impala llama_使用Llama根据您的位置自动更改Android手机的设置

impala llama

impala llama


Llama is a clever Android app that can automatically perform actions based on your location. It uses cell towers — not GPS — so it won’t use much additional battery power. In fact, Llama can help save battery power.

Llama是一个聪明的Android应用程序,可以根据您的位置自动执行操作。 它使用的是手机发射塔,而不是GPS,因此它不会消耗太多的电池电量。 实际上,骆马可以帮助节省电池电量

Llama can also perform actions based on other triggers. It’s similar to Tasker, another popular app for automatically performing actions. Unlike Tasker, Llama is free and has a simpler interface. Most Llama features are available without rooting your device.

骆马还可以基于其他触发器执行动作。 它类似于Tasker ,这是另一个流行的应用程序,用于自动执行动作。 与Tasker不同,Llama是免费的,并且具有更简单的界面。 大多数Llama功能都可以使用,而无需植根设备。

训练骆驼识别区域 (Training Llama to Recognize Areas)

You can install Llama from Google Play. After you have, you will need to open the Llama app and start training Llama to recognize the areas you care about. Llama comes with two pre-configured locations – Home and Work – but you’ll need to train Llama to recognize each. You could also add additional locations, such as “School” or locations for your friends’ places. The sky is the limit.

您可以从Google Play安装Llama 。 完成后,您将需要打开Llama应用程序并开始对Llama进行培训,以识别您关心的领域。 Llama带有两个预配置的位置-家庭和工作地点-但您需要培训Llama才能识别每个位置。 您还可以添加其他位置,例如“学校”或您朋友位置的位置。 天空才是极限。

To train Llama to recognize a location, tap the Areas tab, long-press a location (such as Home), and tap Start Learning Area. You’ll need to be physically present at your location to do this. Llama will monitor the nearby cell towers for as long as you specify and learn which cell towers correspond to the location.

要训​​练Llama识别位置,请点击“区域”选项卡,长按一个位置(例如“主页”),然后点击“开始学习区域”。 为此,您需要亲自到场。 只要您指定,Llama就会监视附近的手机信号塔,并了解与该位置对应的手机信号塔。


Repeat this process at each new area to train Llama to identify your locations.


Note that Llama may not work well in rural areas where a few cell towers (also known as cell masts) are used for a wide area. Even if you’re in a more urban area, Llama does not offer the most fine-grained location control. For example, if you live next-door to where you work, Llama may consider both your home and work to be the same area, assuming your phone is connected to the same cell towers at each location.

请注意,Llama可能在一些地区使用了一些蜂窝塔(也称为蜂窝天线杆)的农村地区效果不佳。 即使您位于市区内,Llama也不提供最细粒度的位置控制。 例如,如果您住在工作场所的隔壁,则Llama可能会将您的家和工作都视为同一区域,前提是您的电话在每个位置都连接到相同的基站。

使用配置文件 (Using Profiles)

Llama comes pre-configured with several events and profiles. An event can be something like “change my ringtone when I leave the Home area” or “enable a specific profile when I enter the Work area.”

Llama预先配置了多个事件和配置文件。 事件可以是“离开家乡区域时更改铃声”或“进入工作区时启用特定配置文件”之类的事件。

By default, Llama will change its profile to Normal when you leave your Home or Work locations. It also automatically enables the Quiet profile at night time or when you’re at work.

默认情况下,当您离开家庭或工作地点时,Llama会将其配置文件更改为“普通”。 它还会在夜间或工作时自动启用“安静”配置文件。


You can tap over to the Profiles tab, long-press a profile, and tap Edit Profile to edit it. Profiles allow you to change settings like your phone’s volumes, ringtone, and vibrate mode. Other settings, such as toggling Wi-Fi on or off, must be changed by creating specific events.

您可以点击“个人档案”选项卡,长按一个个人档案,然后点击“编辑个人档案”进行编辑。 个人资料可让您更改设置,例如手机的音量,铃声和振动模式。 必须通过创建特定事件来更改其他设置,例如打开或关闭Wi-Fi。


建立活动 (Creating Events)

Llama’s events are where the real action is. For example, you could create events that disable Wi-Fi when you leave your home, saving you battery power while out and about. You could create events that automatically enable vibrate mode at work (you would do this by changing a profile setting – you can modify the Quiet profile to easily do this out-of-the-box.) You could set a notification alert to play when you phone is finished charging, have Llama turn off mobile data at night, automatically open a wallet app when you enter a store, and do many other things. We’re just scratching the surface with Llama here – use your imagination.

骆马的事件才是真正的行动所在。 例如,您可以创建在离开家时禁用Wi-Fi的事件,从而在出差时节省电池电量。 您可以创建在工作中自动启用振动模式的事件(您可以通过更改配置文件设置来执行此操作–您可以修改“安静”配置文件以轻松地立即使用此功能。)您可以设置在以下情况下播放的通知警报您的电话已完成充电,请Llama在晚上关闭移动数据,在您进入商店时自动打开电子钱包应用程序,并执行许多其他操作。 我们在这里只是用Llama抓表面-发挥您的想象力。

Let’s create an example event that will disable Wi-Fi when you leave your Home area and re-enable it when you return. First, tap the Events category and then tap the + button at the bottom of the screen.

让我们创建一个示例事件,该事件将在您离开家庭区域时禁用Wi-Fi,并在您返回时重新启用它。 首先,点击事件类别,然后点击屏幕底部的+按钮。


Name the event, use the Add Condition button to add Leave Area – Home, and then use the Add Action button to add WiFi – Off. You now have an event that will turn off phone’s Wi-Fi when you leave your Home area.

为事件命名,使用“添加条件”按钮添加“离开区域-主页”,然后使用“添加操作”按钮添加WiFi-关闭。 现在,您有一个事件,当您离开家乡区域时,它将关闭手机的Wi-Fi。


Be aware that you’ll need to create pairs of actions. For example, if you create an action that disables your phone’s Wi-Fi when you leave your Home area, you’ll want to create an action that re-enables Wi-Fi when you enter your Home area. Create a new event, add the Enter/In Area – Home condition, and then add the Wi-Fi On action.

请注意,您需要创建动作对。 例如,如果您创建一个在离开家乡区域时禁用手机Wi-Fi的操作,则您将要创建一个在进入家乡区域时重新启用Wi-Fi的操作。 创建一个新事件,添加Enter / In Area – Home条件,然后添加Wi-Fi On操作。


You may also want to create an action that re-enables WI-Fi when you enter another location, such as your Work area – the rest is up to you.


Do you have any other clever uses for Llama? Or do you prefer Tasker’s power, even though Tasker is a paid app with a significantly more complex interface? Leave a comment and let us know!

骆驼还有其他聪明用途吗? 还是即使Tasker是一款付费应用程序,界面却要复杂得多,您还是更喜欢Tasker的功能吗? 发表评论,让我们知道!


impala llama





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