

For the last four years, Belgrade, Serbia, in the middle of April has been the place to meet for new media artists and creative coders from all over the world. Resonate Festival features more than 50 lectures and 20 workshops. During the six days of the, festival dozens of artists showed their projects ranging from pure analog installations to very sophisticated combinations of hardware and image processing algorithms.

在过去的四年中,四月中旬,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德一直是来自世界各地的新媒体艺术家和创意编码员聚会的地方。 共振音乐节设有50多个讲座和20个专题讨论会。 在为期六天的音乐节中,数十位艺术家展示了他们的项目,范围从纯模拟装置到硬件与图像处理算法的非常复杂的组合。

令人敬畏的是,随着Unity 5 Personal Edition的发布,越来越多的艺术家和创意编码器与3D尤其是VR一起使用,开始使用Unity来制作他们的想法原型。 (It is really awesome that with the release of Unity 5 Personal Edition more and more artists and creative coders working with 3D and especially VR started using Unity to prototype their ideas.)

One of the 3-day workshops at the festival was organized by James George and Alexander Porter. The participants used Unity to explore 3d-scanned areas of Belgrade. They used the photogrammetry technique to scan buildings and other objects, imported them into Unity 5, added a first-person controller and walked around semi-real virtual spaces.

电影节为期三天的研讨会之一是由詹姆斯·乔治和亚历山大·波特组织的。 参与者使用Unity探索了贝尔格莱德的3D扫描区域。 他们使用摄影测量技术扫描建筑物和其他对象,将它们导入Unity 5,添加了第一人称控制器,然后在半真实的虚拟空间中走来走去。

How cool is that!?



面试 (Interview)

So, I decided to ask the guys to tell us more about this workshop.


Valentin: First of all, could you please tell the readers about yourself and what you do?


James: I’m an artist who works with computational photography and interactivity. I studied computer science, but have been continually drawn towards the more expressive and creative side of the sciences. I think there is a lot of unexplored potential for emerging vision and graphics technology to get at a deeper representation of people and their environments. I want the art forms traditionally associated with analog mediums like photography and cinema to be realized within interactive, virtual space.

詹姆斯 :我是一位从事计算摄影和交互性工作的艺术家。 我学习了计算机科学,但是一直被吸引到科学中更具表现力和创造力的一面。 我认为新兴的视觉和图形技术有很多未开发的潜力,可以更深入地展现人及其环境。 我希望传统上与摄影和电影等模拟媒体相关联的艺术形式能够在交互式虚拟空间中实现。

Alexander: I’m an artist with a background as a photographer and cinematographer. Increasingly, I’ve been adding 3D practices and computational photography to the way I create imagery. My work often leads me to combining traditional camera technique and scanning workflows. I have a particular passion for documentary work – exploring new ways of capturing people and the world for telling our stories.

亚历山大 :我是一位有摄影师和电影摄影师背景的艺术家。 我越来越多地将3D实践和计算摄影添加到创建图像的方式中。 我的工作经常使我将传统的相机技术和扫描工作流程结合起来。 我对纪录片工作特别感兴趣-探索捕捉人们和世界的新方法来讲述我们的故事。

Together with a third partner Mei-Ling Wong, James and I founded a studio called Specular. At Specular, we do both commercial projects involving 3D scanning, game engines or interactivity and meanwhile we run workshops and art residencies to explore ideas and techniques like the ones behind Exquisite City.

我和我的第三任合伙人黄美玲一起建立了一个名为Specular的工作室。 在Specular,我们从事涉及3D扫描,游戏引擎或交互性的商业项目,同时我们举办研讨会和艺术驻留,以探索诸如精美城市背后的思想和技术。

V: What was the idea behind the workshop?


A: We were inspired by the surrealist drawing exercise of the Exquisite Corpse, where a group of people collectively draw a human figure without seeing the contributions of their collaborators. The exercise results in surreal images of disjointed and fantastical beings. We wanted to expand that exercise to the scale of a city. The Exquisite Corpse concept combined with the research I’ve been doing into photogrammetry scanning resulted in the idea for the workshop as a collaborative project to scan, segment and remix the architecture of the neighborhood surrounding our workshop in downtown Belgrade.

:我们的灵感来自精致尸体的超现实主义绘画练习,其中一群人集体绘制了一个人物,却没有看到他们的合作者的贡献。 这项运动产生了超脱的幻想的生物形象。 我们希望将这项工作扩大到城市规模。 精致的尸体概念与我一直在进行的摄影测量学扫描研究相结合后,使该研讨会成为一个合作项目,旨在扫描,分割和重新混合贝尔格莱德市中心工作坊周围社区的建筑。

During the first day, we taught the photogrammetry workflow and sent all the participants out to wander the streets of the city to capture parts of the built environment. They came back with a wonderful variety of surfaces, objects and building facades. On the second day, we processed all the geometry and isolated certain parts to create modular prefabs that would allow us to use the parts as building blocks.

在第一天,我们讲授了摄影测量工作流程,并派出所有参与者在城市的街道上漫步,以捕捉部分建筑环境。 他们带来了各种各样的表面,物体和建筑立面。 第二天,我们处理了所有几何图形并隔离了某些零件,以创建模块化的预制件,从而使我们可以将零件用作构建块。

On the third day everyone contributed the prefabs they’d created to a pool of models and we assigned them city blocks on the map of the neighborhood and we began to build. The result is a surreal and beautiful urban landscape that still seems to keep those familiar urban forms, textures and sounds intact.

第三天,每个人都将自己创建的预制件捐献给模型库,我们在附近的地图上将它们分配为城市街区,然后开始建造。 结果是超现实而美丽的城市景观,似乎仍然保持了那些熟悉的城市形态,质地和声音的完整性。

J: A lot of the workshops taught at Resonate required a lot of prerequisite knowledge about coding and design. Our hope with the Exquisite City was to teach new techniques, but ones that were accessible to a diverse group of participants. We didn’t want to require any programming to make our city, yet provide a framework for advanced users to dig deeper. Unity’s drag and drop interface was perfect for this, it allowed the participants to freely arrange their city and use predefined scripts to move through it.

J :在Resonate教授的许多研讨会都需要很多有关编码和设计的先决知识。 我们对精致城市的希望是教授新技术,但是各种参与者可以使用的新技术。 我们并不需要任何编程来使我们的城市成为一个城市,而是为高级用户提供了一个更深入地研究的框架。 Unity的拖放界面非常适合此操作,它允许参与者自由安排城市并使用预定义的脚本在城市中移动。

V: How exactly were you capturing the buildings?


A: We used a technique called photogrammetry to create 3D models of specific portions of the city. The workflow required us to take a series of photos of an object – a street corner, a bench or even small architectural features on a facade – and based on computing the differences between the images, a photogrammetry tool enables us to build a very detailed 3D model of the object.

:我们使用了摄影测量技术来创建城市特定部分的3D模型。 工作流程要求我们拍摄一系列物体的照片-街角,长凳或什至立面上的小建筑特征-并基于计算图像之间的差异,摄影测量工具使我们能够构建非常详细的3D对象的模型。

Photogrammetry can be a powerful tool for 3D scanning, but it notoriously creates large and chaotic meshes. To circumvent those issues and to save time in the workshop, we decimated the meshes quite severely and exported the detailed photographic textures to retain some of the beautiful and eccentric surfaces of the city-scape.

摄影测量法可以成为3D扫描的强大工具,但众所周知,它会创建大型且混乱的网格。 为了避免这些问题并节省车间时间,我们非常严格地抽取了网格,并导出了详细的摄影纹理以保留某些美丽且古怪的城市景观。

J: Most participants were surprised that a process like photogrammetry was even possible, let alone something they could do themselves with their smartphone cameras. There is a real magic to seeing a collection of photographs transform into a model that can be interacted with in a virtual world.

J :大多数参与者都惊讶地发现像摄影测量这样的过程是可能的,更不用说他们可以用智能手机相机做些什么了。 看到一组照片转换成可以在虚拟世界中进行交互的模型,这真是神奇。


V: What equipment do you need to do this?


A: One of the interesting things that distinguishes photogrammetry as a technique from other 3D scanning methods (LIDAR, structured light etc.) is that it has very simple hardware requirements. You only need a camera and in fact a few of the participants in the workshop used camera phones with great success. We used Photoscan, which is a paid tool with a free full-featured trial, but there are free and/or open source alternatives out there — 123D Catch from Autodesk, also two open source toolkits; VisualSFM and a Python photogrammetry toolkit.

:将摄影测量技术与其他3D扫描方法(激光雷达,结构光等)区别开来的有趣之处之一是它具有非常简单的硬件要求。 您只需要一个摄像头,实际上,研讨会中的一些参与者使用摄像头电话取得了巨大的成功。 我们使用了Photoscan,这是一个具有免费的功能齐全的免费试用版的付费工具,但是这里有免费和/或开放源代码的替代品-Autodesk的123D Catch,这也是两个开放源代码的工具包。 VisualSFMPython摄影测量工具包


V: And when you got a model you just drag it into Unity editor, right?


A: Yes, the models can be exported right from Photoscan into Unity as an FBX. However, in a less beginner-oriented workflow one would definitely spend a fair amount of time refining and remeshing models in a mesh modeler before importing it to Unity.

:是的,可以将模型从Photoscan作为FBX直接导出到Unity。 但是,在面向初学者的工作流程中,在将其导入Unity之前,肯定会花费大量时间在网格建模器中细化和重新划分模型。

J: The immediacy of these tools is what is most impressive to us. The fast that this very technical and emerging process already has a suite of What You See is What You Get workflows really enables creativity and lowers the barrier to entry.

J :这些工具的即时性给我们留下了最深刻的印象。 这个非常技术性和新兴的流程已经快速提供了一套“您所看到的就是您所获得的”工作流,可真正实现创造力并降低进入门槛。

V: How experienced were the participants with Unity?


A: With a couple of exceptions they hadn’t used Unity at all before the workshop. It ended up being a perfect sandbox and teaching the interface turned out to be around half as difficult as the other tools in the workflow, which allowed us to get into the process of laying out our strange city quite quickly.

:除了几个例外,他们在研讨会之前根本没有使用过Unity。 最终它是一个完美的沙箱,并且使界面的教学难度仅为工作流中其他工具的一半,这使我们能够快速进入对陌生城市进行布局的过程。

V: Did you provide template prefabs for the participants to use?


A: We thought about the overall shape of a city and came up with ways to separate it into discrete units. We came up with a set of typologies that would allow us to recombine them in arbitrary and interesting ways, using them almost as 3D building blocks. We’ve put the templates and tutorials for the whole workshop up on our workshop page.

:我们考虑了城市的整体形状,并提出了将其分成离散单元的方法。 我们提出了一套类型学,可以使我们以任意有趣的方式重新组合它们,几乎将它们用作3D构建块。 我们已经将整个研讨会的模板和教程放在了我们的研讨会页面上

J: We took a page from the exquisite corpse drawing game on this one. There needed to be defined boundaries for each person to create within. This had the added benefit of another level of absurdity, as small scans of plants or doorways scaled to the same size as statues and entire facades.

J :我们从精美的尸体绘画游戏中摘了一页。 需要为每个人在其中定义界限。 这又带来了另一种荒谬的好处,因为对植物或门的小型扫描缩放为与雕像和整个外墙相同的大小。

We also provided the visitors with a city street template and assigned separate blocks to each participant. As you explore the final result, you can see that each city block you enter was crafted by a different creative mind and has a unique style.

我们还为访客提供了城市街道模板,并为每个参与者分配了单独的街区。 在探索最终结果时,您会看到输入的每个城市街区都是由不同的创意头脑精心制作的,并且具有独特的风格。

V: This is not your first Resonate, right? What do you like about the festival?

V:这不是您的第一个Resonate,对吗? 您喜欢这个节日吗?

A: It is not, we attended the first Resonate festival in 2012 and taught a workshop with our tool DepthKit, a volumetric filmmaking tool for filming with the Kinect or other depth sensors. As a side note, we are actually in the process of converting it into a robust tool for capturing and viewing cinematic 3D video captures in Unity for use especially in VR and AR.

:并非如此,我们参加了2012年的首届Resonate音乐节,并用我们的工具DepthKit讲授了一个讲习班,该工具是一种用于使用Kinect或其他深度传感器进行摄影的体积摄影工具。 附带说明一下,我们实际上正在将其转换为一个强大的工具,用于在Unity中捕获和查看电影3D视频捕获,尤其是在VR和AR中使用。

The festival has an incredible energy about it. We get the chance to meet and get to know so many friends and colleagues with whom we are usually only in virtual contact. The quality of the workshops and talks and the passion of the organizers is really inspiring.

音乐节的能量令人难以置信。 我们有机会见面并结识很多我们通常只是虚拟接触的朋友和同事。 研讨会的质量和演讲以及组织者的热情确实令人鼓舞。

J: Resonate provides a one of a kind audience and community for us to bring these types of workshops. We’re incredibly grateful to the organizers Eduard Prats Molner and Julie Pusztai for giving us the opportunity to create the Exquisite City.

J :Resonate为我们提供了这类研讨会的听众和社区之一。 我们非常感谢组织者Eduard Prats Molner和Julie Pusztai给了我们创造精美城市的机会。

Christian Ervin, Pierluigi Dalla Rosa & Paul Skinner of Tellart lead a physical computing workshop “Designing Connected Experiences”. Tellart的 Christian Ervin,Pierluigi Dalla Rosa和Paul Skinner 主持了一个物理计算研讨会“ Designing Connected Experiences”。

项目模板和教程 (Project templates and tutorials)

If you want to explore the final project please visit the Project page where you can download executables for Windows and Mac (+Oculus Rift support!). All Unity templates and tutorials are available for free at the Workshop Page.

如果要浏览最终项目,请访问“项目”页面 ,您可以在其中下载Windows和Mac的可执行文件(+ Oculus Rift支持!)。 所有Unity模板和教程均可在Workshop页面免费获得。

因此,请不要浪费您的时间,带上iPhone,然后开始从公寓或办公室里拍摄第一人称射击游戏! (8 (So, don’t waste your time, take your iPhone and start making a first-person shooter out of your apartment or office space! (8)

聚苯乙烯 (P.S.)

If you want to find out more about the festival follow its page on Facebook where you will find photos and reviews of past events, like this one from dailyinspiration.nlResonate 2015: For Those of You Who Couldn’t Attend. If you’d like to play the game created during the workshop you can do so here.

如果您想了解更多关于音乐节的信息,请在Facebook上浏览其页面,该页面上您可以找到过去活动的照片和评论,例如Dailyinspiration.nl2015年的 共鸣 那些无法参加的人 。 如果您想玩在研讨会上创建的游戏,可以在这里进行。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/05/29/exquisite-city/






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