

Kent Hudson made a game that is part The Shining, part Gone Home and part something new entirely. In The Novelist, you are a ghost helping a writer who’s struggling with work-life balance. The developer told me that the uScript plugin was his own friendly ghost in the machine.

肯特·哈德森(Kent Hudson)制作了一部游戏,其中包括《闪灵》,《消失的家》和全新的游戏。 在《小说家》中 ,您是一个鬼魂,可以帮助正在努力实现工作与生活平衡的作家。 开发人员告诉我, uScript插件是他在计算机中的友好角色

“I know this sounds like a shameless plug, but it’s true: Unity and the Asset Store are the reason I’m able to make games independently,” says Kent, who’s been previously working on games like Deux Ex: Invisible War or BioShock 2 before going indie. He has more than a decade of game development experience, but tells me that without uScript Visual Scripting Tool, creating The Novelist would be out of reach for him.

“我知道这听起来像是无耻的插件,但这是事实:Unity和Asset Store是我能够独立制作游戏的原因,”曾从事Deux Ex:Invisible War或BioShock 2等游戏的Kent说。在独立之前。 他拥有十多年的游戏开发经验,但他告诉我,如果没有uScript Visual Scripting Tool ,创建The Novelist对他来说是遥不可及的。

“I come from a systems design background, so I think very technically, but I’ve never stuck with programming courses long enough to actually become a proficient engineer. I’m used to architecting reusable systems and game objects, though, so uScript was the perfect tool for me.” explains Kent Hudson

“我来自系统设计背景,所以我在技术上非常思考,但是我从来没有坚持足够长的编程课程来真正成为一名熟练的工程师。 不过,我习惯于架构可重用的系统和游戏对象,因此uScript是我的理想工具。” 肯特·哈德森(Kent Hudson)解释

He used it for player movement, the memory system, controlling the UI, the human AI behaviors, the narrative structure of the game, and every other bit of on-screen functionality in the game. “Not a single line of code was written for my game; the entire thing was built in uScript”.

他将其用于玩家移动,存储系统,控制UI,人类AI行为,游戏的叙述结构以及游戏中所有其他屏幕功能。 “没有为我的游戏编写任何代码; 整个东西都是用uScript构建的”。

Here’s a the uScript editor window, opened up to the logic that computes character relationships when the player makes decisions. Click on the thumbnail to see the full screenshot:

这是一个uScript编辑器窗口,打开了播放器做出决定时计算角色关系的逻辑。 单击缩略图以查看完整的屏幕截图:

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 5.10.21 PM

Another big advantage of using uScript is its powerful reflection system, which means that it can interface with other Unity plugins. There’s no extra support required to get it working with code from other programmers on the project or other Asset Store plugins and extensions.

使用uScript的另一个主要优点是其强大的反射系统,这意味着它可以与其他Unity插件进行交互。 不需要其他支持即可与项目中其他程序员或其他Asset Store插件和扩展的代码一起使用。

Kent Hudson also used NGUI for the UI and its partner plug-in, HUD Text,  to create the thoughts that float above the characters’ heads. “Instead of crafting a UI system from the ground up, I was able to focus on writing the text that would be displayed by the UI.”

肯特·哈德森(Kent Hudson)还将NGUI用于UI及其合作伙伴插件HUD Text ,以创造浮现在角色头顶上方的想法。 “我没有从头开始设计UI系统,而是专注于编写将由UI显示的文本。”

The Highlighting System by Deep Dream and Glow Per-Object plug-ins are responsible for object highlighting in the game. All of these are connected with uScript.

Deep DreamHighlighting SystemGlow Per-Object插件负责在游戏中突出显示对象。 所有这些都与uScript连接。

So what is Kent Hudson up to next? “Now that I’m so familiar with Unity, I feel like there aren’t many limits on what I can do for my next game. I can start up a new Unity project, import my key plug-ins, and start building things right away. The number of possibilities the Asset Store has opened up has been amazing, and I feel like it’s only going to get better from here.”

那么,肯特·哈德森接下来要做什么? “现在,我对Unity非常熟悉,我觉得下一场比赛可以做的事情没有很多限制。 我可以启动一个新的Unity项目,导入我的关键插件,并立即开始构建东西。 Asset Store开设的可能性之多令人赞叹,我觉得从这里开始只会变得越来越好。”

Here’s a shot of all of the possible outcomes that can result from the player’s decisions in The Novelist. Click on the thumbnail to see the full screenshot:

这是玩家在《小说家》中的决策可能导致的所有可能结果的快照。 单击缩略图以查看完整的屏幕截图:

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 5.11.49 PM

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/05/08/the-novelist-and-the-asset-store-the-visual-scripting-story/






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