
A bit over four years ago Unity 1.0 entered beta, and was subsequently released June 6th, 2005. Since then we’ve released 20 updates, grown from 3 to 34 people, seen hundreds of games and other products released (as well as thousands of demos and throw-aways).

四年前,Unity 1.0进入测试版,并于2005年6月6日发布。此后,我们发布了20个更新,从3人增加到34个人,看到了数百款游戏和其他产品的发布(以及数千款演示和扔掉的东西)。

But what is this all about anyway?


This summer I will be posting a handful of posts to share with you some of our thoughts about where this is all going. Not exactly a roadmap (our CTO Joachim Ante, as well as our lead iPhone developer Renaldas “ReJ” Zioma have been doing that), but to explain why we’re doing what we’re doing, and maybe to help us all know what we’re speaking about when we say “Unity”.

今年夏天,我将发布一些帖子,与您分享我们对这一切的看法。 不完全是一个路线图(我们的首席技术官Joachim Ante以及我们的主要iPhone开发人员Renaldas“ ReJ” Zioma一直在这样做),而是要解释为什么我们正在做我们正在做的事情,也许可以帮助我们大家知道我们说的是“团结”。

Democratization is the word


Giving everyone access to something that previously not everyone had access to. So we decided to do that.  This has several requirements:

让所有人都可以访问以前不是所有人都可以访问的内容。 因此,我们决定这样做。 这有几个要求:

1) Be simple, accessible


The first step to democratization is to provide a license that anyone can pick up.


Not everyone will go to the trouble to call up and inquire about pricing, so that has to be given away on the website.


Not everyone can afford $1499, so we offer a $199 license too.


We felt that a professional software model was the most powerful of models, offering a well understood setup where software is basically purchased from a website, rather than somehow pried away from the provider. To understand it, just think how Photoshop or Office is licensed and you’ve pretty much got it.

我们认为,专业的软件模型是功能最强大的模型,它提供了一种易于理解的设置,其中的软件基本上是从网站上购买的,而不是从提供者那里撬开的。 要了解它,只需考虑一下Photoshop或Office是如何获得许可的,您几乎已经掌握了它。

This then has to be offered in an accessible manner: all docs and tutorials are provided on the website;  no stupid NDAs to sign. And we offer our developer conference proceedings for free on the website too (some 30-odd hours of highly qualified tutorial content).

然后必须以可访问的方式提供:网站上提供了所有文档和教程; 没有愚蠢的保密协议要签署。 而且,我们也在网站上免费提供了我们的开发者会议记录(大约30多个小时的高质量教程内容)。

2) Robustness, polish


If you license a game engine for a million dollars, you’ll perhaps not mind too much to hire a full time supporter to go along with it. But if you buy something for $199 it better work the first time around!

如果您以一百万美元的价格许可了一个游戏引擎,那么您可能不会介意花太多时间雇用一个全职支持者来支持它。 但是,如果您以199美元的价格购买某物,则它在第一次使用时效果更好!

Think about it. As illogical as this sounds, having thousands of customers paying you just $199 each is an incredibly high bar, much higher than working in an enterprise licensing model where you have a complex and high-touch relationship with each customer.

想一想。 听起来很不合逻辑,成千上万的客户每人仅向您支付199美元是一个令人难以置信的高门槛,比在企业许可模式下工作要高得多,在企业许可模式下,您与每个客户之间都有复杂而密切的联系。

3) Profit


While the previous two points are pretty obvious, this one is less so, but no less important. No matter how friendly a business model one adopts, if it’s not profitable, it’ll have to change. We however are proud that our business model is working incredibly well, and that we therefore are able to stay the course (more than can be said about some of our dear competitors).

虽然前两点很明显,但这一点虽然不那么重要,但同样重要。 不管采用一种商业模式多么友好,如果它无法盈利,就必须改变。 但是,我们为自己的业务模型运行良好而感到自豪,因此我们能够坚持到底(对我们一些亲爱的竞争对手而言,这是不言而喻的)。

But just for the record (we’re honest guys) we’re not just doing this to be nice. There is a kind of boiling point of openness and accessibility, at which a community can evolve and generate tremendous excitement and value. Which everyone who participates gets to share in.

但是,仅出于记录目的(我们是老实人),我们并不仅仅是为了表现出色。 开放和可及性存在一种沸点,社区可以在此发展并产生巨大的兴奋和价值。 参与的每个人都可以分享。

And with you, we’ve hit it. Thanks, and here’s to many more years of cool Unity.

和您一起,我们成功了。 谢谢,还有很多很酷的Unity年。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/05/26/what-is-this-unity-anyway/





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