Unity @ GDC 2010

GDC is nearly upon us, I can’t believe it! We’ve got so much going on at this year’s show — there will be plenty of chances for people to learn more about Unity throughout next week. I’m going to give you a rundown of where we’ll be and what we’ll be doing.

GDC快要临到我们了,我简直不敢相信! 在今年的展会上,我们有很多事情要做-人们在下周有很多机会来了解有关Unity的更多信息。 我将向您简要介绍我们将要做的事情和将要做的事情。

展位号 (Booth)

Come by our booth this year and get your badge swiped for a chance to win a license of Unity Pro or Unity iPhone! Our booth is 1,000 square feet (that’s 2.5x larger than last year!) and it is made out of wood, yes wood, and was designed by our friends at Because We Can who are pretty notable in the San Francisco area for doing the offices of game companies like Three Rings, Backbone, and Cryptic. The booth number is 1112, but it’s at the front of the expo hall so you definitely won’t miss it!

今年在我们的展位前来,挥舞您的徽章,就有机会赢得Unity Pro或Unity iPhone的许可证! 我们的展位为1,000平方英尺(比去年大2.5倍!),它是用木头做的,是木头做的,是由我们的朋友设计的, 因为我们在旧金山地区因办公室而闻名。游戏公司,例如“三环”,“骨干”和“隐秘”。 展位号是1112,但是它在博览会大厅的前面,所以您一定不会错过它!

A top-down view of Unity's Booth

The main focus of our booth is to give attendees a hands on experience. To do that we’re going to have three demo machines for giving people a tour of Unity and features they can be looking forward to and we’ve got three demo machines to show off the just-released Unity iPhone 1.6.  We’ll also have lots of great Unity content that people can get their hands on including: an iPhone arcade with four iPod Touches containing the very best Unity iPhone games, a Wii playing the award winning Max and the Magic Marker, a Xbox 360 showing Interstellar Marines, a web arcade showing a variety of Unity web player games, and a FishTish multi-touch table showing off uniTUIO content.

我们展位的主要重点是使与会者亲身体验。 为此,我们将配备三台演示机,使人们可以了解他们所期望的Unity和功能,并且我们还拥有三台演示机来展示刚刚发布的Unity iPhone 1.6。 我们还将提供许多出色的Unity内容,人们可以亲身体验,包括:带有四个iPod Touch的iPhone街机,其中包含最出色的Unity iPhone游戏; Wii播放获奖的Max和Magic Marker; Xbox 360显示星际海军陆战队(Interstellar Marines),展示各种Unity Web播放器游戏的网络拱廊,以及展示uniTUIO内容的FishTish多点触摸桌。

We’ll also be presenting in our booth’s theater and joined by the partners from our Partner Pavilion as well as the uniTUIO guys and Autodesk.


时间表 (Schedule)

星期二 (Tuesday)

从概念到高薪的最快途径 (Fastest Path from Concept to Top Paid)

iPhone Summit, Room 306, 12:30-1:00pm

iPhone Summit,306室,下午12:30-1:00

Tom Higgins, Product Evangelist at Unity Technologies talks about Unity iPhone and why it’s become the dominant middleware solution for content published in the App Store. The presentation will include an overview of the tool and its feature set, the development workflow and a sampling of success stories to highlight what’s possible with the amazing Unity game engine.

Unity Technologies的产品推广员Tom Higgins谈到了Unity iPhone,以及为什么它已成为App Store中发布内容的主要中间件解决方案。 演示将包括该工具及其功能集的概述,开发工作流以及成功案例的样本,以突出展示惊人的Unity游戏引擎可能实现的功能。

iPhone Summit Mixer,由Unity Technologies赞助 (iPhone Summit Mixer, Sponsored by Unity Technologies)

5:30pm-7:30pm near the iPhone summit room at the back of the hallway

5:30 pm-7:30pm在走廊后面的iPhone会议室附近

星期三 (Wednesday)

Myspace辅导日 :Myspace上的Unity (Myspace Tutorial Day: Unity on Myspace)

Room 300, South Hall, 10:30-11:00am


Featuring Tom Higgins and A few folks from Cmune who will talk about their experience creating social games with Unity for social platforms like Myspace.

由汤姆·希金斯(Tom Higgins)和来自Cmune的一些人组成,他们将谈论他们使用Unity为Myspace等社交平台创建社交游戏的经验。

GamesBeat @ GDC (GamesBeat@GDC)

Room 305, South Hall, 2:15-3:00pm


Our CEO David Helgason will participate in a pannel on Disruptive Innovation

我们的首席执行官David Helgason将参加有关破坏性创新的专题讨论会

OpenFeint派对 (OpenFeint Party)



We’re the drink sponsor at the OpenFeint party


星期四 (Thursday)

Expo floor opens.


IGF /游戏开发商选择奖 (IGF/Game Developers Choice Awards)

North Hall, Hall D, 6:30pm


星期五 (Friday)

会议: 向认识自己的人介绍Unity (Session: Intro to Unity for People Who Know What They’re Doing)

Room 121, North Hall, 9:00-10:00am


Unity’s Lucas Meijer will give a technical demonstration of Unity’s featureset. He will be joined by Unity’s CTO Joachim Ante, lead graphics engineer Aras Pranckevicius, and technical artist Joe Robins. C++ / C# scripting integration, shader programming, asset pipeline and iphone publishing workflow are among the topics that will be discussed. A must attend session for anyone evaluating engines for their next game.

Unity的Lucas Meijer将对Unity的功能集进行技术演示。 Unity的首席技术官Joachim Ante,首席图形工程师Aras Pranckevicius和技术艺术家Joe Robins将加入他的行列。 C ++ / C#脚本集成,着色器编程,资产管道和iphone发布工作流都是将要讨论的主题。 任何为下一个游戏评估引擎的人都必须参加会议。

Expo-only pass holders welcome!


工程师统一 (Unity for Engineers)

Expo Hall, NVIDIA Booth, 12:00-1:00pm


星期六 (Saturday)

Last day of the show, come by the booth one last time to hear a session you missed or to say goodbye!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/03/04/unity-gdc-2010/





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