遵循指导 您完成新工作流程的 教程

用于资产商店的Unity的OctaneRender® (OctaneRender® for Unity on the Asset Store)

Getting started with OctaneRender is easy: Simply head to the Asset Store and download any of our scene packages. When you load any one of them, you will be prompted to install OctaneRender for Unity.

OctaneRender入门很容易:只需前往Asset Store并下载我们的任何场景包。 当您加载其中任何一个时,将提示您安装OctaneRender for Unity。

The Installer Scene is a good place to start, as it’s lightweight and friendly, but any package from OTOY’s storefront will install OctaneRender. Once you are prompted to install OctaneRender for Unity, check out the Octane for Unity installation guide for the step-by-step process.

安装现场 是一个良好的开端,因为它是轻量级的,友好的,但是从OTOY的店面所有程序包安装OctaneRender。 当系统提示您安装OctaneRender for Unity时,请查看《 Octane for Unity》安装指南 以获取分步过程。

These scenes will also be used in our project-based guides, so download and follow along to learn how to get the most out of OctaneRender for Unity.

这些场景还将用在我们 基于项目的指南中 ,因此请下载并继续学习如何充分利用OctaneRender for Unity。

Start exploring OctaneRender for Unity today!


Visit the Asset Store and download a scene


OctaneRender®Prime,Studio和Creator (OctaneRender® Prime, Studio, and Creator)

OctaneRender for Unity comes in three versions — a free tier and two subscription options — each of which is feature complete.


  • OctaneRender Prime is available for free when you download an OctaneRender asset from the Asset Store. Prime only allows access to your primary GPU and comes with no additional plugins.

    从资产商店 下载 OctaneRender资产 时,可以免费使用 OctaneRender Prime 。 Prime仅允许访问您的主GPU,并且没有其他插件。

  • Annual subscriptions to OctaneRender Studio and OctaneRender Creator offer access to more GPUs and a selection of additional plugins.

    每年订阅OctaneRender Studio和OctaneRender Creator可以访问更多GPU,并可以选择其他插件。

    • OctaneRender Studio is $20 per month and allows access to 2 GPUs and a selection of 1 additional plugin.

      OctaneRender Studio每月20美元,可访问2个GPU和一个附加插件。

    • Both OctaneRender Studio and Creator also include OctaneRender for NUKE and for After Effects as standard plugins. Simply follow the instructions emailed after loading OctaneRender Studio or Creator to redeem and download while selecting your additional plugins.

      OctaneRender Studio和Creator都包括用于NUKE和After Effects的OctaneRender作为标准插件。 只需按照加载OctaneRender Studio或Creator后发送的电子邮件说明进行兑换和下载,然后选择其他插件。

    Annual subscriptions to OctaneRender Studio and OctaneRender Creator offer access to more GPUs and a selection of additional plugins.

    每年订阅OctaneRender Studio和OctaneRender Creator可以访问更多GPU,并可以选择其他插件。

The paid tiers also provide access to OctaneRender Cloud as one of the plugin selections, where you can render in OTOY’s cloud to harness hundreds of GPUs for longer cutscenes or baking jobs.

付费层还提供对OctaneRender Cloud的访问,作为插件的一种选择,您可以在OTOY的云中进行渲染,以利用数百个GPU来进行更长的过场动画或烘焙工作。

Learn more about OctaneRender for Unity

进一步了解OctaneRender for Unity

资源资源 (Resources)

From hardware requirements and installation guides to project-based tutorials, learn how to unleash the power of OctaneRender for Unity:

从硬件要求和安装指南到基于项目的教程,了解如何释放OctaneRender for Unity的功能:

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/22/octanerender-for-unity-update/





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