

Every week we dip into our mailbag and answer your pressing tech questions. This week we’re looking at the difference between ISO and TS folders in DVD video, helping Windows recall folder locations, and Kindle book conversion.

每周我们都会浸入我们的邮袋,并回答您紧迫的技术问题。 本周,我们将研究DVD视频中ISO和TS文件夹之间的区别,以帮助Windows调用文件夹位置和Kindle图书转换。

ISO与TS文件夹 (ISO Versus TS Folders)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have a hard drive with several hundred GB’s of movies. Some are old family videos in which I just copied the Video_TS folder and Audio_TS folders [from the unencrypted DVD].

我的硬盘驱动器上有几百GB的电影。 有些是家庭旧视频,我只是从[未加密的DVD]复制了Video_TS文件夹和Audio_TS文件夹。

I am considering going back and creating ISO images to make the file structure a little easier, to play them in more media players, and for consistency.


Is there any downside to using an ISO image compared to the two folders above.Maybe you could explain what exactly an ISO image is an why I need to burn one to a DVD to play it in most players, but the two files show-up instead on the disc.






Dear ISO-Confused


We can understand your confusion, the differences between the two methods aren’t immediately apparent. Think of an ISO file as a container format. ISOs are useful when you want a perfect copy of a disc with all the menus, extras, and everything intact. Some people like to rip discs to ISO format so they get a perfect copy and can use that perfect copy to create new copies in the future. Other people like to rip discs by taking just the Video_TS and Audio_TS off the discs so they can manipulate them (by, for example, removing trailers, extra menus, or cutting it right down to the feature film).

我们可以理解您的困惑,但这两种方法之间的区别不是立即显而易见的。 将ISO文件视为容器格式。 当您想要完美复制所有菜单,附加功能和所有内容的光盘时,ISO很有用。 有些人喜欢将光盘翻录成ISO格式,以便获得完美的副本,并可以在将来使用该完美的副本创建新副本。 其他人喜欢通过只从光盘上取下Video_TS和Audio_TS来翻录光盘,以便他们可以操作它们(例如,通过删除预告片,多余的菜单或将其剪切到故事片上)。

There aren’t any particularly big downsides to having your files in either format (ISO or the folder structure). Unless your plan on playing the movies on a network device or media player that is really finnicky about one format there’s no compelling reason to go through the effort of converting all your lose TS folders to ISO files. Almost every popular DVD burning application around will happily take your Video_TS and Audio_TS folders and reauthor a proper DVD out of them.

使用两种格式(ISO或文件夹结构)的文件都没有太大的缺点。 除非您打算在网络设备或媒体播放器上播放电影的计划确实对一种格式有严格的规定,否则没有令人信服的理由进行所有将丢失的TS文件夹转换为ISO文件的工作。 几乎所有流行的DVD刻录应用程序都会很高兴地将您的Video_TS和Audio_TS文件夹取出,并从其中重新编写适当的DVD。

As for what’s actually in the Audio and Video TS folders, we’d recommend checking out this breakdown at FileInfo for an explanation of the individual files you’ll find in the folders and what they do.


帮助Windows 7记住文件夹位置 (Help Windows 7 Remember Folder Locations)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I run a dual monitor setup in Windows 7 Pro with an extended desktop.  My left monitor is the one that I primarily use.  Some mornings when I start an application it will launch on the left side and other times it will launch on the right monitor.  Is there any way to define what monitor an application with launch on?

我在带有扩展桌面的Windows 7 Pro中运行双显示器设置。 我的左监视器是我主要使用的监视器。 某些早晨,当我启动应用程序时,它将在左侧启动,而有时将在右侧的显示器上启动。 有什么方法可以定义启动应用程序的监视器吗?

Flip Flopping in Fargo


Dear Flip Flopping,


There is no native solution to your flip fop problem—for all its advancements Windows 7 is terrible are correctly recalling window positioning, something Windows XP was quite good at. Fortunately there is a little application called ShellFolderFix that remedies the situation by keeping a running tab on where you applications are and where you want them to be. You can download the installation file here or check out our guide to installing and configuring ShellFolderFix here.

触发器问题没有本机解决方案,因为Windows 7的所有进步都很糟糕,它们正确地调用了窗口定位,这是Windows XP相当擅长的。 幸运的是,有一个名为ShellFolderFix的小应用程序,通过在应用程序的位置和希望的位置保持运行标签来纠正这种情况。 您可以在此处下载安装文件,在此处查阅我们的指南以安装和配置ShellFolderFix

为Kindle转换书籍 (Converting Books for the Kindle)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have a Kindle but I have absolutely no idea how to get non-Amazon purchased books and free downloads onto it? I know it can read books that weren’t purchased within the Amazon ecosystem but I don’t know how to even begin working with them. Help!

我有一台Kindle,但我完全不知道如何获取非亚马逊购买的图书并免费下载? 我知道它可以阅读不是在亚马逊生态系统中购买的书籍,但我什至不知道如何开始使用它们。 救命!

Off Market Shopping in Manitoba


Dear Off Market,


Amazon doesn’t go out of there way to make it clear how to use non-Amazon sources (we wouldn’t expect any less really, they have a business model to support and encourage). It’s really easy with the use of a free and open-source application called Calibre. Calibre can easily convert many, many, document formats into Kindle friendly formats (such as ePUB,  LIT, LRF, and more to the MOBI format used by the Kindle).  Think of Calibre as a media manager for your books (much like iTunes is common and popular media manager for music). You can download Calibre here or, to get a feel for the application, read our guide to converting PDF to ePUB format with Calibre here. All you need to do is exchanged PDF for whatever format you want to convert and select MOBI instead of ePUB and you’ll be all set. Plug in your Kindle, copy the files, and enjoy!

亚马逊并没有明确表示出如何使用非亚马逊资源的方式(我们不会期望如此,他们有支持和鼓励的商业模式)。 使用名为Calibre的免费和开源应用程序确实很容易。 口径可以轻松地将许多文档格式转换为Kindle友好格式(例如ePUB,LIT,LRF,以及更多Kindle使用的MOBI格式)。 可以将Caliber当作书籍的媒体管理器(就像iTunes是音乐的通用和流行媒体管理器一样)。 您可以在此处下载Caliber,或者通过以下方法来获得应用程序的感觉,请阅读我们的指南, 以使用Caliber将PDF转换为ePUB格式 。 您所需要做的就是将PDF转换为要转换的任何格式,然后选择MOBI而不是ePUB,一切就绪。 插入Kindle,复制文件即可享受!

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at
有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it. ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/65958/ask-htg-iso-vs.-ts-folders-remembering-window-locations-and-converting-books-for-the-kindle/





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