
The latest version of Unity MARS features the Rules workflow, a new UI view and method for describing AR layout and behavior concisely and in plain language. This provides you with a clear starting point for creating your AR experiences, and an easy way to manage hierarchies and to describe interactions.

最新版本的Unity MARS具有“规则”工作流,新的UI视图和方法,以简明扼要的语言简单描述AR布局和行为。 这为您提供创建AR体验的清晰起点,以及管理层次结构和描述交互的简便方法。

Unity MARS helps you lay out digital content in ways that relate to the real world. By using proxies (stand-ins for real-world objects) and conditions (the criteria you set for when and how you want your digital content to interact with those real-world objects), Unity MARS looks for a good location match in the real world to place your digital content, and then triggers actions and events. With Unity MARS, you can define any set of conditions you want. We call this set of conditions a Rule.

Unity MARS 可帮助您以与现实世界相关的方式来布置数字内容。 通过使用代理(真实世界对象的替代品)和条件(为数字内容与这些真实世界对象进行交互的时间和方式设置的条件),Unity MARS可以在真实环境中寻找良好的位置匹配放置您的数字内容,然后触发动作和事件。 使用Unity MARS,您可以定义所需的任何条件集。 我们称这组条件为 Rule

The new Rules view provides a plain-language description of the expected real-world environment and the AR content to populate it. Here are two basic examples: “On every horizontal surface, create grass” and “On an image marker, show UI.” These simple sentences hide a fair amount of complexity from the user. 

新的“规则”视图提供了预期的实际环境及其填充的AR内容的纯语言描述。 这是两个基本示例:“在每个水平面上创建草”和“在图像标记上显示UI”。 这些简单的句子向用户隐藏了相当多的复杂性。

For example, in a non-Rules Unity MARS scene, you would define the “On every horizontal surface, create grass” expression using a hierarchy of objects: a Replicator (“On every”), its child Proxy (“horizontal surface”), and its child content (“create grass”).

例如,在非规则Unity MARS场景中,您将使用以下对象层次结构定义“在每个水平面上,创建草”表达式:复制器(“在每个上”),其子代理(“水平面”) ,以及其子内容(“创建草丛”)。

In the Rules workflow, you can quickly set up this AR scenario without needing to understand the underlying components or having to manage the Unity MARS object hierarchy.

在“规则”工作流中,您可以快速设置此AR场景,而无需了解基础组件或必须管理Unity MARS对象层次结构。

一个真实的例子 (A real-world example)

Here you can see an example of a location-based experience authored using a photogrammetry scan of San Francisco’s Memorial Court and City Hall. We added descriptive data to the scan to provide more context for this location. 

在这里,您可以看到一个使用旧金山的纪念法院和市政厅的摄影测量扫描撰写的基于位置的体验的示例。 我们向扫描添加了描述性数据,以提供该位置的更多上下文。

You can see that our rules are simple and self-explanatory; for example, “on every window, spawn window prop.” Our goal is that anyone working on this project should be able to get a good sense of what this experience will do just by reading through the list of rules – in this case, theme this area with a Sci-Fi styling.

您可以看到我们的规则简单明了。 例如,“在每个窗口上生成窗口道具。” 我们的目标是,通过阅读规则列表,从事此项目的任何人都应该能够很好地了解这种经验的作用–在这种情况下,请以Sci-Fi样式为主题。

为高级元素提供简单的起点 (Providing an easy starting point for advanced elements)

As well as the above functionality, the Rules workflow contains a number of additional features such as Proxy Groups and Landmarks that help you further describe and organize your AR scenarios.


使用代理组查询真实对象 (Using Proxy Groups to query for real objects)

A Proxy Group lets you query for a number of real objects. For example, you might need a set of real tables in order to create a virtual bridge for your character to walk across, or a series of images in an art gallery to trigger narration, or navigation to the next area of your experience. 

代理组使您可以查询许多实际对象。 例如,您可能需要一组真实的表才能为角色创建一个虚拟的桥梁,或者在美术馆中显示一系列图像以触发叙述,或导航到您体验的下一个区域。

Proxy Groups also support special conditions that operate on multiple objects, such as a required distance range between the objects in the group. The Rules workflow provides a quick way to convert an existing single-object rule into a Proxy Group, and has simple ways to modify the group’s conditions in the Rules panel. 

代理组还支持对多个对象进行操作的特殊条件,例如组中对象之间所需的距离范围。 规则工作流提供了一种将现有单对象规则转换为代理组的快速方法,并具有在“规则”面板中修改组条件的简单方法。

对公用对象使用地标 (Using Landmarks for common objects)

Another advanced Unity MARS capability is Landmarks: a system for calculating more precise points and geometry within a Proxy. This concept started with Unity MARS’s face mask functionality, and the standard “landmarks” of a face: eyes, nose, mouth, and so on. As we built the face workflows, we realized that the same concept could apply to other kinds of objects (for example, an image marker has corners and edges, and more granularity is possible, such as “the bottom edge”). 

Unity MARS的另一项高级功能是Landmarks:一种用于在Proxy中计算更精确的点和几何的系统。 这个概念始于Unity MARS的面罩功能以及面部的标准“地标”:眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴等。 在构建人脸工作流程时,我们意识到相同的概念也可以应用于其他类型的对象(例如,图像标记具有角和边缘,并且可能具有更多的粒度,例如“底部边缘”)。

Where Landmarks really shine is in groups, like the earlier example of building a (virtual) bridge between two (real) tables. In order for that layout to look believable, you need more information than just that two tables exist; specifically, you need to be able to define a scenario like “Spawn a bridge between the closest edges of the two tables.”

Landmarks真正发挥作用的地方是成组的,就像前面在两个(真实)表之间建立(虚拟)桥梁的示例一样。 为了使该布局看起来可信,您需要的信息不仅仅是两个表。 具体来说,您需要能够定义一个方案,例如“在两个表的最近边缘之间建立桥梁”。

The Rules workflow gives you a simple way to organize this information, as shown below.


In this example, you can see a plain text description of how the AR content should be laid out relative to the other objects.


让高级用户摆脱护栏 (Letting advanced users take the guardrails off)

At Unity we try to build for 80% of use cases, without blocking the other 20%. This means that Unity tools should be broadly accessible and well configured for what most users want to do, but we always provide a path for the most technical users to do whatever they need to do.

在Unity,我们尝试构建80%的用例,而不会阻塞其他20%的用例。 这意味着Unity工具应该可以广泛访问并针对大多数用户想要做的事情进行良好配置,但是我们始终为大多数技术用户提供执行他们所需做的事情的途径。

While the Rules workflow lets us put some guardrails, shortcuts, and best practices into the AR authoring experience, we know that our most technical users will need our systems to do things we didn’t expect, and it’s our job to not get in the way. So while the Rules workflow automates the setup of the underlying Unity MARS object construction of Replicators, Proxies, Proxy Groups, Landmarks, and Actions – and hides these objects from the Hierarchy – we know that some users will want to step beyond the simplified UI and work directly with the underlying objects. When you inspect a ruleset object, there’s an option to show these objects in the Hierarchy. Advanced users can enable this option to modify the scene setup to fit their needs.

尽管Rules工作流程使我们能够在AR创作体验中加入一些防护,快捷方式和最佳实践,但我们知道,大多数技术用户将需要我们的系统来完成我们意想不到的事情,而这是我们的工作。方式。 因此,尽管“规则”工作流自动设置了复制器,代理,代理组,地标和操作的基础Unity MARS对象构造的设置,并从层次结构中隐藏了这些对象,但我们知道有些用户将希望超越简化的UI和直接与基础对象一起工作。 检查规则集对象时,可以选择在层次结构中显示这些对象。 高级用户可以启用此选项来修改场景设置以适应他们的需求。

For a full walkthrough of how to start using the Rules workflow, take a look at the Rules documentation page

有关如何开始使用“规则”工作流的完整演练,请查看“ 规则”文档页面

加入我们的网络研讨会,了解“规则”工作流程的实际应用 (Join our webinar to see the Rules workflow in action)

We’re excited to make this workflow available in the latest version of Unity MARS, and are looking forward to hearing your feedback. Join us on Wednesday, September 16 at 10:00 am PT as we dive in and show you how to use Rules in your AR project.

我们很高兴在最新版本的Unity MARS中提供此工作流程,并期待听到您的反馈。 9月16日(星期三)太平洋时间上午10:00加入我们,我们将深入探讨如何在您的AR项目中使用规则。

Register for the webinar


Learn more about Unity MARS and start your free trial today.

了解 有关Unity MARS的 更多 信息,并立即开始免费试用。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/09/02/a-plain-language-approach-to-authoring-ar/





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