

Not a day passes by without doing an online search. You may know of basic search operators like AND, OR, etc. but an increasing number of web applications support even more keywords that’ll help you fine tune your search to the core. Here are some you may have never heard of.

如果没有在线搜索,一天不会过去。 您可能知道诸如AND,OR等基本搜索运算符,但是越来越多的Web应用程序支持甚至更多的关键字,这些关键字将帮助您将搜索微调到核心位置。 以下是您可能从未听说过的一些内容。

This is a guest post by Shankar Ganesh

这是 Shankar Ganesh 的来宾帖子

1. Google:使用AROUND(n)进行邻近搜索 (1. Google: Use AROUND(n) for proximity search)

Chances are you’ve never heard of Google’s AROUND(n) search operator. Using the AROUND(n) operator, you can specify the distance between two search terms.

您可能从未听说过Google的AROUND(n)搜索运算符。 使用AROUND(n)运算符,可以指定两个搜索词之间的距离。


For example, searching for obama AROUND(5) osama will return only those web pages that contain both these terms at a distance of five words. Could come in handy when you’re searching for name aliases, among other things. If you’re interested, check out this list containing relatively lesser known Google search operators.

例如,搜索obama AROUND(5)osama返回包含两个单词且相距五个单词的网页。 当您搜索名称别名时,可以派上用场。 如果您有兴趣,请查看此列表,其中包含相对较少的Google搜索运算符

2. Gmail:搜索加注星标的电子邮件 (2. Gmail: Search super-starred emails)

Starring emails is one indispensable feature in Gmail and you’ve probably enabled Superstars labs addon. This feature gives you additional star icons to mark your messages so that you can differentiate important emails.

给电子邮件加注星标是Gmail中必不可少的功能,您可能已启用了Superstars Labs插件。 此功能为您提供了其他星形图标来标记您的邮件,以便您区分重要的电子邮件。

What many people don’t know is that you can search and find messages that have been marked by a specific star. For example, has:blue-info will restrict search results to those emails that are marked with a blue info star and not others.

许多人不知道的是,您可以搜索和查找带有特定星号标记的邮件。 例如,has:blue-info会将搜索结果限制为标有蓝色信息星的电子邮件,而不是其他电子邮件。


Here are other search operators that you can use to find super-starred emails in Gmail:


has:yellow-star (or l:^ss_sy) has:blue-star (or l:^ss_sb) has:red-star (or l:^ss_sr) has:orange-star (or l:^ss_so) has:green-star (or l:^ss_sg) has:purple-star (or l:^ss_sp) has:red-bang (or l:^ss_cr) has:yellow-bang (or l:^ss_cy) has:blue-info (or l:^ss_cb) has:orange-guillemet (or l:^ss_co) has:green-check (or l:^ss_cg) has:purple-question (or l:^ss_cp)

has:黄星(或l:^ ss_sy)has:蓝星(或l:^ ss_sb)has:红星(或l:^ ss_sr)has:橙色星(或l:^ ss_so)具有:绿色星(或l:^ ss_sg)具有:紫色星(或l:^ ss_sp)具有:红色爆炸(或l:^ ss_cr)具有:黄色爆炸(或l:^ ss_cy)具有:蓝色信息(或l:^ ss_cb)具有:橙色guillemet(或l:^ ss_co)具有:绿色检查(或l:^ ss_cg)具有:紫色问题(或l:^ ss_cp)

You really should thank the Google Operating System blog for bring these to light.


3. Gmail:使用CloudMagic添加即时搜索 (3. Gmail: Add Instant Search with CloudMagic)

Gmail search simply leaves a lot to be desired. At least, in terms of speed. It’s pretty slow, especially if you have archived plenty of messages in your Gmail account. Enter CloudMagic – an addon for Firefox and Chrome that adds an instant search bar to Gmail.

Gmail搜索只是有很多不足之处。 至少在速度方面。 这非常慢,尤其是如果您已在Gmail帐户中存档了大量邮件。 输入CloudMagic – Firefox和Chrome的附加组件 ,可将即时搜索栏添加到Gmail。


Give your Gmail account credentials (don’t worry, they’re stored locally) and then click Ctrl + / to put the focus on the CloudMagic search bar. Start typing. Matching emails show up instantly as you type. If you live and die by Gmail, you gotta have CloudMagic installed. No excuse!

提供您的Gmail帐户凭据(不用担心,它们存储在本地),然后单击Ctrl + /将焦点放在CloudMagic搜索栏上。 开始输入。 键入时,匹配的电子邮件会立即显示。 如果您死于Gmail,那么您必须安装CloudMagic。 别找借口!

4. Bing:在几秒钟内找到新墙纸 (4. Bing: Find a new wallpaper in seconds)

Google lets you use the imagesize operator to specify a resolution for image search results. You might have used this operator to search for wallpapers that satisfy your screen resolution. For example, searching for [nature imagesize:1366×768] will return pictures that are of that size.

Google允许您使用imagesize运算符为图像搜索结果指定分辨率。 您可能已经使用此运算符来搜索满足您的屏幕分辨率的墙纸。 例如,搜索[ Nature imagesize:1366×768 ]将返回该尺寸的照片。


Bing fares better in this arena. Just visit bing.com/images, type in your search term and choose Size > Wallpapers from the left panel. Bing will now show pictures that match your screen resolution. You needn’t explicitly specify it. One caveat: it doesn’t work if you have dual monitors. Hat tip: Labnol.

必应在这个领域的表现更好。 只需访问bing.com/images ,输入搜索词,然后从左侧面板中选择大小>壁纸。 现在,必应将显示与您的屏幕分辨率匹配的图片。 您无需显式指定它。 一个警告:如果您有双显示器,则无法使用。 帽子提示: Labnol

5. Evernote:根据来源来搜索笔记 (5. Evernote: Search notes based on the source they came from)

If you’re an Evernote junkie, chances are you use it to dump stuff from a multitude of applications. What if you want to restrict searches to notes from a particular source? It’s easy, thanks to the built-in source operator.

如果您是Evernote迷,那么您可能会使用它来从众多应用程序中转储内容。 如果您想将搜索范围限制为来自特定来源的笔记,该怎么办? 这很简单,这要归功于内置的源运算符。


For instance, source:mobile.* matches notes that were created in any mobile client and source:ms.app.* matches notes that were pasted into Evernote from a Microsoft application like Word, Excel, etc. Check out more advanced Evernote search parameters here.


6. Trunk.ly:搜索您在社交网络上共享的链接 (6. Trunk.ly: Search the links you share across social networks)

Do you share a dozen links on Twitter and Facebook every week and find it pretty hard to trace and find that particular article you shared even a week ago? Trunk.ly can help you find one link in seconds.

您是否每周在Twitter和Facebook上共享十几个链接,并且发现很难追踪和找到一个星期前共享的特定文章? Trunk.ly可以帮助您在几秒钟内找到一个链接。


Go to www.trunk.ly and connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts. The app then indexes the links you’ve shared and makes them all searchable. You needn’t pull your hair to find that article you shared some time ago – just type a few words you remember about it and Trunk.ly will bring it up in seconds.

转到www.trunk.ly并连接您的Facebook和Twitter帐户。 然后,该应用会为您共享的链接编制索引,并使所有链接都可搜索。 您无需费心就能找到您之前分享的文章,只需输入一些您记得的单词即可,Trunk.ly会在几秒钟内将其显示出来。

There’s support for Delicious, Instapaper, RSS feeds, Pinboard besides just Twitter and Facebook. If you’re a social media junkie, you definitely need to have a Trunk.ly account.

除Twitter和Facebook外,还支持Delicious,Instapaper,RSS提要,Pinboard。 如果您是社交媒体迷,则肯定需要拥有Trunk.ly帐户。

7. Windows:排除文件并仅搜索文件夹名称 (7. Windows: Exclude files and search only for folder names)

The default Windows search feature is pretty good at finding your cluttered files across partitions. You might frequently use it to do searches if you often forget where you save your files. What if you want to restrict searches to only folder names?

Windows的默认搜索功能非常擅长跨分区查找混乱的文件。 如果您经常忘记将文件保存在何处,则可能会经常使用它进行搜索。 如果要将搜索限制为仅文件夹名称怎么办?


It’s pretty easy, thanks to the in-built kind: operator. The next time you search for mp3 kind:folder, Windows will show only those folders that have mp3 in their names. Files will not appear in search results, even if they contain mp3 in their name.

有了内置的kind:操作符,这非常简单。 下次您搜索mp3 kind:folder时,Windows将仅显示名称中带有mp3的文件夹。 即使文件名称中包含mp3,文件也不会出现在搜索结果中。

I’m Shankar. I’m just another geek and I share all I know on my blog, Killer Tech Tips. If you’ve got a minute, check out my tips ranging from unpopular keyboard shortcuts to a guide on blocking Facebook. Talk to me on Twitter!

我是香卡 我只是另一个怪胎,我在我的博客Killer Tech Tips上分享了我所知道的一切。 如果有时间,请查看我的提示,从不受欢迎的键盘快捷键阻止Facebook指南 。 在Twitter上与我交谈!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/64957/7-search-tips-you-probably-dont-know-about/

对网页的便利贴。 网页便笺通过在以下网站上添加便笺来减轻您的记忆:-特定网站-该网站的特定页面-该页面的特定元素-匹配定义范围的任何网页缺点-单击并键入上下文-特定于页面而不是混乱的记事板简单-只需单击两次即可完成直观-浅功能,符号图标,工具提示可填补空白清洁-图标清晰,边框整洁,用途不多-相框,视频嵌入,RSS提要等 。便携式-将笔记同步到Google云端硬盘,并在另一台计算机上访问它们加密-导出/备份/同步已加密***功能***-同步到Google云端硬盘-加密-添加/删除/克隆-最小化/最大化-调整大小/双击边缘以调整大小/自动调整大小-背景/文本/边框颜色+透明度-更改字体属性-移至顶部/发送至底部-导出/导入-范围(全局,域,页面等)-管理所有注释-覆盖默认设置的设置-引脚n注释到另一注释,至下一页-锁定注释-加载媒体-拍摄快照-RSS Feed-纯文本/降价/文本格式-更多... !!!重要!一些人提到了扩展名不起作用的事实。原因之一可能是页面尚未完全加载。仅当进度圈完成并且页面图标显示在选项卡上时,该选项才起作用。有几个人提到以下事实:当重新访问同一页面时,注释不会持续存在。原因之一可能是当您再次尝试访问同一页面时,该页面可能具有不同的URL(即,?之后的URL有所不同)。如果您认为并非如此,请在“支持”选项卡下提供一个示例。该扩展程序在“新建标签”,“扩展程序”或其他Chrome(非网络)页面上也将不起作用。 支持语言:English (United States)




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