iskysoft中文版_使用iSkysoft Toolbox轻松实现iOS数据恢复:几秒钟内恢复丢失的数据...


We all have experienced that dreadful moment where we lost an important file from our iPhones. It is surely frustrating to lose important files that are of official, academic or personal importance. Imagine you in a scenario where you lost that report or thesis that you were working on, scary right?

我们都经历了可怕的时刻,我们从iPhone中丢失了重要文件。 丢失具有官方,学术或个人重要性的重要文件肯定令人沮丧。 想像一下您在丢失正在处理的报告或论文的情况下,吓到了吗?

And we all have scoured the internet to get an iOS data recovery software that can make all those hardships go away. Then again, the softwares available on the internet are either unreliable or do not work at all.

而且我们所有人都在互联网上搜寻以获取可以消除所有这些麻烦的iOS数据恢复软件。 再说一次,互联网上可用的软件要么不可靠,要么根本无法运行。

Now, we present to you the only software you need for all the iOS-related problems in your life – The iSkysoft toolbox. it is the easier way to perform an iPhone recovery process.

现在,我们为您提供生活中所有与iOS相关的问题所需的唯一软件– iSkysoft工具箱。 这是执行iPhone恢复过程的简便方法。

The iSkysoft Toolbox is an all in one mobile management suite that comes with a plethora of features which can help you out when your iOS devices fail on you. The Recover option in the Toolbox is an advanced iOS Data recovery module that can restore deleted or lost files.

iSkysoft工具箱是一款多功能的移动管理套件,具有许多功能,可在iOS设备出现故障时为您提供帮助。 工具箱中的恢复选项是高级的iOS数据恢复模块,可以恢复已删除或丢失的文件。

The iOS data recovery option fits a variety of use cases, as it can help you recover data from the following;


  • Accidental deletion of a file

  • Data lost by factory resetting the device

  • Data lost by a system crash

  • Lost device

  • Data deletion from water damage

  • Device lockdown due to password issue

  • Data lost due to iOS update


The software can restore images, videos, messages, app data, documents, etc. with the click of a button!


The reason why it’s mentioned iOS devices instead of a specific device is that the iSkysoft Toolbox iOS Data recovery works on more than just the iPhone range. It can help you recover data from iPad and iPod Touch with ease. Do not worry about compatibility issues as the software is compatible even with the latest iOS 12.

之所以提到iOS设备而不是特定设备,是因为iSkysoft Toolbox iOS数据恢复不仅可以在iPhone系列产品上使用。 它可以帮助您轻松地从iPad和iPod Touch恢复数据。 不用担心兼容性问题,因为该软件即使与最新的iOS 12也兼容。

使用三阶段恢复的最大效率 (Maximum Effectiveness in Using 3-Stage Recovery)

Unlike the iOS data recovery softwares we see on the internet, iSkysoft takes a methodological approach towards recovering iOS data, thereby significantly increasing the rate of success.


1.从IOS设备恢复数据 (1. Data Recovery from IOS Device)

This mode of recovery is used when the files to be recovered are stored in the native device storage. The device data recovery is the feature that we may use the most because it is very effective at restoring storage data like images, documents, music, and other files.

当要恢复的文件存储在本机设备存储中时,将使用此恢复模式。 设备数据恢复是我们最常使用的功能,因为它在还原存储数据(例如图像,文档,音乐和其他文件)时非常有效。

2.从iTunes备份恢复数据 (2. Data Recovery from iTunes Backup)

If you need to restore data that has been saved on iTunes to your iOS device, this is the option to choose. Unlike iCloud, iTunes doesn’t sync between every iOS device hence making it harder for users to recover lost files. With iSkysoft, your data is just a click away.

如果需要将iTunes中保存的数据还原到iOS设备,则可以选择此选项。 与iCloud不同,iTunes不会在每个iOS设备之间同步,因此使用户更难恢复丢失的文件。 使用iSkysoft,您只需单击一下即可获得数据。

3.从iCloud进行数据恢复 (3. Data Recovery from iCloud)

If you wish to restore data from your iCloud account to your existing or new device, then the iCloud recovery option will retrieve your iCloud data and transfers it to your iOS device.


The capabilities of iSkysoft don’t just end with images, video, and docs, with the new version of the Toolbox, users have access to one of the most requested features – Message recovery. The best part of the new software is that can recover deleted messages on iPhone without a backup file. So if you forgot to backup your messages, don’t worry, the Toolbox has got your covered.

iSkysoft的功能不仅限于图像,视频和文档,而且随着新版工具箱的出现,用户可以使用最需要的功能之一-邮件恢复。 新软件最好的部分是无需备份文件即可在iPhone上恢复已删除的消息 。 因此,如果您忘记备份邮件,请放心,工具箱已为您覆盖。

The message recover feature supports all the latest messaging platforms and apps like:


  • Text messages,

  • SMS messages,

  • MMS messages,

  • iMessage,

  • WhatsApp

  • Message attachments Etc.


Legacy support is also available with iSkysoft Toolbox as the software supports all the iOS versions from iOS 4.

iSkysoft Toolbox还提供了旧版支持,因为该软件支持iOS 4中的所有iOS版本。

如何在没有备份的情况下恢复iPhone上已删除的消息 (How To Recover Deleted Messages On an iPhone Without Backup)

The following is a step by step by step guide to recover messages on your iOS device without backup.


Step 1: Connect your iOS device to your computer and launch the iSkySoft Toolbox. Select Data Recovery from the list of available options.

步骤1:将iOS设备连接到计算机,然后启动iSkySoft工具箱。 从可用选项列表中选择“数据恢复”。

iOS Data Recovery Made Easy with iSkysoft Toolbox 1

Step 2: A host of options related to iOS data recovery will be shown on the window. Choose “Messages & Attachments” to start the recovery process and click “Start Scan”.

步骤2:与iOS数据恢复相关的许多选项将显示在窗口上。 选择“ 邮件和附件 ”以开始恢复过程,然后单击“开始扫描”。

iOS Data Recovery Made Easy with iSkysoft Toolbox 2

Step 3: The Toolkit will start scanning the device for deleted and lost messages. After the scan, the list of messages that can be recovered will be shown as a list. The user can choose to either recover all of them or select them per requirement. Click “Recover to Device” or “Recover to Computer” to start the file transfer.

步骤3:工具包将开始扫描设备以查找已删除和丢失的消息。 扫描后,可以恢复的邮件列表将显示为列表。 用户可以选择全部恢复,也可以根据需要选择它们。 单击“ 恢复到设备 ”或“ 恢复到计算机”以开始文件传输。

iOS Data Recovery Made Easy with iSkysoft Toolbox 3

That is all there’s to it! Three simple steps to get back the important messages that you had lost from your device. Users will also have the option to move the recovered messages to either the phone or your computer. The text messages can be saved in  HTML, Excel, CSV, and other formats. The emphasis with all these intuitive features is to provide customers with the greater power of convenience.

这就是全部! 三个简单的步骤即可找回从设备丢失的重要消息。 用户还可以选择将已恢复的邮件移动到手机或计算机上。 短信可以以HTML,Excel,CSV和其他格式保存。 所有这些直观功能的重点在于为客户提供更大的便利功能。

Note: The recovery option will also work for iPads. 

注意 :恢复选项也适用于iPad。

There is no other software that makes the whole process this easy for a user. Every software from iSkysoft is tested rigorously before roll out to make sure that there are no points of failure when it comes to security. The consistent software updates ensure that you have all the latest tools as soon it’s released.

没有其他软件可以使用户轻松完成整个过程。 iSkysoft的每个软件在推出之前都经过了严格的测试,以确保涉及安全性时不会出现故障。 一致的软件更新可确保在发布所有版本后,您便拥有所有最新工具。

您将需要的多合一智能手机管理套件! (The All-In-One Smartphone Management Suite That You Will Ever Need!)

The iSkysoft Toolbox is available on both Windows and Mac, and the installation process is straightforward and hassles free. Many customers have had a bad experience from choosing a device recovery software that isn’t from a trusted source.

iSkysoft工具箱可在Windows和Mac上使用,并且安装过程简单明了且无麻烦。 许多客户因选择非可靠来源的设备恢复软件而经历了糟糕的经历。

The credibility of iSkysoft is unquestioned, and you can install in on your device without thinking twice. The Toolbox also provides the same intuitive features for Android devices.

iSkysoft的信誉是毋庸置疑的,您可以在设备上进行安装而无需三思而后行。 工具箱还为Android设备提供了相同的直观功能。

It is never wise to wait until things go wrong, if your smartphone regularly handles important or sensitive data, then installing iSkysoft Toolbox is a must. It will definitely help you gain control of your smartphone device when they inevitably go wrong. In essence, a true smart device companion for iOS and Android users.

如果智能手机会定期处理重要数据或敏感数据,那么等到出现问题时再也绝不明智,因此必须安装iSkysoft Toolbox。 当智能手机设备不可避免地出问题时,绝对可以帮助您控制自己的智能手机设备。 本质上,是iOS和Android用户的真正智能设备伴侣。







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