
This article was written by our very own Mysticgeek, a big fan of Sleep.FM.


Who likes waking up to an annoying loud buzzer every morning? Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to a cool and calm message telling you how the weather is, that your flight is delayed, or the meeting was canceled so you can just stay in bed?

谁喜欢每天早晨醒来烦人的蜂鸣器? 醒来时听到凉爽而平静的消息,告诉您天气如何,航班延误或会议被取消以便您可以躺在床上,这不是很好吗?

Well, this is the vision of the developers of Sleep.FM the social alarm clock. You might be cautious about using an online alarm because your Internet connection might be disconnected for some reason. Well, the cool thing is Sleep.FM will work offline as well by playing the day & date alarm which is loaded into the browser. You just need to access the page online and leave the page up. You can even set or change alarms while offline!

好吧,这是Sleep.FM开发人员社交闹钟的愿景。 您可能对使用在线警报持谨慎态度,因为您的Internet连接可能由于某种原因而断开。 好吧,最酷的是Sleep.FM也会通过播放加载到浏览器中的日期和日期警报来脱机工作。 您只需要在线访问该页面并保留该页面即可。 您甚至可以在离线状态下设置或更改警报!

Note: if all you want is a loud alarm clock, check out our previous mention of web application Kuku Klok.

注意:如果您想要的只是响亮的闹钟,请查看我们前面提到的Web应用程序Kuku Klok

Using Sleep.FM


Sleep.FM Social Alarm Clock

Currently Sleep.FM is in beta where a bunch of features are being tested and worked out. You can use it right now though with some of the basic features such as learning the time, date, current weather.

目前,Sleep.FM处于Beta测试阶段,正在测试和制定一系列功能。 尽管具有一些基本功能,例如学习时间,日期,当前天气,您现在可以使用它。

Current Alarms

The alarm information will continue to loop until you shut it off. This is good because my PC is across the room from me so I actually have to get up and out of bed to turn it off. No hitting snooze for 20 minutes!

警报信息将继续循环直到您将其关闭。 这很好,因为我的PC与我隔着房间,所以我实际上必须起床并下床才能将其关闭。 20分钟内请勿打sn!

Alarm has sounded

Check out this video to get an idea of an instance where sleep.fm would come in handy! Note: due to technical weirdness, the image is a link to Youtube.

观看此视频,以了解一个实例sleep.fm会派上用场! 注意:由于技术怪异,该图像是指向Youtube的链接。

Sleep.FM Video Thumbnail

Interview With Sleep.FM


We had the opportunity to speak with Ryan Spahn the CEO of Sleep.FM about their website.

我们有机会与 Sleep.FM的首席执行官 Ryan Spahn 谈论了他们的网站。

Mysticgeek: Let’s start with your position or title at Sleep.FM and how long have you been working with it?


I am the founder/web designer and along with Muthu (web developer) and Susannah (voice), we have been working part-time on the site since Nov. 2006. Though, this past summer. I began working full-time on the project, as Sleep.FM was fortunate to be selected as a DreamIt Venture’s company. DreamIt is a Philadelphia technology incubator that provides business guidance and resources to select companies.

我是创始人/网页设计师,并与Muthu(网页开发人员)和Susannah(语音)一起工作,自2006年11月以来,我们一直在兼职该网站。不过,今年夏天。 我开始全职从事该项目,因为Sleep.FM幸运地被选为DreamIt Venture的公司。 DreamIt是费城的技术孵化器,可为选定的公司提供业务指导和资源。

Mysticgeek: What kind of background do you have preceding the launch of Sleep.FM?


I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in the Recording Industry: concentration Music Business. Out of college I worked in said industry and then moved onto sales positions at telecommunication firms. I had no coding or software background so my ideas remained ideas for a long while. Though in 2006 I was inspired by the stories of the founders of YouTube and Digg to finally learn a new skill (web design) and start one of my ideas. I hired Muthu from a rent a coder site to do the web development.

我毕业于田纳西州立大学,获得唱片业学位:集中音乐业务。 大学毕业后,我在上述行业工作,然后进入电信公司的销售职位。 我没有编程或软件背景,所以我的想法长期以来一直是想法。 尽管在2006年,我受到YouTube和Digg创始人的故事的启发,但他们终于学习了一项新技能(网页设计)并开始了自己的想法。 我从一个编码员站点租用Muthu进行Web开发。

Mysticgeek: What is your vision for Sleep.FM? What do you see it as now and how would you like to see it in future years?

Mysticgeek:您对Sleep.FM的愿景是什么? 您现在如何看待它?将来您如何看待它?

The big vision would be for Sleep.FM and it’s concept to become the clear/useful reason why millions across the world use an Internet alarm clock over what is used today! If your plane, school, exam, meeting, event is canceled or delayed wake up to this information and go back to sleep! Wake up to information like weather or traffic to better prepare for your day! Wake up to birthday and other well wishes! Also, as Internet protocols get smarter (IPv6), Sleep.FM will be able to wake and warn you of a life-threatening situation (i.e. 100% chance of a tornado). Sleep.FM in its current state offers the ability to wake up to a natural voice speaking the day/date, time and your current weather conditions. As development continues we will be adding the aforementioned features and more! In future years Sleep.FM users will be waking up better informed/safer through devices that fits their lifestyle (iPhone, Chumby, digital picture frames & LCD TVs).

对于Sleep.FM来说,它的远景将成为一个清晰的/有用的原因,为什么全世界有成千上万的人使用Internet闹钟而不是今天使用的闹钟! 如果您的飞机,学校,考试,会议,活动被取消或延迟,请唤醒此信息并重新入睡! 唤醒天气或交通等信息,为您的一天做好准备! 唤醒生日和其他美好的祝愿! 另外,随着Internet协议变得更智能(IPv6),Sleep.FM将能够唤醒并警告您危及生命的情况(即100%发生龙卷风的可能性)。 处于当前状态的Sleep.FM能够唤醒说出日期/日期,时间和当前天气状况的自然声音。 随着开发的继续,我们将添加上述功能以及更多功能! 未来几年,Sleep.FM用户将通过适合自己生活方式的设备(iPhone,Chumby,数码相框和LCD电视)来了解更多信息/更安全。

Mysticgeek: I love the woman’s voice that wakes me up and tells me weather, time, date, and other information. Are there any plans for other voice types?

Mysticgeek:我喜欢女人的声音,它唤醒了我,并告诉我天气,时间,日期和其他信息。 是否有其他语音类型的计划?

Yes, we are currently working on that option. Also, Susannah thanks you for the kind words about her voice-over!

是的,我们目前正在研究该选项。 另外,苏珊娜(Susannah)感谢您对她的配音的好心话!

Mysticgeek: What type of user customizations do you have planned? Custom sounds, messages, or MP3’s?

Mysticgeek:您计划使用哪种类型的用户自定义? 自定义声音,消息或MP3?

We are reviewing the ability to allow users to mix their favorite MP3s with Sleep.FM’s voice.


Mysticgeek: Is there anything else you would like to add or explain to our readers?


Yes. For those who have ideas and always wanted to make those ideas a reality, I encourage you to start-up! It’s a great journey! Also, we love hearing your feedback! Please reach out/follow us on Twitter & or use the feedback tab on the site!

是。 对于那些有想法并且一直想将这些想法变为现实的人,我鼓励您开始创业! 这是一段伟大的旅程! 另外,我们也很高兴收到您的反馈! 请在Twitter上与我们联系/关注我们,或使用网站上的“ 反馈”标签

Mysticgeek: Thank you very much for your time in answering our questions!


Sleep.FM would like to thank HowToGeek for this opportunity



Go To Sleep.FM To Wake Up To The Web


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80086/use-sleep-fm-to-wake-up-with-the-web/

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