Nest Protect是否仍可以在没有Wi-Fi连接的情况下工作?

If the Wi-Fi goes out and your smarthome devices lose connectivity, it’s mostly just an inconvenience. However, what about devices that are potential lifesavers, like the Nest Protect?

如果Wi-Fi掉线并且您的智能家居设备失去连接,这基本上只是一种不便。 但是,像Nest Protect这样的潜在救生设备又如何呢?

When the internet stops working in your home, a lot of smarthome device functionality disappears until the internet comes back on. Most Wi-Fi cameras, for example, pretty much turn into a brick when they lose connectivity. However, other devices still work just fine, albeit in a more “dumbhome” fashion—like smart thermostats. The Nest Protect smart smoke alarm fits in the latter category.

当互联网停止在您的家庭中工作时,许多智能家居设备功能将消失,直到互联网恢复正常。 例如,大多数Wi-Fi相机在失去连接时几乎变成了砖头 。 但是,其他设备仍然可以正常工作,尽管以更“笨拙”的方式工作( 例如智能恒温器) 。 Nest Protect智能烟雾报警器属于后一种。

那么,Wi-Fi断开时会发生什么? (So What Happens When the Wi-Fi Goes Out?)

Long story short, the smoke detection capabilities of your Nest Protect still work just fine when it loses its connection. You won’t be able to control or manage it remotely from your phone or take advantage of all the other cool features from the app, but the alarm itself will still act like any other regular smoke alarm—it will sound an alarm when it detects smoke.

简而言之,Nest Protect的烟雾检测功能在失去连接时仍然可以正常工作。 您将无法通过手机远程控制或管理它,也无法利用该应用程序中的所有其他炫酷功能,但该警报器本身仍会像其他常规烟雾警报器一样工作—当它检测到时会发出警报抽烟。

In fact, you can set up the Nest Protect without ever connecting it to Wi-Fi or linking it to your Nest account at all. Granted, it’s just a more expensive version of a regular smoke alarm at that point, but it goes to show that it’s designed to operate without Wi-Fi.

实际上,您可以设置Nest Protect,而无需将其连接到Wi-Fi或将其链接到您的Nest帐户。 当然,它只是那时常规烟雾报警器的一个较贵的版本,但它表明它设计为无需Wi-Fi即可运行。

如果您有多个Nest Protect装置 (If You Have Multiple Nest Protect Units)

If you have two or more interconnected Nest Protects in your home, you still don’t need to worry about the Wi-Fi going down. Nest Protects use their own wireless network of sorts to connect to each other. So even if your home’s Wi-Fi goes kaput and one of your Nest Protects detects smoke (thus, tripping the alarm), all of the other Nest Protects will go off as well.

如果您家中有两个或多个相互连接的Nest Protect,则无需担心Wi-Fi断开。 Nest Protects使用自己的各种无线网络相互连接。 因此,即使您家中的Wi-Fi断开了电源,并且您的Nest Protect之一检测到烟雾(因此触发了警报),所有其他Nest Protect也会熄灭。

However, you do need a Wi-Fi connection and the Nest app to set up more than one Nest Protect in the first place, since any additional units gain their settings from a previously-configured Nest Protect device.

但是,您确实需要Wi-Fi连接和Nest应用才能首先设置多个Nest Protect,因为任何其他设备都可以从先前配置的Nest Protect设备获得其设置。

Once they’re all set up and ready to go, though, Wi-Fi isn’t required for them to keep on keeping you safe—you just won’t be able to control them or receive alerts on your phone.







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