c# 托管的函数和要素_优质电子邮件托管的5个基本要素

c# 托管的函数和要素

Email continues to remain the single most important communication channel for business. Its speed and ease make it the ideal way to connect both internally and externally and it can be used for an enormous number of things. Indeed, without email, many businesses would grind to a halt. And because email is so important, it is vital that your business has email hosting which meets the needs today’s marketplace. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what you should look for when choosing an email hosting package.

电子邮件仍然是企业最重要的沟通渠道。 它的速度和便捷性使其成为内部和外部连接的理想方式,并且可以用于大量事物。 确实,没有电子邮件,许多企业将陷入停顿。 并且由于电子邮件是如此重要,因此至关重要的是,您的企业必须拥有能够满足当今市场需求的电子邮件托管。 在本文中,我们将确切说明选择电子邮件托管程序包时应寻找的内容。

安全 (Security)

Organisations have an obligation to comply with the regulations of the Information Commissioner’s Office and the Data Protection Act. This includes protecting personal data or sensitive information that is sent by email or stored on email servers. For this reason, businesses need to have an email service which will help them maintain compliance with the law.

组织有义务遵守信息专员办公室和《数据保护法》的规定。 这包括保护通过电子邮件发送或存储在电子邮件服务器上的个人数据或敏感信息。 因此,企业需要提供电子邮件服务,以帮助他们保持法律合规性。

There are a number of things you need to check for to ensure that your email is safe. To help prevent data being stolen by hackers, ideally, you want a web host that monitors your email server for intrusion and prevents hackers getting access. To prevent the loss of your emails, whether from hardware failure or accidental deletion, you should also use an email host that offers email backups and secure archiving as part of their packages. With protected archiving, your emails are compressed and encrypted, giving your organisation the security it needs to stay legally compliant.

您需要检查很多事情,以确保您的电子邮件安全。 为了帮助防止数据被黑客窃取,理想情况下,您需要一个Web主机来监视电子邮件服务器的入侵并防止黑客访问。 为了防止由于硬件故障或意外删除而丢失电子邮件,您还应该使用电子邮件主机作为软件包的一部分,该主机提供电子邮件备份和安全归档。 借助受保护的归档,您的电子邮件将得到压缩和加密,从而为您的组织提供了保持合法合规性所需的安全性。

The location of your host’s servers is also another issue which you need to take note of. The insistence of the US Government that it can access data stored on US-based servers, means that UK businesses cannot guarantee the privacy of their emails if their host stores them on servers in the USA. In 2015, the European Court of Justice ruled that EU data stored on US-based servers no longer had adequate protection.  The implication of this for business is that you should be looking for a host that, like eUKhost, has all its servers based within the UK and away from the prying eyes of the US security services.

主机服务器的位置也是另一个需要注意的问题。 美国政府坚持认为它可以访问存储在美国服务器上的数据,这意味着英国企业如果将其主机存储在美国的服务器上,则不能保证其电子邮件的隐私性。 2015年,欧洲法院裁定, 存储在美国服务器上的欧盟数据不再受到足够的保护。 这对企业的影响是,您应该寻找一个主机,例如eUKhost,其所有服务器都位于英国,并且远离美国安全服务的窥视。

辅助功能 (Accessibility)

Modern business is no longer a Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 operation. With companies selling 24/7 over the internet and communicating across different time zones, people need access to their emails at any time and in any place. A good web host will provide a service that will let you send and receive seamlessly from any device with an internet connection in just a few clicks – wherever, whenever.

现代商务不再是周一至周五的9到5运营。 随着公司通过互联网销售24/7并在不同时区进行通信,人们需要随时随地访问电子邮件。 优质的网络主机将为您提供服务,使您可以随时随地从任何具有Internet连接的设备无缝发送和接收信息。

Ideally, your email hosting should enable you to send and receive emails using Webmail, which can be accessed using any browser, anywhere in the world. You should also have the ability to use your email hosting service with all POP and IMAP compatible software (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) and devices.

理想情况下,您的电子邮件托管应使您能够使用Webmail发送和接收电子邮件,可以使用世界各地的任何浏览器进行访问。 您还应该能够将电子邮件托管服务与所有POP和IMAP兼容软件(例如Microsoft Outlook)和设备一起使用。

An important aspect to consider here is the hardware your email servers run on. You need email servers that are super-fast to ensure, whatever type of connection your device has, your mail and any attachments can be accessed or sent quickly.

这里要考虑的重要方面是电子邮件服务器运行的硬件。 您需要超快速的电子邮件服务器,以确保无论您的设备具有哪种连接类型,您的邮件和任何附件都可以快速访问或发送。

垃圾邮件和病毒防护 (Spam and virus protection)

Spam and viruses can be significant problems for your emails. Spam can clog up your inbox, waste hours of your time and even contain phishing and other threats. Viruses can infect your devices, ransom your data and even use your email accounts to send spam to your contacts.

垃圾邮件和病毒可能是电子邮件的重要问题。 垃圾邮件会阻塞您的收件箱,浪费您的时间,甚至包含网络钓鱼和其他威胁。 病毒可以感染您的设备,勒索您的数据,甚至使用您的电子邮件帐户向您的联系人发送垃圾邮件。

To safeguard your email, you need an email hosting service that offers virus and spam protection as standard, keeping online extortions and vulnerabilities at bay.  For best protection, you should look to see if the host uses SpamExperts®, which automatically scans all incoming and outgoing e-mails against an advanced, self-learning algorithm to eliminate spam e-mail before it reaches your inbox. Spam emails are then quarantined, leaving only genuine emails for you to deal with.

为了保护您的电子邮件,您需要一个电子邮件托管服务,该服务作为标准功能提供病毒和垃圾邮件防护,以阻止在线勒索和漏洞。 为了获得最好的保护,您应该查看主机是否使用SpamExperts®,它会根据高级的自学习算法自动扫描所有传入和传出的电子邮件,以在垃圾邮件到达收件箱之前消除它们。 然后隔离垃圾邮件,仅留下真实的电子邮件供您处理。

邮件服务器黑名单检查 (Mail Server Blacklist Check)

A common problem for many businesses is that their mail servers can get blacklisted, especially if they are hosted on a shared server. This can happen if you send suspiciously high volumes of emails or if the emails you send contain some characteristics of spam. You can also be blacklisted if you use email forwarding from one address to another and end up forwarding spam emails as a result – this is because your mail IP address will be seen to relay the spam message to others servers.

对于许多企业来说,一个常见的问题是其邮件服务器可能被列入黑名单,尤其是如果它们托管在共享服务器上。 如果您发送大量可疑的电子邮件,或者您发送的电子邮件包含垃圾邮件的某些特征,则可能发生这种情况。 如果您使用电子邮件从一个地址转发到另一个地址,最终导致转发垃圾邮件,您也可能被列入黑名单–这是因为您的邮件IP地址将被视为将垃圾邮件转发到其他服务器。

If your mail server does get onto one of the many blacklists, it will mean that some of your emails will not be delivered and this could have really negative consequences for your business. For this reason, you need an email host that will proactively check blacklists on a daily basis and, if you are found to be on a list, will submit requests on your behalf to have your server’s IP address removed. Once removed, your host should then investigate why you were blacklisted and apply a fix.

如果您的邮件服务器确实进入了众多黑名单之一,那么这将意味着您的某些电子邮件将不会被发送,这可能会对您的业务产生负面影响。 因此,您需要一个电子邮件主机,该主机将每天主动检查黑名单,如果发现您在列表中,它将代表您提交请求以删除服务器的IP地址。 一旦删除,您的主机应调查为什么您被列入黑名单并应用修复程序。

功能齐全 (Fully-Featured)

A good email service will offer the full range of features you expect from your email, including contacts, calendars, tasks, briefcases and Outlook integration. You should be able to easily create email boxes for your business domains; perform email functions and use an auto-responder.  In addition, your host should provide you with 24/7 technical support via live chat, ticket and phone.

优质的电子邮件服务将提供您期望从电子邮件中获得的所有功能,包括联系人,日历,任务,公文包和Outlook集成。 您应该能够轻松地为您的企业域创建电子邮件箱; 执行电子邮件功能并使用自动回复器。 另外,您的房东应该通过实时聊天,门票和电话为您提供24/7全天候技术支持。

结论 (Conclusion)

As businesses methods and technology continues to develop the expectations you have of your email service will change too. Today’s best email providers offer much more than just the ability send and receive email. They also offer a range of security, accessibility and performance features that enhance your business capabilities.

随着业务方法和技术的不断发展,您对电子邮件服务的期望也会发生变化。 当今最好的电子邮件提供商所提供的不仅仅是发送和接收电子邮件的功能。 它们还提供了一系列安全性,可访问性和性能功能,可以增强您的业务能力。

If you are looking for an email service that provides all of the features mentioned in this article – and more, then check out the great email hosting packages that we offer our customers at eUKhost.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-essential-elements-of-good-email-hosting/

c# 托管的函数和要素





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