

Adjustment Layers are a special kind of Photoshop layer. Rather than having content of their own, they adjust the information on the layers below them. For example, you can use an adjustment layer to increase the brightness or contrast of a photograph without altering the original photo. They’re one of the most important tools to master in Photoshop.

调整层是一种特殊的Photoshop层。 他们没有自己的内容,而是在其下面的层上调整信息。 例如,您可以使用调整层来增加照片的亮度或对比度,而无需更改原始照片。 它们是在Photoshop中掌握的最重要的工具之一。

If you aren’t familiar with layers and layer masks, be sure to check out our explainer on the subject–and if you’re new to Photoshop, you should also check out our 8-part beginner’s guide before continuing.


无损编辑:您可以学习的最重要的Photoshop概念之一 (Non-Destructive Editing: One of the Most Important Photoshop Concepts You Can Learn)

When you’re working in Photoshop, it’s never good to manipulate the pixels in the original image. If you mess up, you might not be able to undo things. Instead, you want to use non-destructive tools and techniques. Adjustment layers are one of these tools. They alter the image below, but you can always turn them off or modify them, so your original image stays untouched. You aren’t stuck with what you’ve done.

在Photoshop中工作时,操纵原始图像中的像素永远都不是一件好事。 如果您搞砸了,则可能无法撤消操作。 相反,您想使用非破坏性工具和技术。 调整层是这些工具之一。 它们会更改下面的图像,但是您始终可以关闭或修改它们,因此原始图像保持不变。 您不会为自己所做的事情所困扰。

For example: if you destructively convert an image to black and white, you’re throwing away all the color information. You aren’t able to go back and change it back to color if you save the file. If you use the Black and White adjustment layer, though, you can go in at any stage and adjust how each color is converted to gray—or turn off the layer entirely to get your color image back. (This is also why backups are important for any mission-critical files.)

例如:如果您将图像破坏性地转换为黑白,则会丢弃所有颜色信息。 如果您保存文件,则无法返回并将其更改为彩色。 但是,如果使用“黑白”调整层,则可以在任何阶段进入并调整每种颜色转换为灰色的方式,或者完全关闭该层以使彩色图像恢复原状。 (这也是为什么备份对于任何关键任务文件都很重要的原因。)

五个基本调整层(以及如何使用它们) (The Five Basic Adjustment Layers (and How to Use Them))

To use an adjustment layer, click on its icon in the Adjustment Layers panel. You can then dial in the effect you want in the Properties panel. The controls for each adjustment layer are different and specific to its purpose.

要使用调整层,请在“调整层”面板中单击其图标。 然后可以在“属性”面板中拨入所需的效果。 每个调整层的控件都不同,并且针对其目的而不同。


Each adjustment layer automatically comes with a layer mask. That way, you can have it affect certain areas of your image instead of the entire thing.

每个调整图层都会自动带有图层蒙版 。 这样,您就可以影响图像的某些区域而不是整个区域。

Photoshop has 16 different adjustment layers. However, if you’re just staring out, there are only five you need to be familiar with. As you get into more advanced Photoshop work, you’ll learn to use the other ten.

Photoshop具有16个不同的调整层。 但是,如果您只是凝视着外面,只需熟悉五个即可。 当您进入更高级的Photoshop工作时,您将学习使用其他十个。

亮度/对比度 (Brightness/Contrast)


The Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer is the simplest way to adjust the exposure or contrast of an image. Drag the Brightness slider to the right to brighten things, drag it to the left to darken things. It’s the same for the Contrast slider: drag it to the right to add contrast, drag it to the left to take it away.

亮度/对比度调整层是调整图像曝光或对比度的最简单方法。 向右拖动“亮度”滑块以使事物变亮,向左拖动其以使事物变暗。 对比度滑块相同:向右拖动以添加对比度,向左拖动以将其移除。

等级 (Levels)


The Levels adjustment layer is another way to adjust exposure and contrast. The histogram represents all the tones in the image.

色阶调整层是另一种调整曝光和对比度的方法。 直方图表示图像中的所有色调。

Drag the black handle under the histogram to the right to darken your image. Drag the white handle to the left to brighten it. The gray handle controls the midtones: drag it to the left to brighten the midtones, and drag it to the right to darken them.

将直方图下方的黑色手柄拖到右侧,以使图像变暗。 将白色手柄向左拖动以使其变亮。 灰色手柄控制中间色调:将其向左拖动以使中间色调变亮,向右拖动以使中间色调变暗。

There are a few more advanced options with Levels but, when you’re starting out, you don’t need to worry about them. Just play around with the sliders to achieve the effect you want.

“关卡”还有一些其他高级选项,但是,当您开始使用时,无需担心它们。 只需使用滑块即可达到所需的效果

曲线 (Curves)


The Curves adjustment layer is the most powerful (and advanced) way to modify exposure and contrast. It’s a bit beyond most beginners, however it’ll frequently pop up in Photoshop tutorials, so it’s worth knowing.

曲线调整层是修改曝光和对比度的最强大(也是最先进的)方法。 它比大多数初学者略胜一筹,但是它经常会在Photoshop教程中弹出,因此值得一读。

The sloped line over the histogram represents the current tones in the image. Changing the slope of the line determines how each group of tones is affected.

直方图上的斜线代表图像中的当前色调。 更改线条的斜率可确定如何影响每组音调。

Click anywhere on the slope to add a point. Drag the point up to brighten the corresponding tones; down to darken them. You can add as many points as you need. By manipulating which points you drag up, and which you drag down, you can add contrast to the image.

单击坡度上的任意位置以添加点。 向上拖动该点以使相应的音调变亮; 下来使它们变暗。 您可以根据需要添加任意数量的点。 通过操纵向上拖动的点和向下拖动的点,可以为图像添加对比度。

Again, this tool is very advanced, but there’s a lot you can do with it–you’ll see it in a lot of Photoshop tutorials around the web. Check out our explainer on histrograms for a more in-depth look on how it all works.

同样,该工具非常先进,但是您可以使用它做很多事情–您会在网上的许多Photoshop教程中看到它。 请查看我们的直方图解释器 ,以更深入地了解其工作原理。

色相饱和度 (Hue/Saturation)


The Hue/Saturation adjustment layer is a simple way to adjust the colors in your image. Every color has a hue, saturation, and lightness value. The Hue/Saturation adjustment layer’s sliders correspond to them. Drag the relevant slider around to manipulate that aspect of the colors.

色相/饱和度调整层是一种调整图像颜色的简单方法。 每种颜色都有色相,饱和度和明度值。 色相/饱和度调整层的滑块与之相对应。 左右拖动相关滑块以操纵颜色的该方面。

By default, you’re editing all the colors as a whole. From the dropdown where it says Master, you can select any of Photoshop’s six primary colors—the Reds, Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues, and Magentas—to modify on their own. With this, you can achieve all sorts of different effects.

默认情况下,您要整体编辑所有颜色。 从显示Master的下拉菜单中,可以选择Photoshop的六种原色中的任意一种,即红色,黄色,绿色,深蓝,蓝色和洋红色。 这样,您可以实现各种不同的效果

黑,白 (Black & White)


The Black & White adjustment layer is the best way to convert an image to black and white. It has six sliders: one for each of Photoshop’s primary colors. Each slider controls how that color is converted into grayscale. Drag the relevant slider to the right to darken those colors; drag it to the left to brighten them.

黑白调整层是将图像转换为黑白最佳方法 。 它有六个滑块:一个用于Photoshop的原色。 每个滑块控制该颜色如何转换为灰度。 将相关的滑块向右拖动以使这些颜色变暗。 将其向左拖动以使其变亮。

Adjustment layers are the best way to modify the tones and colors in your images. But most importantly: they don’t change the original pixels so you can always go back in and tweak things. Some adjustment layers, like Curves, can be a bit tricky to get to grips with but it’s worth the effort. They’re a huge part of most Photoshop work.

调整层是修改图像中色调和颜色的最佳方法。 但最重要的是:它们不会更改原始像素,因此您可以随时返回并进行调整。 一些调整图层(例如“曲线”)可能会有些棘手,但是值得付出努力。 它们是大多数Photoshop工作的重要组成部分。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/274714/what-are-adjustment-layers-in-photoshop/





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