中大网络 网络电缆没有插好_如何在没有电缆的情况下观看FXNow

中大网络 网络电缆没有插好

中大网络 网络电缆没有插好

The FXNow website.

FXNow is an impressive streaming service that offers most FX shows on-demand. But it requires an expensive cable subscription. So, how can you get FXNow cheaper? Subscribe to a less-expensive streaming TV service.

FXNow是一项令人印象深刻的流媒体服务,可按需提供大多数FX节目。 但这需要昂贵的电缆订购。 那么,如何才能更便宜地获得FXNow? 订阅便宜的流电视服务。

Before we get into it, let’s clarify something. Streaming TV services are live, with commercials and all. But the streaming TV services listed in this article also offer access to FXNow, a streaming website that gives you FX shows on-demand (for no additional charge). You can’t get FXNow without some sort of TV service, even if it’s just live TV streamed over the internet.

在开始讨论之前,让我们先澄清一下。 流媒体电视服务是现场直播的,包括广告和所有内容。 但是 ,本文中列出的流媒体电视服务还可以访问FXNow,这是一个流媒体网站,可以按需提供FX节目(不收取额外费用)。 没有某种电视服务就无法获得FXNow,即使它只是通过互联网流式传输的直播电视也是如此。

The thing is, streaming TV services are expensive. So, let’s see what each of them brings to the table and whether they’re worth the money. And we’ll cover some cheaper FX-viewing options, in case you’re not into the whole streaming TV thing.

问题是流电视服务很昂贵。 因此,让我们看看他们每个人都带来了什么,以及他们是否物有所值。 而且,如果您不喜欢流媒体电视的全部内容,我们将介绍一些更便宜的FX观看选项。

最佳服务:YouTube TV(每月50美元) (The Best Service: YouTube TV ($50/Month))

The YouTube TV website.
YouTube TV

If you’re going to subscribe to a streaming TV service for FXNow, you should look at YouTube TV first. Our testers over at Review Geek found that YouTube TV is by far the best streaming TV service. It’s a bit expensive, but it’s packed with 60 network channels (including some local channels), unlimited DVR recording (you can keep recordings for nine months), and it has a great interface, to boot.

如果您要为FXNow订阅流电视服务,则应首先查看YouTube电视 。 我们在Review Geek的测试人员发现,YouTube TV是迄今为止最好的流媒体电视服务 。 它有点贵,但是它包含60个网络频道(包括一些本地频道),无限制的DVR录制(您可以将录制保留9个月),并且具有良好的启动界面。

The only obvious downside is that YouTube TV doesn’t have an HBO add-on (it has Showtime and Starz). That’s not an issue for everyone, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

唯一明显的缺点是YouTube电视没有HBO附加组件(它具有Showtime和Starz)。 这不是每个人的问题,但值得牢记。

便宜的选择:Sling Blue($ 25 /月) (The Cheap Option: Sling Blue ($25/Month))

The Sling website.

The cheapest way to get FXNow without cable is to subscribe to Sling TV’s Blue plan. With the Blue plan, you get access to FX and 43 other channels. For $25 a month, Sling’s a serious contender.

无需电缆即可获得FXNow的最便宜方法是订阅Sling TV的Blue计划 。 使用“蓝色”计划,您可以访问FX和其他43个通道。 对于每月25美元的费用,Sling是一个真正的竞争者。

But you get what you pay for. The Sling interface is (subjectively) awful when compared to any other streaming TV service, and you have to pay extra to get DVR functionality and additional channels.

但是,您得到的是所支付的。 与任何其他流媒体电视服务相比,Sling界面(主观上)糟糕透顶,您必须支付额外费用才能获得DVR功能和其他频道。

按需独家特惠:带直播电视的Hulu($ 45 /月) (Great for On-Demand Exclusives: Hulu with Live TV ($45/Month))

The Hulu with Live TV website.

Hulu with Live TV is, in many ways, comparable to YouTube TV. It’s got a good interface and a variety of channels. It also comes with some on-demand streaming options, in case the FXNow access isn’t enough for you.

带有直播电视的Hulu在许多方面都可以与YouTube电视媲美。 它具有良好的界面和多种渠道。 如果还不足以支持FXNow,它还提供了一些点播流选项。

The only serious downside of Hulu with Live TV is that it caps your DVR time at 50 hours. The recordings don’t expire, though, and you can drop some extra cash to expand your DVR size.

带有直播电视的Hulu唯一严重的缺点是,它将DVR时间限制为50小时。 录音不会过期,但是您可以放一些额外的现金来扩大DVR的大小。

大量频道:Fubo TV($ 55 /月) (Tons of Channels: Fubo TV ($55/Month))

The Fubo TV website.
Fubo TV

If you want a ridiculous number of channels alongside access to FXNow, then check out Fubo TV. Its $55 plan comes with 95 channels, including a pretty decent selection of sports and children’s networks.

如果您想要访问FXNow时需要大量的频道,请查看Fubo TV 。 其55美元的套餐带有95个频道,其中包括相当不错的体育节目和儿童网络节目。

But, like Sling, the Fubo TV interface is a bit strange. Additionally, its channel upgrades (sports plus, AMC, NBA pass, etc.) are pretty dang expensive. And to top it off, the Fubo TV DVR is capped at 30 hours (you can get 500 hours with a $10 upgrade), although it does keep recordings forever.

但是,像Sling一样,Fubo TV界面也有些奇怪。 此外,其频道升级(体育升级,AMC,NBA通行证等) 非常昂贵 。 最重要的是,Fubo TV DVR的上限为30小时(升级10美元即可获得500小时),尽管它可以永久保存录像。

对于体育迷:DirecTV NOW($ 50每月) (For Sports Fans: DirecTV NOW ($50/Month))

The DirecTV Now website.

If you like sports channels, HBO, and FX, then you should consider subscribing to DirecTV NOW. It’s not the absolute best service, but it might be worth $50 for the channels alone.

如果您喜欢体育频道,HBO FX,则应考虑订阅DirecTV NOW 。 这不是绝对最佳的服务,但单单频道可能价值50美元。

DirecTV NOW’s basic $50 plan includes a ton of sports channels, HBO, FX, FXX, and a handful of other popular networks. But, its DVR caps at 20 hours (recordings last for 30 days), its interface is kind of funky, and its programming tiers and upgrades are complicated to understand (DirecTV is a cable company, after all).

DirecTV NOW的基本50美元计划包括大量体育频道,HBO,FX,FXX和一些其他受欢迎的网络。 但是,其DVR的上限为20小时(录制持续30天),其界面有点时髦,而且其编程层和升级也很难理解(毕竟,DirecTV是一家有线电视公司)。

适用于PS4:PlayStation Vue(每月50美元) (Works with the PS4: PlayStation Vue ($50/Month))

The PlayStation Vue website.
PlayStation Vue
PlayStation Vue

For $50, you get 50 channels, along with access to FXNow, HBO NOW, WATCH ESPN, and FOX Sports GO. That’s PlayStation Vue in a nutshell.

只需$ 50,您即可获得50个频道,并可以访问FXNow,HBO NOW,WATCH ESPN和FOX Sports GO。 简而言之,那就是PlayStation Vue

The Vue interface is pretty decent, especially on a PS4. According to the Vue website, subscribers get “lots of [DVR] storage space.” More specifically, they get to record 500 episodes of shows and can keep their recordings for 28 days. Compared to other services, that’s not too bad.

Vue界面相当不错,尤其是在PS4上。 根据Vue网站 ,订户可以获得“很多[DVR]存储空间”。 更具体地说,他们可以录制500集节目,并且可以将其录制内容保留28天。 与其他服务相比,还算不错。

FX节目没有流媒体电视订阅 (FX Shows Without a Streaming TV Subscription)

If you aren’t willing to spend around $50 to get your FX fix, you might want to look at some basic streaming services. All the major ones have at least a few FX shows (none have all as that would defeat the purpose of FXNow).

如果您不愿意花费大约50美元来获取FX修复程序,则不妨考虑一些基本的流媒体服务。 所有主要的游戏至少都有一些FX表演(没有所有的表演,因为那会破坏FXNow的目的)。

Here are the primary subscription-based streaming services and some of the FX shows they offer subscribers:


  • Hulu (Without Live TV): Of all the basic streaming services, Hulu has the most FX shows. Hulu subscribers can watch AtlantaSnowfall, American Horror Story, The Shield, Rescue Me, Baskets, Sons of Anarchy, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and a bunch of other shows. Also, Disney (which owns FX) plans to add more FX shows to Hulu soon.

    Hulu(无直播电视) :在所有基本流媒体服务中,Hulu拥有最多的FX节目。 Hulu的订户可以观看亚特兰大降雪美国恐怖故事盾牌救我篮子无政府状态之子费城永远阳光明媚 ,以及许多其他节目。 此外,迪斯尼(拥有外汇) 计划不久向Hulu 添加更多的外汇节目。

  • Netflix: There aren’t too many FX shows on Netflix. You get American Crime Story, American Horror Story, and this is the only basic streaming service that has POSE.

    NetflixNetflix上没有太多的FX节目。 您会看到《 美国犯罪故事》 ,《 美国恐怖故事》 ,这是唯一具有POSE的基本流媒体服务。

  • Amazon Prime Video (Free With Prime): You get a decent number of FX shows. Namely American Horror Story, Sons of Anarchy, Legion, The Americans, and Justified.

    亚马逊Prime视频(Prime免费提供) :您可以获得相当数量的FX节目 。 即美国恐怖故事无政府状态的儿子军团美国人正当行为

  • Disney+ (Nov 2019): It owns FX, but not all FX shows will be on Disney+. Supposedly, it plans to push most of its FX content to Hulu (which it also owns). The Simpsons will be on Disney+ when the service starts in November, though.

    迪士尼+ (2019年11月) :它拥有FX,但并非所有FX表演都将在Disney +上进行。 据称,它计划将其大部分外汇内容推给Hulu (它也拥有)。 不过,辛普森一家将于 11月在迪士尼+上推出服务。

Vudu's collection of Simpsons episodes.

If one of your favorite FX shows isn’t available on the subscription-based streaming services, you might have to pay for each episode. Here are your options:

如果您最喜欢的FX节目之一在基于订阅的流媒体服务上不可用,则您可能需要为每一集付费。 这是您的选择:

  • Google Play: It has a strong collection of FX shows, like American Horror Story, American Crime Story, Snowfall, Archer, Baskets, Louie, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, POSE, and Atlanta.

    Google Play :它拥有大量的FX节目 ,例如《 美国恐怖故事》 ,《 美国犯罪故事》 ,《 降雪》 ,《 弓箭手》 ,《 篮球》 ,《 路易》 ,《 费城永远阳光明媚》 ,《 姿势 》和亚特兰大

  • VUDU: There’s a decent collection of FX shows here. You can buy POSE, American Horror Story, Snowfall, Archer, Atlanta, Sons of Anarchy, The Simpsons (a few seasons), It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and a few others (VUDU doesn’t have a comprehensive list of its FX offerings).

    VUDU :这里有很多不错的FX节目。 您可以购买POSE ,《 美国恐怖故事》 ,《 降雪》 ,《 弓箭手》 ,《 亚特兰大》《无政府状态之子》《辛普森一家》 (几个季节),《 费城永远阳光明媚》等(VUDU尚不提供其外汇产品的详尽清单) )。

  • iTunes: Sadly, there’s a pretty slim collection of FX shows here. Namely, American Horror Story and Sons of Anarchy.

    iTunes :遗憾的是,这里有相当少量的FX节目。 即,《 美国恐怖故事无政府状态之子》

  • Amazon VideoYou can buy a bunch of FX shows, like Atlanta, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Archer, Justified, and Snowfall.

    亚马逊视频您可以购买许多外汇节目,例如亚特兰大费城的“永远阳光灿烂”阿彻 ,《 辩护 》和《 降雪》

Of course, these purchase-based streaming services can get extremely expensive. Each season of The Simpsons costs $20 on VUDU, for example. So, if you’re tempted to buy a ton of FX shows on Google Play, a live TV subscription with FXNow access might be the better deal.

当然,这些基于购买的流服务可能变得非常昂贵。 例如,《辛普森一家》的每个季节在VUDU上的费用为20美元。 因此,如果您想在Google Play上购买大量的FX节目,那么可以访问FXNow的直播电视节目可能是更好的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/434959/how-to-watch-fxnow-without-cable/

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