picasa csdn_如何阻止Picasa截取不必要的屏幕截图

picasa csdn

picasa csdn

Google’s Picasa photo management tool is a really fantastic free tool for consumer photo organization but it has a really annoying habit: it snaps a picture of your entire desktop every time you press the Print Screen button. Let’s take a look at the effective (but very unintuitive) way to fix that.

Google的Picasa照片管理工具对于消费者的照片组织来说是一个非常棒的免费工具,但是它却有一个令人讨厌的习惯:每当您按“打印屏幕”按钮时,它都会捕获整个桌面的图片。 让我们看一下解决此问题的有效(但很不直观)的方法。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

There’s two good reasons for disabling Picasa’s odd screenshot taking habits. One is just plain practical and the other is a matter of privacy. First, let us emphasize this: for years Picasa has commandeered the Print Screen button and, even more irritating, there is not (and has never been despite complaints about it) a method of disabling the screen capture function in Picasa’s options menus or setting. As long as Picasa is open, the Print Screen button is hijacked by it.

禁用Picasa奇怪的屏幕截图使用习惯有两个很好的理由。 一个只是简单实用,另一个是隐私问题。 首先,让我们强调一下:多年来,Picasa抢占了Print Screen(打印屏幕)按钮,更令人恼火的是,没有(并且从未抱怨过)在Picasa的选项菜单或设置中禁用屏幕捕获功能的方法。 只要Picasa打开,它就会劫持“打印屏幕”按钮。

If you use the Print Screen button for any purpose (such as snapping screenshots with a screenshot tool or even assigning it to some function on your computer) every time you press it Picasa will simultaneously take a picture of your desktop. Although your screenshot tool of choice should still function fine, it unnecessarily clutters up your hard drive with screenshots. So from a practical standpoint, if you use the Print Screen button a lot, you can save yourself GBs worth of storage by disabling the screenshot function in Picasa.

如果您每次出于任何目的使用“打印屏幕”按钮(例如使用屏幕快照工具捕捉屏幕快照,甚至将其分配给计算机上的某些功能),每次按下Picasa都会同时为您的桌面拍照。 尽管您选择的屏幕截图工具仍然可以正常运行,但是不必要地使屏幕截图变得混乱。 因此,从实际的角度来看,如果您经常使用“打印屏幕”按钮,则可以通过禁用Picasa中的屏幕截图功能来节省自己的GB存储空间。

On a privacy oriented note, there is often stuff on your screen you don’t want saved. Personal documents that are open, web pages you are visiting, and so on. We happened to have an old hard drive on hand from a computer we used circa-2008 or so. Because we recalled we had Picasa on there (and this was before we were aware of the problem and how to fix it) we were able to dig into the old screenshots folder and see that Picasa had been snapping screenshots (as we used our regular screenshot tool) for a long time and had captured varying degrees of sensitive information in the process.

在注重隐私的注意事项上,屏幕上经常有您不想保存的内容。 打开的个人文档,您正在访问的网页等。 我们碰巧在大约2008年左右使用的计算机上有一个旧硬盘驱动器。 因为我们回想起当时有Picasa(这是在我们意识到问题和如何解决之前),所以我们能够深入研究旧的屏幕快照文件夹,并发现Picasa一直在捕捉屏幕快照(因为我们使用了常规屏幕截图)工具)使用了很长时间,并且在此过程中捕获了不同程度的敏感信息。

With all that in mind, there’s no good reason not to disable the screenshot function in Picasa. There are better screenshot tools out there and there’s no purpose to Picasa just snagging a shot of the whole screen whenever it wants.

考虑到所有这些,没有理由不禁用Picasa中的屏幕截图功能。 有更好的屏幕截图工具,Picasa毫无用处,只要有需要就抓取整个屏幕的快照。

禁用Picasa的屏幕截图功能 (Disabling Picasa’s Screenshot Function)

As we noted above, not only is there no process to disable the screenshot function from within Picasa but the process to manually disabling it outside of the application is a bit unintuitive. To disable the printscreen function you have to revoke the ability of your user account to write to the folder that Picasa insists on writing the screenshots to.

如上所述,不仅没有在Picasa中禁用屏幕快照功能的过程,而且在应用程序外部手动禁用该功能的过程也不太直观。 要禁用打印屏幕功能,您必须撤消用户帐户写入Picasa坚持将屏幕截图写入的文件夹的功能。

We’ll be the very first to admit that it’s a rather kludgy/dirty hack but it works and we’ve been using it for years (because, as we mentioned, the Picasa team seems to have zero interest in adding a printscreen toggle to their feature set).


Before we get into how to do disable the printscreen function in Picasa, we want to highlight what won’t work. Despite the advice dispensed by some Picasa users in various forums, you cannot disable the printscreen function by merely removing the “Screen Captures” folder from Picasa via the Folder Manager as seen in the screenshot below.

在我们进入该怎么办禁用PRINTSCREEN功能在Picasa中,我们要突出什么也不会工作。 尽管某些Picasa用户在各个论坛中都提出了建议,但您不能仅通过“文件夹管理器”从Picasa中删除“屏幕捕获”文件夹来禁用打印屏幕功能,如下面的屏幕快照所示。

If you do this it will not disable the screenshot taking process. All this accomplishes is the removal of that folder from the Picasa photo management system. The pictures will still pile up in the folder, you just won’t see them anymore when looking in Picasa (but browsing to your “My Pictures” folder will real they are still there and actively accumulating).

如果执行此操作,则不会禁用屏幕截图获取过程。 所有这些操作就是从Picasa照片管理系统中删除该文件夹。 图片仍然会堆积在文件夹中,在Picasa中浏览时,您将不再看到它们(但是浏览到“我的图片”文件夹将表明它们仍然存在并且正在积极积累)。

The only way to actually stop the process is to navigate to the location of the screen captures. Whether you’re on Windows 7 or Windows 10 the location is the same: Picasa parks all screen captures in /My Pictures/Picasa/Screen Captures/.

实际停止该过程的唯一方法是导航到屏幕截图的位置。 无论您使用的是Windows 7还是Windows 10,位置都相同:Picasa将所有屏幕截图都存储在/ My Pictures / Picasa / Screen Captures /中。

Navigate to that location, as seen in the screenshot above. The first step is to open the Screen Captures folder and purge all the images found therein. Again, for emphasis, delete all the screenshots first. Once we perform the next step it will be annoying to purge them so do it now.

导航到该位置,如上面的屏幕快照所示。 第一步是打开“屏幕捕获”文件夹,并清除其中找到的所有图像。 再次强调一下,请首先删除所有屏幕截图。 一旦执行下一步,将其清除将很烦人。

The second step is to return to the Picasa folder and right click on the “Screen Captures” folder. Select “Properties” from the right-click context menu. Within the Properties menu, select the “Security” tab, as seen in the screenshot below.

第二步是返回Picasa文件夹,然后右键单击“屏幕捕获”文件夹。 从右键单击上下文菜单中选择“属性”。 在“属性”菜单中,选择“安全性”选项卡,如下面的屏幕快照所示。

Click the “Advanced” button. Within the Advanced Security Settings screen make sure you are on the “Permissions” tab.

点击“高级”按钮。 在“高级安全设置”屏幕中,确保您位于“权限”选项卡上。

At the bottom left side of the screen you’ll find a button labeled “Disable inheritance”. Click this button.

在屏幕的左下方,您会看到一个标记为“禁用继承”的按钮。 单击此按钮。

When a box pops up and asks you if you want to convert or remove the permissions, select “Remove all inherited permissions from this object.” The purpose of this maneuver is to strip away the permissions the operating system has assigned to the /Picasa/Screen Captures/ folder. Before making this selection the Picasa application had rights, granted by the operating system because the application was executed by the current user, to write into the self-created sub-directory within the user’s home directory.

当一个对话框弹出并询问您是否要转换或删除权限时,请选择“从该对象删除所有继承的权限”。 此操作的目的是剥离操作系统已分配给/ Picasa / Screen Captures /文件夹的权限。 在进行选择之前,由于操作系统是由当前用户执行的,因此Picasa应用程序具有由操作系统授予的权限,可以写入用户主目录中自己创建的子目录中。

After you click the remove option, you’ll be returned to the previous screen. You’ve done everything properly if the “Permission entries:” slot reads “No groups or users have permission to access this object. However, the owner of this object can assign permissions.”

点击删除选项后,您将返回上一屏幕。 如果“权限条目:”插槽显示为“没有组或用户无权访问此对象,则说明您已正确完成所有操作。 但是,此对象的所有者可以分配权限。”

At this point Picasa cannot access the folder and it simply gives up. No screenshots are captured because it has nowhere to put them. As we said, it’s a very clunky solution and one we shouldn’t have to undertake (I mean come on Picasa, this bug has been in the application for over six years now) but it works and once you take a minute to apply it you never have to think about it again.

目前,Picasa无法访问该文件夹,它只是放弃了。 无法捕获任何屏幕截图,因为它无处可放。 就像我们说的那样,这是一个非常笨拙的解决方案,我们不应该执行(我的意思是说,在Picasa上,此错误已存在于应用程序中已有六年之久了),但是它可以工作,一旦您花点时间来应用它您无需再考虑它。

Should you wish to resume using the feature in Picasa, all you have to do is return to the location of the “Screen Captures” folder, pull the same menus again, and where the “Disable inheritance” button was located there will be an “Enable inheritance” button that will reverse the process and apply the same permissions found on the parent folder to the sub-folder again.


Have a pressing tech question big or small? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题是大还是小? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/227812/how-to-stop-picasa-from-taking-unwanted-screenshots/

picasa csdn





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