SOAP和REST Web服务之间的区别

Here you will learn about the difference between SOAP and REST web services.

在这里,您将了解SOAP和REST Web服务之间的区别。

Web services are used to communicate between applications that are developed in different languages and running on different platforms. Like a Java application running on linux platform can communicate with a PHP application running on windows platform. There are two types of web services, SOAP and REST. Let us discuss some main differences between them.

Web服务用于在使用不同语言开发并运行在不同平台上的应用程序之间进行通信。 就像在Linux平台上运行的Java应用程序可以与在Windows平台上运行PHP应用程序进行通信一样。 Web服务有两种类型,SOAP和REST。 让我们讨论它们之间的一些主要区别。

Also Read: Create Java SOAP Web Service Using Eclipse Also Read: Create Simple Java RESTful Web Services Using Jersey

另请参阅: 使用Eclipse创建Java SOAP Web服务 还请参阅: 使用Jersey创建简单Java RESTful Web服务

Difference between SOAP and REST Web Services

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SOAP vs REST – SOAP和REST Web服务之间的区别 (SOAP vs REST – Difference between SOAP and REST Web Services)

1.SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol.REST stands for Representational State Transfer.
2.SOAP is a protocol. It defines some standards that should be followed strictly.REST is an architectural style. It doesn’t define so many standards like SOAP.
3.SOAP is highly secure as it defines its own security.REST inherits security measures from the underlying transport.
4.SOAP message request is processed slower as compared to REST.REST message request is processed faster as compared to SOAP.
5.SOAP supports only XML data format.REST supports data formats like plain text, XML, HTML, JSON, etc.
6.SOAP is not very easy to implement so it is preferred less.REST is easier to implement so it is preferred more.
7.SOAP requires more bandwidth and resources.REST requires less bandwidth and resources.
8.In java SOAP web services are implemented using JAX-WS API.In java RESTful web services are implemented using JAX-RS API.
9.It does not use web caching mechanism.It uses web caching mechanism.
10.SOAP is commonly used in payment gateways, financial and telecommunication services.REST is commonly used in social media, web chat and mobile services.
序号 肥皂 休息
1。 SOAP代表简单对象访问协议。 REST代表代表性状态转移。
2。 SOAP是一种协议。 它定义了一些应严格遵循的标准。 REST是一种建筑风格。 它没有定义很多标准,例如SOAP。
3。 SOAP定义了自己的安全性,因此非常安全。 REST从基础传输继承安全措施。
4。 与REST相比,处理SOAP消息请求的速度较慢。 与SOAP相比,REST消息请求的处理速度更快。
5, SOAP仅支持XML数据格式。 REST支持纯文本,XML,HTML,JSON等数据格式。
6。 SOAP并不是很容易实现,因此首选较少。 REST更易于实现,因此更受欢迎。
7 SOAP需要更多的带宽和资源。 REST需要更少的带宽和资源。
8。 在Java中,SOAP Web服务是使用JAX-WS API实现的。 在Java中,RESTful Web服务是使用JAX-RS API实现的。
9。 它不使用Web缓存机制。 它使用Web缓存机制。
10。 SOAP通常用于支付网关,金融和电信服务中。 REST通常用于社交媒体,Web聊天和移动服务。


If the security is a major concern and the resources are not limited then we should use SOAP web services. Like if we are creating a web service for banking related work then we should go with SOAP as here high security is needed.

如果安全是主要问题 ,并且资源没有限制,那么我们应该使用SOAP Web服务。 就像我们要为与银行相关的工作创建Web服务一样,我们应该使用SOAP,因为这里需要很高的安全性。

On the other hand if security is not a major concern and we have limited resources. Or we want to create an API that will be easily used by other developers publicly then we should go with REST web services.

另一方面,如果安全不是主要问题,并且我们的资源有限。 或者,我们想创建一个可供其他开发者公开使用的API,那么我们应该使用REST Web服务。

You can learn more about Restful webservices at Java2Blog.

您可以通过Java2Blog了解有关Restful Web服务的更多信息。

I tried my best to clear the difference between SOAP and REST web services. If you have any doubt or you found any information incorrect then feel free to mention it in the comment section.

我尽力清除了SOAP和REST Web服务之间的区别。 如果您有任何疑问或发现任何信息不正确,请在评论部分中随意提及。






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