

In recent years, there has been a sporadic increase in the number of free Wi-Fi access hotspots in hotels, malls, airports, and other public places. Nonetheless, this comes with its fair share of risks since public Wi-Fi networks are vulnerable to cyber-criminals whose intention may be to steal users information and spread malware.

近年来,酒店,购物中心,机场和其他公共场所的免费Wi-Fi接入热点数量呈零星增加的趋势。 但是,由于公共Wi-Fi网络容易受到网络犯罪分子攻击,网络犯罪风险很高,网络犯罪分子可能会窃取用户信息并传播恶意软件。

The features that typically make Wi-Fi hotspots popular among users also make them popular with cyber-criminals. Free Wi-Fi hotspots do not require any authentication for a connection to be established. This gives hackers a limitless opportunity to access the network whenever they want.

通常使Wi-Fi热点在用户中流行的功能也使它们在网络犯罪分子中流行。 免费的Wi-Fi热点不需要任何身份验证即可建立连接。 这为黑客提供了无限的机会,只要他们愿意就可以访问网络。

对Wi-Fi网络的威胁 (Threats to Wi-Fi Networks)

Arguably, the main threat that faces free Wi-Fi hotspots is the fact that hackers can conveniently position themselves between users and connection points. Instead of directly communicating with the hotspot, users will be naïvely sending their information to hackers who then relay that information. These man in the middle cyber-attacks are common in most public Wi-Fi hotspots.

可以说,免费Wi-Fi热点面临的主要威胁是黑客可以方便地将自己置于用户和连接点之间。 用户将天真地将其信息发送给黑客,黑客再中继该信息,而不是直接与热点进行通信。 这些处于网络攻击中间的人在大多数公共Wi-Fi热点中都很常见。

During this kind of cyber-attacks, the hackers have limitless access to all information that you will be sending out over the network. This may include credit card details, your network’s security credentials, and even your private emails. With this information at their fingertips, they are likely to have a field day when accessing your network.

在这种网络攻击过程中,黑客可以无限访问您将通过网络发送的所有信息。 这可能包括信用卡详细信息,网络的安全凭证,甚至您的私人电子邮件。 掌握了这些信息之后,他们很可能在访问您的网络时就成了工作日。

Besides accessing private information, hackers also access Wi-Fi networks with the intention of spreading malware. The risk of malware distribution over your network is particularly high if file sharing across is permitted across the network. Hackers can easily plant infected files on such networks before spreading them to users.

除了访问私人信息外,黑客还访问Wi-Fi网络以传播恶意软件。 如果允许跨网络共享文件,则在网络上分发恶意软件的风险特别高。 黑客可以在将受感染的文件传播给用户之前,轻松地将其植入此类网络。

Here’s how you can keep your Wi-Fi networks secure.


如何确保Wi-Fi网络安全? (How to Keep Wi-Fi Networks Secure?)

Activate Network Encryption


Wi-Fi networks generally come with different encryption languages. These include WPA2, WEP, and WAP. WPA2 is not only a security protocol but also a standard in the industry. It encrypts all traffic on your Wi-Fi networks, and is a replacement for the less secure WEP.

Wi-Fi网络通常带有不同的加密语言。 这些包括WPA2,WEP和WAP。 WPA2不仅是安全协议,还是行业标准。 它会加密您的Wi-Fi网络上的所有流量,并替代安全性较低的WEP。

WPA2 is an upgrade to WPA. WEP, WPA, and WPA2 make your Wi-Fi networks more secure since they require a unique code to encrypt every block of plain texts. Therefore, activating them goes a long way in securing your network.

WPA2是WPA的升级。 WEP,WPA和WPA2使您的Wi-Fi网络更加安全,因为它们需要唯一的代码来加密每个纯文本块。 因此,激活它们对于保护网络安全大有帮助。

Use VPNs


You need to use VPN software whenever you connect your devices over an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. Hackers may still attempt to undertake “man in the middle” attacks but nonetheless, they won’t be successful since your data will be securely encrypted. Hackers typically focus on easy targets and therefore, they are likely to be discouraged from networks that require them to undertake lengthy decryption.

每当通过不安全的Wi-Fi连接连接设备时,都需要使用VPN软件。 黑客可能仍会尝试进行“中间人”攻击,但由于将对您的数据进行安全加密,因此它们不会成功。 黑客通常将重点放在容易攻击的目标上,因此,很可能会阻止要求他们进行冗长解密的网络。

Turn Off Sharing


File sharing over unsecured Wi-Fi networks make it easy for malicious individuals to steal private information and spread malware over the networks. Whenever you use public Wi-Fi hotspots, it is advisable to turn off sharing. This will prevent hackers from accessing your information besides preventing your from receiving malicious files over the network.

通过不安全的Wi-Fi网络共享文件可以使恶意个人更容易窃取私人信息并在网络上传播恶意软件。 每当您使用公共Wi-Fi热点时,建议关闭共享。 除了阻止您通过网络接收恶意文件之外,这还可以防止黑客访问您的信息。

Use Firewalls


Software and hardware firewalls can help you secure your Wi-Fi networks against cyber-criminals. Most wireless routers come with built-in firewalls that protect your network against potential cyber-attacks.

软件和硬件防火墙可以帮助您保护Wi-Fi网络免受网络罪犯的侵害。 大多数无线路由器都带有内置防火墙,可以保护您的网络免受潜在的网络攻击。

The firewalls add an extra layer of cover against hacking attempts by flagging malicious files sent to your network besides notifying you whenever there is a hacking attempt. Besides this, you also need to have a reliable network security solution installed on your devices so that new files sent to you are scanned as they get downloaded.

防火墙通过标记发送到您的网络的恶意文件,除了在每次尝试进行黑客攻击时通知您之外,还增加了一层针对黑客攻击的保护。 除此之外,您还需要在设备上安装可靠的网络安全解决方案,以便在下载新文件时对其进行扫描。

Turn Off Idle Wi-Fi Connections


Even if your devices are not actively connected to Wi-Fi networks, the Wi-Fi hardware of the devices will still be transmitting data with open networks within their range. This communication poses a great risk to your devices and therefore, you need to turn Wi-Fi connection off when you do not need it.

即使您的设备未主动连接到Wi-Fi网络,设备的Wi-Fi硬件仍将使用其范围内的开放网络传输数据。 这种通信会对您的设备造成很大的风险,因此,您在不需要Wi-Fi连接时需要将其关闭。



You need to take Wi-Fi security seriously to ensure that your devices are protected against cyber-criminals. Any weakness in a public or home Wi-Fi network can expose you to hackers. Keep in mind that even if a Wi-Fi network requires a password, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your activities online are encrypted. Securing your network seals all exploits that cyber-criminals may use to access your data and private information.

您需要认真对待Wi-Fi安全性,以确保您的设备受到网络罪犯的保护。 公共或家庭Wi-Fi网络中的任何弱点都可能使您遭受黑客攻击。 请记住,即使Wi-Fi网络要求输入密码,也不一定意味着您的在线活动已加密。 保护您的网络安全可以阻止网络犯罪分子用来访问您的数据和私人信息的所有攻击。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/05/things-you-should-know-about-wi-fi-security.html






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