

The online forums are considered as playgrounds by many online marketers and link builders. It may so happen that the purpose of the forum might get shattered. As a matter of fact, there are multiple advantages that a forum has to offer, for example : it might be a place to share and discuss knowledge, source of earning, promotion of websites, share experiences, offer suggestions and advice and lots more.

在线论坛被许多在线营销人员和链接构建者视为游乐场。 碰巧这种论坛的目的可能会破灭。 实际上,论坛必须提供多种优势,例如:它可能是一个共享和讨论知识,收益来源,网站推广,分享经验,提供建议和意见的地方。

But it is a serious concern how forums are being populated by spammers, leading to hamper the genuine experience of using a forum. Most webmasters are concerned about managing spams and banning spammers from their online forums. If a particular forum is left un-audited for a week, it may destroy the community completely. Though there are certain methods that can help you limit this continually increasing concern.

但是,非常严重的问题是垃圾邮件发送者如何填充论坛,从而阻碍了使用论坛的真实体验。 大多数网站管理员都担心在其在线论坛中管理垃圾邮件和禁止垃圾邮件发送者。 如果某个特定论坛一周未审核,则可能会完全破坏社区。 尽管有某些方法可以帮助您限制这种持续增长的担忧。

防止论坛上垃圾邮件的提示: (Tips to Prevent Spam on Forums:)

主持人通过在线论坛关注活动 (Moderators to keep a watch on the activity over Online Forums)

Forum-ModModerators can be of great help with tackling the issue. They have the rights to delete or edit spam threads and ban the users doing such activities. Though it may prove to be a stressful job on a busy forum. In that case you can seek help from volunteers or employ someone who can moderate your forum in a timely manner.

This also involves your role of making the moderators understand their role clearly. For that purpose you may need to train and educate them until they get a hold of things. Neat and clear walk-through can be laiden in occur to tackle the task of forum moderation on their own. While doing so, you must also think about those users who haven’t spammed the forums intentionally, but at the same time must identify the actual users that are spamming the forums.

这还涉及到使主持人清楚地了解其角色的作用。 为此,您可能需要对他们进行培训和教育,直到他们掌握一切为止。 可以进行整洁而清晰的演练,以自行解决论坛主持的任务。 这样做时,您还必须考虑那些没有故意向论坛发送垃圾邮件的用户,但同时必须确定正在向论坛发送垃圾邮件的实际用户。

For users who haven’t spammed your site intentionally, you may ask them to remove the post stating the appropriate reasons, this way you can not only maintain trust as you haven’t deleted the post without their knowledge but would also educate them about what is not allowed. For this purpose a simple PM might do the trick.

对于没有故意向您的网站发送垃圾邮件的用户,您可以要求他们删除说明适当原因的帖子,这样,您不仅可以保持信任,因为您没有在不知情的情况下就删除了该帖子,还可以教育他们不被允许。 为此,一个简单的PM可以解决问题。

限制通过进行的注册。 开放代理 (Restricting Registrations made via. Open Proxies)

As most of us are aware, there are number of sites that provide a list of open proxies which can be used by anyone over the web. You may restrict the member registrations done via. these forums or ask your developers to include such a list for you. Many users would do this to encapsulate their identity and stay anonymous for any reason. While few spammers too would make use of such server and get registered with your forum. Hence, having a system in place that would instantly detect registration done via. proxy servers can help you avoid a great deal of spam activity on the forum. If you are using a software for forum which does not have such as facility, you download or purchase a mod that is capable of blocking proxy registrations. Since social networking sites are being used by most of the people, some of the forum softwares now allow users to login to their forums using the social networking profiles. There are plugins that would allow you to do so.

我们大多数人都知道,有许多网站提供了开放代理列表,可供网络上的任何人使用。 您可以限制通过进行的会员注册。 这些论坛或要求您的开发人员为您提供这样的列表。 许多用户会这样做以封装其身份并出于任何原因保持匿名。 尽管很少有垃圾邮件发送者也会使用这种服务器并在您的论坛中注册。 因此,拥有一个可以立即检测到注册完成的系统。 代理服务器可以帮助您避免在论坛上进行大量垃圾邮件活动。 如果您使用的论坛软件没有该功能,则需要下载或购买能够阻止代理注册的模块。 由于大多数人都使用社交网站,因此某些论坛软件现在允许用户使用社交网站配置文件登录其论坛。 有一些插件可以帮助您做到这一点。

要求用户填充成员个人资料字段 (Ask the Users to Populate the Member Profile Fields)

Inorder to get registered in the forums, the users should need to manually populate the fields instead of some spam bots to register automatically. Creating such a bottle-neck can help you control and avoid forum spams to a great extent. You must also need to keep in mind that the registration form isn’t too long that it’ll piss-off them off and hence leave the registration and move away.

为了在论坛中注册,用户应该需要手动填充字段,而不是一些垃圾邮件机器人才能自动注册。 创建这样的瓶颈可以在很大程度上帮助您控制和避免论坛垃圾邮件。 您还必须记住,注册表格的时间不会太长,以免惹恼他们,因此请离开注册并离开。

论坛注册的图片认证 (Picture Authentication for Forum Registration)


Picture or image authentication is one of widely used techniques for avoiding spam. It helps in preventing spam bots from registering automatically on a website. Most webmaster would also refer it as captcha authentication, it is a tool that generates random texts or images and the users need to type the same in the adjacent fields. If the entered text matches with the captcha, only then the process goes to the next stage of registration. This technique has been proved very helpful with filtering out the automated tools like spam bots from getting an access to the site.

图片或图像认证是避免垃圾邮件的广泛使用的技术之一。 它有助于防止垃圾邮件机器人在网站上自动注册。 大多数网站管理员也将其称为验证码身份验证,它是一种生成随机文本或图像的工具,用户需要在相邻字段中键入相同的内容。 如果输入的文本与验证码匹配,则只有进入下一个注册阶段。 事实证明,这项技术对于从访问网站的过程中过滤掉垃圾邮件机器人等自动化工具非常有帮助。

通过发送确认URL。 电子邮件
(Send a confirmation URL via. Email

email-confirmationYou would find this with most of the existing forums and is considered to be a reliable authentication and verification methods in the industry. In this, once a user has completed the registration process stated above, an automated email is sent to the registered email address. A confirmation URL is included in the email which the users needs to access to successfully get registered with a forum. Most individuals with an intention of spamming would never click the confirmation link for verifying the account hence eliminating spamming over your site.

Apart from the techniques stated above, there are few others such as IP blocking, swear filters, filtering URLs and website names, enabling flood control to limit the number of posts per user, using mass pruning, reporting spammer details to blacklist websites and ISPs and enabling existing forum members report spam etc. that can further enhance your efforts in controlling spam.


Spam has been a serious concern all across the Internet industry, newer and better techniques of spamming as well as their counter active measures are being implemented. So choosing an appropriate technique can help you protect your online existence.

垃圾邮件一直是整个Internet行业中的一个严重问题,正在采用更新更好的垃圾邮件技术及其反措施。 因此,选择适当的技术可以帮助您保护在线生存。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-avoid-forum-spams/






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