

If you’re a savvy web developer, you have definitely searched on Google for tools like “url decode json” or “convert json to text”. And what do you usually get? You get garbage websites filled with ads, popups, blinking download buttons and tools that don’t really work.

如果您是一位精明的Web开发人员,那么您肯定已经在Google上搜索了“ URL解码json”或“将json转换为文本”之类的工具。 您通常会得到什么? 您会看到垃圾网站上满是广告,弹出式窗口,闪烁的下载按钮和实际上不起作用的工具。

The same problem was faced by Peter K. Rumins from Browserling. He decided to solve this problem once and for all by building a network of tools websites. These sites consist of thousands of simple tools that help to work with JSON, XML, CSV, YAML, PNG, JPG, Strings and even Mathematics. These tools are ads free, there are no configuration options and no ads.

来自Browserling的 Peter K. Rumins面临着同样的问题。 他决定通过建立工具网站网络来彻底解决此问题。 这些站点包含数千个简单的工具,可帮助使用JSON,XML,CSV,YAML,PNG,JPG,字符串甚至数学。 这些工具是免费的广告,没有配置选项,也没有广告。

Online JSON Tools 1 is one such website in the network and it helps developers to work with JSON data structures in the browser. The tools are so easy to use that all you have to do is enter JSON input and you instantly get the result you are looking for.

OnlineJSONtools.com就是网络中的此类网站,它可以帮助开发人员在浏览器中使用JSON数据结构。 这些工具非常易于使用,您只需输入JSON输入,即可立即获得所需的结果。

当前支持的JSON工具 (Currently Supported JSON Tools)

Below is the list of all the tools that are currently available. Apart from that Browserling team is constantly working to add more tools such as JSON to BSON.

以下是当前可用的所有工具的列表。 除了那个浏览器团队之外,Brainling团队一直在努力向BSON添加更多工具,例如JSON。

  • JSON Highlighter tool: JSON highlighter will give each token a different color. Values, keywords, brackets and also to special characters (like newlines, tabs, etc) get special colors. Let’s see a working version of JSON highlighter in an example:

    JSON荧光笔工具: JSON荧光笔将为每个令牌赋予不同的颜色。 值,关键字,方括号以及特殊字符(例如换行符,制表符等)也将获得特殊颜色。 让我们在示例中查看JSON荧光笔的工作版本:

Online JSON Tools 2

You can see strings, object values and keys are in yellow color, blue color for numerical values, white color for arrays and objects, and grey color for invisible special characters.


It has some additional features that let you control highlighting of JSON:


  • Shows special characters, as in above example new line is represented by a “downstairs symbol”.

  • It will care about your matching brackets, it also highlights matching brackets if the cursor is near one.

  • It also shows the active line in gray color so that you can see more easily on which line the cursor is.

  • It also tells user not only the line number where is the error but also what is the error by highlighting it as shown in below example.

Online JSON Tools 3
  • JSON Prettifier Tool: So here word “prettifier” itself describing this tool. This makes your JSON code well formatted with proper indentation. It will convert an ugly code to beautiful code.

    JSON Prettifier Tool:因此,这里的“ prettifier”一词本身就是对该工具的描述。 这样可以使您的JSON代码格式正确,并带有适当的缩进。 它将把丑陋的代码转换成漂亮的代码。

Let’s see the use of the tool on a given problem where you have minified JSON input:


Online JSON Tools 4

You can see from the above program the code in left block is not indented and not aligned but after using JSON prettifier it aligns the code in proper indentation and you can quickly understand it.

您可以从上面的程序中看到左侧块中的代码没有缩进并且没有对齐,但是在使用JSON prettifier后,它以正确的缩进对齐了代码,您可以快速理解它。

Online JSON Tools 5

We can also define by the “number of spaces” and “number of tabs” to indent output with spaces and with tabs as shown below.


  • JSON Minifier Tool: It is a tool which removes all whitespaces and gives a JSON code that takes least space. It’s effective for transmitting less data and making faster web page load time.

    JSON Minifier Tool:这是一个删除所有空格并提供占用最少空间的JSON代码的工具。 它对于传输较少的数据并缩短网页加载时间非常有效。

  • JSON Validator Tool: This is an important tool that let you write a valid JSON code. It will point out where is the error and tell the programmer what the error is.

    JSON验证程序工具:这是一个重要的工具,可让您编写有效的JSON代码。 它将指出错误在哪里,并告诉程序员错误是什么。

  • JSON Escaper Tool: JSON escaper helps the programmer to embed JSON in a string as it escapes all special symbols. So now you don’t need to worry about if you forget escape sequence code of any special character, because JSON escaper is here to help you.

    JSON Escaper 工具: JSON Escaper帮助程序员在将所有特殊符号转义时将JSON嵌入字符串中。 因此,现在您不必担心是否忘记了任何特殊字符的转义序列代码,因为JSON逃逸者可在此处为您提供帮助。

  • JSON Unescaper Tool: JSON unescaper just reverse of the JSON escaper. It will return you a valid JSON object from a string version of JSON object.

    JSON Unescaper工具: JSON Unscaper与JSON Escaper相反。 它将从JSON对象的字符串版本返回有效的JSON对象。

  • JSON to XML Convertor Tool: This tool helps you to easily convert your JSON data into an XML documents and also allow us to make change in indentation for easier reading.


  • XML to JSON Convertor Tool: This tool gives us a very easy solution of converting an XML data into JSON documents.


  • JSON to YAML Convertor Tool: It let us convert our JSON structure to its equivalent YAML config file.


  • YAML to JSON Convertor Tool: A reverse version of JSON to YAML that transpiles YAML data to JSON config.

    YAML到JSON转换工具: JSON到YAML的反向版本,可将YAML数据转换为JSON配置。

  • JSON to TSV Convertor Tool: The main feature of this tool is that it quickly converts our JSON code into text in tab separated values format.


  • TSV to JSON Convertor Tool: This tool let us do reverse action of previous and convert TSV columns into JSON objects.


  • JSON to CSV Convertor Tool: JSON to CSV convertor is similar to JSON to TSV but here the output is column separated values.

    JSON到CSV转换器工具: JSON到CSV转换器类似于JSON到TSV,但此处的输出是列分隔值。

  • CSV to JSON Convertor Tool: This tool helps us convert CSV back to JSON in a just one click without installing any application or following any instructions.


  • JSON to BSON Convertor Tool: This tool helps us to represent our JSON code in binary-encoded format. This increases the efficiency in binary applications.

    JSON到BSON转换器工具:此工具可帮助我们以二进制编码格式表示JSON代码。 这提高了二进制应用程序的效率。

  • BSON to JSON Convertor Tool: It allow us to convert BSON, which is binary encoded JSON back to JSON format.


  • JSON to Image Convertor Tool: It helps to transforms our JSON code into a JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP image. It basically screenshots the JSON code and gives you back a downloadable image.

    JSON到图像转换器工具:它有助于将JSON代码转换为JPEG,PNG,GIF,BMP图像。 它基本上是JSON代码的屏幕截图,并为您提供了可下载的图像。

  • JSON to Base64 Tool: It not only allows us to encode our JSON data to base64 code that’s used in webapps.


  • Base64 to JSON Tool: Simple and easy tool that decodes base64 data back to JSON format.

    Base64 to JSON工具:简单易用的工具,可将base64数据解码回JSON格式。

  • URL-encode JSON Tool: This is a fantastic tool that encodes our JSON objects into URL-encoding format by escaping all URL characters to percent-number-number format.


  • URL-decode JSON Tool: This tool transform our data back to JSON format from URL-encoded data by unescaping all URL-encoded sequences to regular characters.


  • JSON to Plain Text: The main feature of this tool is that it extracts plain text data from JSON code by removing all special JSON symbols and operators.


  • JSON Editor Tool: It provides us a clear interface in the browser to edit JSON in syntax-highlighted editor.


即将推出的JSON工具 (Upcoming JSON Tools)

Mr. Rumins and his team at Browserling is also working on more new JSON tools. Here is the list of tools that will be available soon on the site:

Rumins先生和他在Browserling的团队还致力于开发更多新的JSON工具。 以下是即将在该站点上提供的工具列表:

  • Display JSON Statistics: Provide statistics about JSON objects and their complexity.

    显示JSON统计信息 :提供有关JSON对象及其复杂性的统计信息。

  • Flatten JSON: Flatten deep JSON structures into flat single depth objects.

    扁平化JSON :将深度JSON结构扁平化为扁平的单个深度对象。

  • Obfuscate JSON: Convert JSON to unrecognizable but still valid data.

    混淆JSON :将JSON转换为无法识别但仍然有效的数据。

  • Convert JSON to a HTML: Create HTML webpage from a JSON code.

    将JSON转换为HTML :从JSON代码创建HTML网页。

  • Convert JSON to a Bencode: Convert JSON objects to B-encoded data that’s used in bittorrent protocol.

    将JSON转换为Bencode :将JSON对象转换为bittorrent协议中使用的B编码数据。

  • Convert JSON to a Latex Table: Create a Latex table code from a JSON data structure.

    将JSON转换为Latex表 :从JSON数据结构创建Latex表代码。

  • Truncate JSON: Cut off excessively large JSON data and make JSON the required length.


  • Convert JSON to Data URI: Encode JSON so that it can be used in URLs.

    将JSON转换为数据URI :编码JSON,以便可以在URL中使用。

  • Convert JSON To a PHP Array: Create PHP code from JSON code.

    将JSON转换为PHP数组 :从JSON代码创建PHP代码。

  • Compare Two JSON Files: Compare two JSON files in the browser and find their differences.

    比较两个JSON文件 :比较浏览器中的两个JSON文件并找到它们之间的差异。

If you found JSON tools useful and you would like to have more tools and new JSON features then please tell us know by commenting below.


I would like to thank whole Browserling team for building such handy online tools that is making the work easier for programmers like me and many others. A million and one thanks!

我要感谢整个Browserling团队构建的如此方便的在线工具,这些工具使像我这样的程序员和许多其他人的工作变得更加轻松。 一百万,一个谢谢!







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