unite_Unite 2016主题总结:有关图形,平台,VR等的新闻


Unite ’16 Los Angeles has officially begun! With three jam-packed days of learning, idea sharing, networking, showcases, and more ahead of us, you won’t want to miss any of the action. Be sure to follow @unity3d and official hashtag #Unite16 to stay updated throughout the week.

Unite '16洛杉矶正式开始! 经过三天的学习,想法共享,社交,展示和其他活动,您将不会错过任何行动。 确保遵循@ unity3d和官方标签 #Unite16, 以保持整周更新。

The opening keynote finished just moments ago, and we have heaps of exciting news to share with you. Here’s a brief recap of the morning for those of you who missed it.

开幕主题演讲刚刚结束,我们有很多激动人心的新闻要与您分享。 这是对那些想念早晨的人的简短回顾。

质量和工作流程 (Quality and workflows)

On stage, our CEO John Riccitiello explained how we’re improving the stability and quality of our releases. We’ve decided to not merge any features to trunk until we have enough real-life usage feedback from Unity developers such as yourselves. To that end, we’ve been releasing experimental builds that you can try and give feedback on. It’s thanks to our excellent community and your willingness to test and send valuable feedback that we’re able to continually improve.

在舞台上,我们的首席执行官John Riccitiello解释了我们如何提高发布的稳定性和质量。 我们决定不合并任何功能到主干,直到我们从Unity开发人员(如您自己)获得足够的实际使用情况反馈为止。 为此,我们一直在发布 实验性的构建 ,您可以尝试并提供反馈。 这要归功于我们优秀的社区以及您愿意测试并发送宝贵的反馈意见,我们可以不断改进它们。

We’ve also changed the way we work. QA is now embedded in our engineering teams, enabling us to can catch bugs earlier. And we’re working directly with game development teams to better understand your needs and issues.

我们还改变了工作方式。 现在,质量检查已嵌入我们的工程团队中,使我们能够更早地发现错误。 我们直接与游戏开发团队合作,以更好地了解您的需求和问题。

Our CTO and co-founder Joachim Ante came on stage to talk about some of the long term work we’re doing to improve the way Unity scales across the board, from performance to optimizing workflows. One project we’re making good progress with is rewriting the asset import pipeline. Eventually, you’ll no longer see a progress bar when you import a project folder – it’ll open instantly. Unity will ensure the asset or scene you’re working on is imported, and those you aren’t currently using will quietly import in the background.

我们的CTO和联合创始人Joachim Ante上台谈论了我们正在做的一些长期工作,以改善从性能到优化工作流程的Unity全面扩展方式。 我们正在取得良好进展的一个项目是重写资产导入管道。 最终,当您导入项目文件夹时,您将不再看到进度条,它会立即打开。 Unity将确保导入您正在处理的资产或场景,而您当前未使用的资产或场景将在后台悄悄导入。

Another initiative is a hot-reload to device feature, which will speed up your iteration time when testing on mobile devices, which is especially crucial on mobile VR platforms. And we even have a team that’s dedicated to optimizing load times in general.

另一个举措是对设备功能的热重装,这将加快在移动设备上进行测试时的迭代时间,这在移动VR平台上尤其重要。 而且,我们甚至拥有专门致力于优化加载时间的团队。

性能 (Performance)

Joachim also talked about our work on multithreading parts of the engine, especially the renderer. We aim to get to 100% multicore utilization. In order to improve the performance of all simulation code, we’ve also rewritten our transform component so it can be safely accessed from jobs. With the rewrite, we’ll not only be able to jobify the code but also optimize the transform component’s performance when used only on the main thread.

Joachim还谈到了我们在引擎的多线程部分,尤其是渲染器方面的工作。 我们的目标是使多核利用率达到100%。 为了提高所有模拟代码的性能,我们还重写了转换组件,以便可以从作业中安全地访问它。 通过重写,当仅在主线程上使用时,我们不仅能够将代码分成作业,而且还可以优化转换组件的性能。

Joachim then jumped into a demo showing off the impressive new C# job system. You won’t want to miss all the details, so be sure to tune into the keynote video to check it out.

然后,Joachim跳入一个演示,展示了令人印象深刻的新C#作业系统。 您不会想错过所有细节,因此请务必收听主题视频以进行检查。

图形和美工工具 (Graphics and Artist Tools)

By now many of you have seen our short film Adam. Now, you can download the standalone executable of the demo and play around with it yourself in real-time. We’ve also released the character, environment and GFX packs, all available now on the Unity Asset Store. For more info and all the download links, check out the blog from earlier today.

现在,你们中的许多人已经看过我们的短片《亚当》。 现在,您可以下载该演示的独立可执行文件,并自己亲自进行演示。 我们还发布了角色,环境和GFX包,所有这些现在都可以在Unity Asset Store中获得。 有关更多信息和所有下载链接, 请查阅 今天早些时候 的博客

As part of our commitment and investment in Graphics, we’ve also recruited a talented team of technologists in Paris, highly specialized to solve some of the toughest problems for artists from advanced particles to lighting to photogrammetry. We’re hoping to build a set of new tools that artists will love using.

作为我们对图形技术的承诺和投资的一部分,我们还招募了一支在巴黎的技术专家团队,这些人员非常专业,可以解决艺术家的一些最棘手的问题,从高级粒子到照明到摄影测量。 我们希望建立一套艺术家会喜欢使用的新工具。


Apple Strategic Partnership Manager and R&D Developer Filip Iliescu spoke about how we’re deepening support of Metal API for iOS and macOS. In Unity 5.5 we’ve updated our shader cross-compiler, enabling us to use advanced features like instancing. Full Metal compute shader support, tessellation, native shaders and the Unity Editor running Metal will be coming later. Filip then ran a demo on an iPad Pro running several post processing FX that show the impact instancing has on performance.

苹果战略合作伙伴经理和研发开发人员 Filip Iliescu谈到了我们如何加深对iOS和macOS的Metal API的支持。 在Unity 5.5中,我们更新了着色器交叉编译器,使我们能够使用实例化等高级功能。 全金属计算着色器支持,镶嵌,本机着色器和运行Metal的Unity Editor将在稍后发布。 Filip随后在运行多个后期处理FX的iPad Pro上运行了一个演示,演示了实例化对性能的影响。

Our enhanced Vulkan support is also coming soon, which is very exciting news for developers who want to take full advantage of the latest generation of devices, as out-of-the-box testing has shown performance improvements of up to 30 to 60% across all platforms.


Want to get early access to these Metal features or interested to try Unity’s Vulkan renderer yourself? Download our experimental preview build and give it a test: unity3d.com/experimental

想要尽早使用这些Metal功能,还是有兴趣亲自尝试Unity的Vulkan渲染器? 下载我们的实验预览版本并进行测试: unity3d.com/experimental


Matt Dean from our Graphics team came on stage to demo Unity’s post-processing stack, showing off effects like Antialiasing, depth of field, bloom, color grading, and more. It combines a complete set of image effects into a single post-process pipeline, which allows combination of many effects into a single pass and features an asset-based configuration system for easy preset management. It’s currently in beta and all open source, so check it out on GitHub.

来自我们图形团队的Matt Dean 上台演示了Unity的后处理堆栈,展示了抗锯齿,景深,光晕,颜色分级等效果。 它将完整的图像效果集组合到单个后期处理管道中,从而可以将多个效果组合到一个通道中,并具有基于资产的配置系统,可轻松进行预设管理。 它目前处于beta版本,并且全部开源,因此请在 GitHub上进行 检查 。

Technical Director Lucas Meijer showed off our new VFX Image Sequencer tool, which provides VFX artists with an in-engine toolchain, enabling them to use techniques like flipbook image authoring. This should make your VFX iteration times much faster. To check out our experimental build of Image Sequencer, head to the dedicated forum.

技术总监Lucas Meijer展示了我们新的VFX Image Sequencer工具,该工具为VFX艺术家提供了引擎内工具链,使他们能够使用活页簿图像创作等技术。 这应该使您的VFX迭代时间快得多。 要查看我们的Image Sequencer的实验版本,请 访问专门的论坛

Our Head of Cinematics Adam Myhill showed off a demo of our new visual tool, Timeline, which allows you to create dynamic shots using procedural cameras, tracking, and composition blending. It has the standard features you’d expect from a sequencer, like support for animation and audio, allowing artists to focus on storytelling, not coding. A preview for this will be available soon.

我们的电影学负责人Adam Myhill演示了我们的新视觉工具“时间轴”的演示,该工具使您可以使用程序相机,跟踪和构图融合来创建动态镜头。 它具有您期望的音序器标准功能,例如对动画和音频的支持,使艺术家可以专注于讲故事,而不是编码。 预览将很快可用。

Otoy Founder and CEO Jules Urbach also came on stage, to show off some of the work they’ve been doing in movies and television, like the opening intro to HBO’s West World – all done with their impressive Octane renderer, the world’s first and fastest GPU-accelerated, unbiased, physically correct renderer. We’re excited to announce that we are partnering with Otoy to ship Unity with full Octane integration next year. You’ll be able to import any cinematic asset, drop it into your timeline and have it automatically rendered in a physically correct way. The integration with Otoy’s Octane renderer means you’ll be able to render and publish ORBX VR media from Unity.

Otoy创始人兼首席执行官Jules Urbach也登台亮相,以展示他们在电影和电视上所做的一些工作,例如HBO的《西部世界》的开场介绍-所有这些都由其令人印象深刻的Octane渲染器完成,该渲染器是世界上第一台,最快GPU加速,无偏的,物理上正确的渲染器。 我们很高兴地宣布,我们将与Otoy合作,在明年向Unity交付与Octane完全集成的产品。 您将能够导入任何电影资产,将其放入时间表中,并以物理上正确的方式自动进行渲染。 与Otoy的Octane渲染器的集成意味着您将能够从Unity 渲染和发布ORBX VR媒体


虚拟现实 (

Our new head of AR/VR Tony Parisi came on stage to touch on how we’re planning to invest in the future of AR/VR.

我们新的AR / VR负责人Tony Parisi上台谈论我们计划如何投资AR / VR的未来。

And we were thrilled that lead product manager for Daydream Developer Platform Nathan Martz was able to come on stage to show off the latest from Google Daydream, from Daydream Home, to accessing Google Play right in VR, to confirming the official street date for Daydream View — available in just a few days on Nov 10! We’re so excited to have mainline support for Google Daydream in Unity 5.6. Until then, check out our preview!

我们很高兴Daydream开发者平台的首席产品经理Nathan Martz能够上台展示Google Daydream,Daydream Home以及VR中访问Google Play的最新消息,并确认Daydream View的正式发布日期—将于11月10日在几天内推出! 我们很高兴能在Unity 5.6中对Google Daydream提供主线支持。 在此之前, 请查看我们的预览


We also heard from our VR Principal Engineer Dioselin Gonzalez who announced our completely new video player. We’ve rebuilt this from scratch with performance in mind, so we can support 360 VR videos and smooth 4K playback. The video player will be coming to Unity 5.6, with a preview coming soon.

我们的VR首席工程师Dioselin Gonzalez也宣布了我们全新的视频播放器。 我们从头开始重建它,同时考虑到性能,因此我们可以支持360 VR视频和流畅的4K播放。 该视频播放器将使用Unity 5.6,并即将进行预览。

Our Labs team, Principal Designer Timoni West and Principal Engineer Amir Ebrahimi took to the stage for a live demo of our VR authoring tool called EditorVR. (Thanks to Campo Santo for letting us use assets from their game Firewatch!) EditorVR is built as a Unity package, so you can import it into your project using the open Unity Editor API, just like you would any other tool you find on the Asset Store. We’re pleased to say that EditorVR is fully extensible and open source, and a preview will be coming in Dec 2016. For more information on EditorVR, keep an eye on http://labs.unity.com.

我们的实验室团队,首席设计师Timoni West和首席工程师Amir Ebrahimi上台了我们称为VR创作工具VR的实时演示。 (感谢Campo Santo允许我们使用其游戏Firewatch中的资产!)EditorVR是作为Unity软件包构建的,因此您可以使用开放的Unity Editor API将其导入到项目中,就像在该工具上找到的任何其他工具一样。资产商店。 我们很高兴地说EditorVR是完全可扩展的并且是开源的,预览版将于2016年12月发布。有关EditorVR的更多信息,请关注 http://labs.unity.com


平台与服务 (Platforms & Services)

We’re aspiring to make developers’ lives easier with services like Unity Collaborate, enabling your entire teams to create together. Since its soft launch in March, over 12,000 creators have signed up for the closed beta. Now, we’re pleased to announce that we’re opening the beta to everyone. To sign up, please head to unity3d.com/collaborate.

我们希望通过Unity Collaborate之类的服务使开发人员的生活更轻松,从而使您的整个团队能够一起创建。 自3月份软启动以来,已有12,000多位创作者报名参加了内测。 现在,我们很高兴地宣布,我们将向所有人开放测试版。 要注册,请访问 unity3d.com/collaborate

At this point, our Chief People Office, Elizabeth Brown, took the stage to talk about our new marketplace for work. If you’re looking for a way to showcase your skills and connect with interesting projects and potential employers, Unity Connect aims to do just that. And what’s more, Unity Connect goes into open beta today! To learn more and sign up, head to connect.unity.com.

在这一点上,我们的首席人民办公室伊丽莎白·布朗(Elizabeth Brown)上台谈论我们的新工作市场。 如果您正在寻找一种方法来展示自己的技能,并与有趣的项目和潜在的雇主建立联系,Unity Connect旨在做到这一点。 而且,Unity Connect今天将进入公开测试阶段! 要了解更多信息并注册,请访问 connect.unity.com


John Riccitiello then returned to the stage to talk about our platform strategy. Did you know that this year alone, we added support for Amazon FireOS, Microsoft HoloLens, Google Cardboard, Google Daydream, and SteamVR? That brings us to 28 platforms and technologies. Not stopping there, we announced today our exciting partnerships with Xiaomi, the Nintendo Switch, and Vuforia.

然后,John Riccitiello回到舞台上谈论我们的平台策略。 您是否知道仅在今年,我们就增加了对Amazon FireOS,Microsoft HoloLens,Google Cardboard,Google Daydream和SteamVR的支持? 这使我们拥有28种平台和技术。 不仅止步于此,我们今天宣布了与小米,Nintendo Switch和Vuforia的令人兴奋的合作伙伴关系。

Director of Global Games Partnerships at Facebook Leo Olebe then came on stage to officially unveil the name for Facebook’s new dedicated PC gaming platform — Facebook Gameroom. Their export-to-Facebook feature in the Unity Editor is now going open beta, so be sure to check out the public preview.

随后,Facebook全球游戏合作伙伴总监Leo Olebe上台正式宣布了Facebook新的专用PC游戏平台Facebook Gameroom的名称。 他们在Unity编辑器中的导出到Facebook功能现已公开测试,因此请务必 查看公开预览

用Unity制作 (Made with Unity)

We also brought several Unity developers up on stage, to talk about how they’re using Unity to create their upcoming titles. We’re so humbled that the games and experiences you have all been making span across every

我们还邀请了几个Unity开发人员上台,讨论他们如何使用Unity来创建他们即将推出的游戏。 我们非常谦虚,以至于您在各个领域都积累了丰富的游戏和经验

A big thanks to Visionary Realms’ Brad McQuaid and Corey LeFever, who came on stage to demo Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, an open world high fantasy, group-focused MMORPG that shows just what can be done with Unity.

非常感谢有远见的王国的Brad McQuaid和Corey LeFever,他们在舞台上演示了《万神殿:堕落的崛起》,这是一个开放世界的高幻想,专注于群体的MMORPG,展示了Unity可以做什么。

We’ve also been working with some developers already to test out our new progressive light mapper. We’re thrilled that Lucky’s Tale developer Playful’s Juan Martinez could come on stage to show off how they’ve been using new features from the progressive light mapper with a sneak peek at Playful’s next project. We’ll be releasing a preview of the progressive light mapper preview soon, so keep an eye on our experimental feature forum for updates.

我们还一直在与一些开发人员合作,以测试我们新的渐进式光照贴图器。 我们很高兴Lucky的故事开发人员Playful的Juan Martinez可以上台展示他们如何使用渐进式光照贴图器的新功能,并偷看Playful的下一个项目。 我们即将发布渐进式光照贴图器预览的预览,因此请关注我们的 实验功能论坛 以获取更新。

We were excited to welcome Gamevil President Kyu Lee to the stage to show off Royal Blood and talk about their development process, from the various graphics techniques they used for more efficiency, to how they’ve used custom built editor extensions to great success. Royal Blood is scheduled for global release in the first half of 2017.

我们很高兴欢迎Gamevil总裁Kyu Lee登台炫耀Royal Blood,并讨论他们的开发过程,从他们为提高效率而使用的各种图形技术到如何使用定制的编辑器扩展取得巨大成功。 Royal Blood计划于2017年上半年在全球发布。

Ben Cousins took to the stage to debut The Outsiders’ upcoming viking RPG called Project Wight. The impressive demo’s graphics were made in only 3 months, using off-the-shelf Unity 5.4 with assets from the Asset Store.

本·库辛斯(Ben Cousins)登台登场 , 推出了 《局外人 》即将 上演 的 北欧海盗RPG,名为Project Wight。 令人印象深刻的演示图形仅用三个月就完成了,使用了现成的Unity 5.4和Asset Store中的资产。



Thanks for joining us!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/11/01/unite-2016-keynote-wrap-up-news-on-graphics-platforms-vr-and-more/






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