

You’d think that with the vast amount of information on the Internet, learning a new language would be easy. But the availability of all that information is part of the problem. We’ve scoured the depths of the Internet to compile this list of the best websites for learning a new language.

您会认为,利用Internet上的大量信息,学习一种新语言会很容易。 但是,所有这些信息的可用性是问题的一部分。 我们搜寻了Internet的深度,以编制出学习新语言的最佳网站列表。

多邻国:最适合大多数人 (Duolingo: Best for Most People)


Duolingo is one of the most popular websites to learn a new language for free. Designed primarily for hobbyists, Duolingo starts by teaching you the most basic words in the language of your choice. Once you’re familiar with the words, simple sentences follow. It’s the more natural way of learning a language compared to a standard learning process.

Duolingo是最受欢迎的免费学习新语言的网站之一。 Duolingo主要是为业余爱好者设计的,首先会教您选择语言中最基本的单词。 熟悉单词后,便会出现简单的句子。 与标准学习过程相比,这是一种更自然的语言学习方式。

Duolingo’s strength is in the way it presents the material. You’ll go through lessons with native speakers, followed by quizzes to help you strengthen your learning. The app listens to you speak so that it can determine how you’re progressing. It even uses spaced repetition (where you review previous material at gradually decreasing intervals) to help strengthen your learning. The addition of gamification elements like learning streaks and in-lesson grading help keep things interesting.

Duolingo的优势在于呈现材料的方式。 您将与以母语为母语的人一起上课,然后进行测验以帮助您加强学习。 该应用程序会听您讲话,以便确定您的进度。 它甚至使用间隔重复(您以逐渐减少的间隔查看以前的材料)来帮助您增强学习。 游戏化元素(如学习条纹和课内评分)的添加有助于使事情变得有趣。

However, Duoling does have its downsides. While it’s great for helping you get started with the basics of a new language, it’s not great at the more advanced stuff. If you’re after any level of fluency, you’ll eventually need to move on to another service.

但是,多灵确实有其缺点。 虽然这对帮助您入门一种新语言的基础非常有用,但对于更高级的内容却不是很好。 如果您对流利程度有任何要求,则最终需要继续使用其他服务。

Duolingo is free on the web, iOS, Android, and Windows phone.


FluentU:通过观看外语视频学习 (FluentU: Learn by Watching Foreign Language Videos)


FluentU teaches you new languages using videos. The videos are not instructional, but rather regular videos featuring the foreign language. For example, you might see a movie clip, a music video, or a just a person talking. The videos have interactive captions to help you learn the language. The captions are presented in both languages (the one you know and the one you’re trying to learn), and you can hover any word to understand its meaning. Interactive quizzes help you measure your progress.

FluentU使用视频教您新的语言。 这些视频不是说明性的,而是带有外语的常规视频。 例如,您可能会看到电影剪辑,音乐视频,或者只是一个人在说话。 视频具有交互式字幕 ,可帮助您学习语言。 标题以两种语言显示(一种您知道的语言,另一种是您尝试学习的语言),您可以将鼠标悬停在任何单词上以了解其含义。 互动测验可帮助您衡量进度。

FluentU is not free, but they do offer a 15-day trial so you can check it out. After that, there’s a $10 per month Basic plan that lets you use their mobile apps (iOS and Android) and provides unlimited word lookup and unlimited videos. A $20 per month Plus plan adds unlimited flashcards and quizzes, as well as spaced repetition.

FluentU不是免费的,但是他们提供15天的试用期,因此您可以签出。 之后,每个月有$ 10的基本计划可让您使用他们的移动应用(iOS和Android),并提供无限的单词查找和无限的视频。 每月20美元的Plus计划增加了无限制的抽认卡和测验以及间隔重复。

Rype:请一位私人教练 (Rype: Get a Personal Instructor)


Rype is another language learning website with an interesting business model. Instead of using quizzes or videos to teach a new language, you learn from a personal instructor over a video call. You schedule a 30- or 60-minute call with an instructor who’ll teach you the language personally. They don’t offer as many languages as other sites but plan to add more in the future.

Rype是另一个具有有趣商业模式的语言学习网站。 您可以通过视频通话向私人教练学习,而不必使用测验或视频来教新语言。 您可以安排30分钟或60分钟的通话时间,该课程的讲师会亲自教您该语言。 他们提供的语言不如其他网站那么多,但计划在将来增加更多。

Apart from languages, you can also learn academic subjects in the same way.


Rype offers a compelling and personal way of learning, but it comes at a price. After a seven-day trial, you’ll pay close to $65 per month to use the service.

Rype提供了一种引人入胜的个性化学习方式,但这是有代价的。 经过7天的试用期后,您每月需要支付近65美元才能使用该服务。

Memrise:使用文字游戏来帮助您学习 (Memrise: Use Word Games to Help You Learn)


Memrise is another language-learning website designed more for getting started with a language than for real fluency. Similar to Duolingo, you learn a language by playing word games that help you memorize the language with ease. Using the apps, you can continue learning on the go—offline mode is also supported.

Memrise是另一个语言学习网站,其设计目的更多是为了使语言入门而不是真正的流利程度。 与Duolingo相似,您可以通过玩文字游戏来学习语言,以帮助您轻松记住该语言。 使用这些应用程序,您可以随时随地继续学习-还支持离线模式。

The basic features are free to use; the Pro version costs $4.95 a month. The Pro version gives you access to a Grammarbot, listening skill exercises, a video mode, and analytics on your learning performance.

基本功能可以免费使用; 专业版的费用为每月4.95美元。 专业版可让您访问Grammarbot,听力技能练习,视频模式以及学习成绩分析。

Babbel:选择一个您感兴趣的主题 (Babbel: Pick a Topic that Interests You)


Babbel takes a personalized approach to teach you new languages. Instead of starting with the same words as everyone else, you get to choose a topic about which you want to learn. A few examples of topics include animals, food, travel, and lifestyle. Once you choose a topic, you’ll learn the vocabulary for that topic first, which keeps the lessons interesting and useful.

Babbel采用个性化的方法教您新语言。 您不必选择与其他所有人相同的词开头,而是可以选择要学习的主题。 主题的一些示例包括动物,食物,旅行和生活方式。 选择一个主题后,您将首先学习该主题的词汇,从而使课程变得既有趣又有用。

A subscription to Babbel costs $12.95 a month and costs go down if you purchase a longer subscription. There is no free trial, but they do offer a 20-day money-back guarantee.

订阅Babbel的费用为每月12.95美元,如果您购买更长的订阅,费用会下降。 没有免费试用,但是他们提供20天退款保证。

Image Credit: Cover photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

图片来源: Patrick TomassoUnsplash上的封面照片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/395502/the-best-websites-for-learning-a-new-language/





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