
Being able to record videos from your Mac’s screen is a lot more beneficial than you might realize. Often people tend to assume that screen recording is only ever used to create video guides and tutorials, but that is far from its only use. Frankly speaking, there are multiple ways in which you could utilize screen recording – such as to save video calls, online streaming videos, live content, or anything else that is on your screen.

能够从Mac屏幕上录制视频比您可能意识到的要有益得多。 通常,人们倾向于认为屏幕录像仅用于创建视频指南和教程,但这远非唯一的用途。 坦白地说,您可以采用多种方式来使用屏幕录像,例如保存视频通话,在线流视频,实时内容或屏幕上的任何其他内容。

Simply put it is worthwhile to have a screen recorder that you can rely on to record videos from your Mac’s screen – and there is none out there that fits that bill as perfectly as Movavi Screen Capture for Mac. It is a simple yet versatile screen recorder that you can use to capture any type of footage that you need.

简而言之,值得一提的是拥有一台屏幕录像机,您可以依靠它来录制Mac屏幕上的视频-而且还没有哪一款能像Mac上的Movavi Screen Capture一样完美。 它是一种简单而通用的屏幕录像机,可用于捕获所需的任何类型的素材。

Movavi Screen Capture for Mac – A Simple Solution to Record Videos

干净,简单,直观 (Clean, Simple and Intuitive)

In contrast to what you may expect, Movavi Screen Capture for Mac is extremely easy to use and requires no experience whatsoever. Its interface is clean and straightforward, and you should be able to explore the options that are available and see how they work without any assistance.

与您所期望的相反,适用于Mac的Movavi屏幕捕获非常易于使用,并且不需要任何经验。 它的界面简洁明了,您应该能够探索可用的选项,并在没有任何帮助的情况下查看它们的工作方式。

Additionally the software is designed so that you can intuitively learn how to use it. For example to define the capture area, you just need to click and drag the mouse cursor and draw a frame on your screen when prompted.

另外,该软件的设计使您可以直观地学习如何使用它。 例如,要定义捕获区域,您只需要单击并拖动鼠标光标,并在出现提示时在屏幕上画一个框架。

Suffice to say it won’t take you very long to familiarize yourself with Movavi Screen Capture for Mac. Even if it is your very first time using it, you won’t need any more than a few minutes to figure out how to start recording videos.

可以说,您很快就会熟悉Mac的Movavi屏幕捕获。 即使您是第一次使用它,也只需要几分钟就可以知道如何开始录制视频。

多功能 (Versatile Capabilities)

Although Movavi Screen Capture for Mac is simple and straightforward by nature, it is still extremely versatile. In fact it will allow you to adjust all the recording parameters you require such as the audio sources, frame rate, sound levels, and so on.

尽管Mac上的Movavi屏幕捕获本质上是简单明了的,但它仍然是非常灵活的。 实际上,它可以让您调整所需的所有记录参数,例如音频源,帧频,声音级别等。

Among its features you’ll find several other options as well – such as its ability to record keyboard and mouse actions. It also has a timer that you can use to automate the recording, so that you don’t need to manually stop it when it is complete. Alternatively you could use the hotkeys in Movavi Screen Capture for Mac to control the recording if that seems more convenient.

在它的功能中,您还将找到其他几个选项-例如,它可以记录键盘和鼠标动作。 它还具有一个计时器,您可以使用该计时器自动执行录制,因此在录制完成时无需手动停止它。 另外,如果看起来更方便,则可以使用Mac的Movavi屏幕捕获中的热键来控制录制。

All in all Movavi Screen Capture for Mac is able to play its part well, and will let you record precisely the type of footage that you need from your screen. It doesn’t matter whether you want to download streaming video on Mac, create your own video guide, or record a video call – it has all the features you could possibly require to record the footage. To add to all that, there are hundreds of built-in presets that you can take advantage of when you’re done to help you to save and automatically optimize the video format and settings.

总而言之,Mac的Movavi Screen Capture可以很好地发挥作用,并且可以让您精确记录屏幕上所需的素材类型。 您是否要在Mac上下载流视频,创建自己的视频指南或录制视频电话都没关系–它​​具有录制素材可能需要的所有功能。 除此之外,还有数百种内置预设可供您使用,以帮助您保存并自动优化视频格式和设置。


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