
Algorithm theory, mathematical statistics, and analysis, information theory, graphs, basics of physics – all these are directions and subjects necessary for becoming in practical programming. Yes, a lot of knowledge is required, and there are even more areas of work for the carrier. Therefore, it is difficult to say clearly how a professional programmer is “born” and what specialty is needed for a particular performer.

算法理论,数理统计和分析,信息论,图形,物理学基础–所有这些都是在实际编程中必不可少的方向和主题。 是的,需要很多知识,而且承运人还有更多的工作领域。 因此,很难清楚地说出专业程序员是如何“出生”的,以及特定表演者需要什么专业。

There’s a choice, and it’s a big one. There is an advantage: yesterday’s mathematician-physicist or today’s schoolboy with basic knowledge of mathematics may become a programmer. Here, it is important to clearly define the set of needs and set up a timeline for education as a programmer. And if that education is getting difficult, it is a good idea to contact the paper writing service.

有一个选择,这是一个很大的选择。 有一个好处:昨天的数学家或当今具有数学基础知识的小学生可能会成为程序员 。 在这里,重要的是要清楚地定义需求集并为程序员学习制定时间表。 并且,如果这种学习越来越困难,最好联系书面写作服务

20 Simple Business Ideas For Programmers 1

The theoretical and practical preparation of future specialists is important and valuable. But what kind of education a programmer needs depends only on his goals.

未来专家的理论和实践准备非常重要且有价值。 但是程序员需要什么样的教育仅取决于他的目标。

  • A college education is sufficient to work on the simplest algorithms.

  • If you want to participate in the global development of the Internet or business projects with millions of budgets, you need more serious training – a bachelor’s degree.

  • Magistrate – a platform for “take-off” of future administrators. It fosters a way of thinking that the knowledge gained during the study will be used to the maximum effect.

    裁判官–一个“腾飞”未来管理员的平台。 它促进了一种思维方式,即在研究过程中获得的知识将得到最大程度的利用。

真的有必要接受教育才能成为专业人士吗? (Is it really necessary to get an education to become a professional?)

There is no better way to have a conversation in the society of IT specialists than to raise the question of the need for their education. There are no indifferent people here. Some are sure that higher education is not compulsory, while others claim that without it, it is de facto difficult to find a job, although they do not deny that much depends on what specialty the programmer will choose.

在IT专家社会中进行对话,没有比提出他们的教育需求问题更好的方法了。 这里没有冷漠的人。 有些人确信高等教育不是义务教育,而另一些人则声称没有高等教育,尽管很难否认程序员在选择哪种专业,但事实上很难找到工作。

What are the advantages of higher education for programmers:


  • learning the fundamentals is easier with a well-structured program;

  • Constant communication with competent teachers makes it easy to find many answers that arise in the course of studies;

  • if it’s not years behind the diploma, but practice, the speed of career development will be higher.


专业特色 (Features of the profession)

The main feature of this area of work is the rapid change of technologies built on the common bases of mathematical theory. A programmer must be able to learn quickly. And that’s what they teach you better at university.

该工作领域的主要特征是基于数学理论共同基础的技术的快速变化。 程序员必须能够快速学习。 那就是他们在大学里教给你的更好的东西。

The second point is acquaintances, the social environment. To become a web developer of a promising startup, you need to have contacts of the project organizers or those who build a team for it. From a freelancer position, it’s almost impossible.

第二点是熟人,社会环境。 要成为一家有前途的初创公司的Web开发人员,您需要与项目组织者或为该项目组建团队的人员联系。 从自由职业者的职位来说,这几乎是不可能的。

合适的学院和专业 (Suitable faculties and specialties)

Where to study if you want to master the profile before future self-educated colleagues, and how many years will it take to study?


  • The term of study in college – from 1 year 10 months to 2 years 10 months.

  • If you wish, you can start working at the age of 18 from the 1st year of the bachelor’s degree. The very preparation of bachelors lasts 4-4.5 years.

    如果愿意,您可以从学士学位的第一年开始工作,直到18岁。 单身汉的准备工作持续4-4.5年。
  • A Master’s degree (2.5 years), will allow you to get a job in a more prestigious position.


The choice of the program depends on your area of interest.


  • programmers with deep mathematical training;

  • narrow experts in building the IT infrastructure of the enterprise, providing its telecommunications;

  • future startup captains – IP administrators, web engineers, corporate software developers.

    未来的创业队长– IP管理员,Web工程师,公司软件开发人员。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/06/what-kind-of-education-does-a-programmer-need.html





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