Unity在GDC 2016上

GDC is nearly upon us! Unity will once again have a big presence at the annual game development extravaganza, and we can’t wait to share our latest updates and connect with the Unity community. To help you prepare for a sure-to-be jam-packed week, we’ve listed all the Unity events and sessions at GDC below.

GDC即将来临! Unity将在年度游戏开发盛会上再次占有重要地位,我们迫不及待地分享我们的最新更新并与Unity社区建立联系。 为了帮助您准备一周的活动,我们在下面的GDC列出了所有Unity活动和会议。

统一特别地址 (Unity Special Address)

On Tuesday, March 15 at 9am PST, we will be holding an invite-only event in San Francisco to kick off GDC. During the special address, which will also be livestreamed, we’ll be sharing new updates, showing some state of the art demos, and inviting onstage a few special guests from the development community. We were thrilled to announce new VR and AR features and partnerships at the inaugural Vision Summit in mid-February, and have exciting news in store for the broader gaming industry at this special event. Stay tuned to our site and social media channels for more details on the livestream in the coming weeks!

周二 ,3月15日在上午9点 ,我们将举行在旧金山踢邀请只事件关闭GDC。 在还将直播的特别演讲中,我们将分享新的更新,展示一些最新的演示,并邀请舞台上来自开发社区的一些特别嘉宾。 我们很高兴在2月中旬首届Vision Summit上宣布了新的VR和AR功能以及合作伙伴关系,并在此特别活动中为更广泛的游戏行业带来了激动人心的消息。 请继续关注我们的网站和社交媒体渠道,以获取有关未来几周直播的更多详细信息!

Unity开发日 (Unity Dev Day )

Developers are the heart of Unity and we always want to show you support. If you want learn more about how to get the most out of Unity, don’t miss our Unity Dev Day, held Tuesday, March 15 from 10:00am to 5:00pm in Moscone West, Room 2014. The agenda will feature talks across a range of topics, from building in virtual reality to storytelling, and will highlight best practices and lessons learned from Unity engineers and game developers.

开发人员是Unity的核心,我们始终希望向您展示支持。 如果您想了解更多有关如何充分利用Unity的信息,请不要错过 3月15 日( 星期二)上午10:00至下午5:00 在Moscone West 2014会议室 举行的Unity开发日 。从虚拟现实的构建到讲故事的一系列主题,并将重点介绍从Unity工程师和游戏开发人员那里汲取的最佳实践和经验教训。

Some notable sessions include:


  • Eyes Wide Open (VR Practicum) by Amir Ebrahimi (Principal Software Engineer, Unity Labs) and Pete Moss (VR Dude, Unity Creative Content Studio)

    Amir Ebrahimi(Unity Labs的首席软件工程师)和Pete Moss(Unity Creative Content Studio的VR Dude ) 的大开眼界 (VR实践 )

  • Storytelling in Unity, Introducing and Using the Director Sequencer by Dominic LaFlamme (Lead Engineer – Storytelling) & Adam Myhill (Director of Photography, Blackbird Interactive)

    Unity中的故事讲述,导演序列器介绍和使用 Dominic LaFlamme(故事讲述的首席工程师)和Adam Myhill(黑鸟互动公司摄影总监)

  • Success with Unity Services by Suhail Dutta (VP, Developer Services), Andre Gauthier (Development Director), Patrick Curry (Development Director, Cloud Build), Tuomas Rinta (Development Director, Unity Ads), Mark Poeppelmeier (Product Manager, Asset Store) and John Cheng (GM, Analytics)

    Suhail Dutta(开发人员服务副总裁),Andre Gauthier(开发总监),Patrick Curry(云构建开发总监),Tuomas Rinta(Unity Ads开发总监),Mark Poeppelmeier(资产商店产品经理) 在Unity Services上取得了成功 和John Cheng(Analytics(分析)总经理)

GDC和VRDC会议 (GDC & VRDC Sessions)

In addition to the developer day, Unity is participating in a variety of GDC and VRDC conference sessions, including:


Unity GDC 2016博览会展位–南厅#1402 (Unity GDC 2016 Expo Booth – South Hall #1402)

We’re continuing our tradition of setting up a spectacular Unity booth in the main expo hall of GDC, and will have tons of content from both Unity and our developer and partner ecosystems. The booth will be the go to source for all things Unity, and we’ll have staff on hand to answer questions and showcase new Unity features and experiences. Our Theater at the booth will also feature talks from Unity’s staff and strategic partners on tips, tricks and best practices for game development.

我们将继续在GDC主展览厅设立壮观的Unity展位的传统,并将收集来自Unity以及开发人员和合作伙伴生态系统的大量内容。 展位将成为Unity所有产品的采购来源,我们将派专人接听问题并展示Unity的新功能和新体验。 我们 在展位的 剧院 还将举办Unity员工和战略合作伙伴关于游戏开发技巧,窍门和最佳实践的讲座。

The booth will again host our Games Pavilion, which will include over a dozen unique games and experiences Made With Unity. The developers will be on hand to give demos, walk you through their games and answer any questions, so come by and get inspired!

展位将再次举办我们的 游戏馆 ,其中将包含十几种独特的游戏和Unity制作的体验。 开发人员将立即进行演示,指导您完成游戏并回答任何问题,赶快来获得启发!

Make sure to also stop by and check out the latest technologies and platforms being showcased by our sponsors in the Partner Pavilion:

请确保也停下来看看我们的赞助商在 合作伙伴展区 展示的最新技术和平台 :


We’re also pleased to feature the following Asset Store Publishers, who will be exhibiting their tools and technologies at our booth: Candlelight Interactive, Cinema Suite, Dog Eat Dog Games, Gaia, Pro Camera 2D, Text Mesh Pro!

我们也很高兴与以下 Asset Store Publishers保持联络 ,他们将在我们的展位上展示其工具和技术: Candlelight InteractiveCinema SuiteDoat Eat Dog GamesGaiaPro Camera 2DText Mesh Pro

The content for our booth – including theater talks and featured games – will be announced shortly, so check out our website for more information, or come by the booth to find out more!


团结党 (Unity Party )

Finally, don’t miss the Unity Party on Wednesday night! The celebration is a great place to meet, network and exchange ideas with developers and others in the industry. Space will be limited, so keep an eye on our social media channels in the coming weeks for specifics on how to register.

最后,不要错过星期三晚上的统一党! 庆祝活动是与开发人员和行业内其他人见面,交流和交流想法的好地方。 空间有限,因此请在接下来的几周关注我们的社交媒体渠道,以了解有关注册的具体信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/02/23/unity-at-gdc-2016/





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