


Wired security camera systems are nice and far more reliable than Wi-Fi cameras, but there are a handful of things you should be aware of before you go out and buy a wired camera system.


We’ve discussed the differences between a wired security camera system and a simple Wi-Fi cam in the past (for those who might’ve been deciding between the two), but if you’ve already made up your mind to go the wired route, it’s good to know what exactly you’re getting into.

我们曾经讨论过有线监控摄像头系统和简单的Wi-Fi摄像头之间区别 (对于那些可能在两者之间做出决定的人),但是如果您已经下定决心要进行有线连接路线,那么最好知道您到底要进入什么领域。

您需要显示器,鼠标和键盘 (You’ll Need a Monitor, Mouse, & Keyboard)

Security camera systems come with a DVR box and a handful of cameras (and sometimes the necessary cables), but they probably won’t come with a monitor, mouse, and keyboard—all of which are required to manage the system and view the feeds from the cameras.


Some security camera systems come with a mouse, but most systems won’t come with a monitor, and that’s perhaps the most crucial part of the whole setup.

一些安全摄像头系统带有鼠标 ,但是大多数系统都没有监视器,这也许是整个设置中最关键的部分。

Unless you have these three items already sitting around, be sure to factor in the cost of those when you go to buy your camera system. The only exception is if you were to connect the cameras to a NAS that is already managed from your computer. Then you’d be good to go.

除非已经准备好这三个项目,否则在购买相机系统时,请务必将这些项目的成本考虑在内。 唯一的例外是,如果要将摄像机连接到已经通过计算机进行管理的NAS。 那你就好了。

提出规划所有电缆的计划 (Come Up with a Plan to Route All the Cables)

Since the cameras need to be directly connected to the DVR box, you’ll need to figure out exactly how you’re going to route the cables across your home.


You’ll likely have to get creative depending on where you want your cameras mounted and where you’ll plant the DVR box. It’s easily possible that you’ll have to feed cables up two stories inside walls and through places you probably didn’t even know existed.

您可能需要发挥创意,具体取决于要在哪里安装摄像机以及将DVR盒放置在哪里。 您很可能必须将电缆插入墙壁内的两个楼层,甚至穿过您甚至不知道存在的地方。

Because of that, make a plan and know the exact layout of your house. Find out if anything’s in between your walls (like insulation or fire blocks) that could hinder cable runs, and know which route you’ll take your cables on before you start the process.

因此,制定一个计划并了解房屋的确切布局。 找出墙壁之间是否有任何东西(例如绝缘材料或火块)会阻碍电缆的走线,并在开始此过程之前知道要采用哪种布线方式。

With that said, you’ll also need the proper tools, like a power drill and steel fish tape. Be sure to check out our how-to guide on installing a camera system for the details on how to do something like this yourself.

话虽如此,您还需要适当的工具,例如电钻和钢制鱼胶带 。 请务必查看我们的安装相机系统的操作指南,以获取有关如何自行执行此类操作的详细信息。

准备让您的手变脏 (Prepare to Get Your Hands Dirty)

Unless you pay someone to do the work for you, installing a wired security camera system will probably require you to crawl through attics or crawlspaces running cables. It’s not an easy job.

除非您付钱给某人为您完成工作,否则安装有线安全摄像头系统可能会要求您在阁楼或爬网空间中搜寻电缆。 这不是一件容易的事。

If you’re lucky, it could be as easy as just running the cables down through the floor, across the basement, and up through the floor on the other side of the house, but that’s a best-case scenario.


More than likely you’ll need to go through a crawlspace or an attic, which won’t be pleasant. So be prepared to not only get your hands dirty but everything else as well. Oh, and do your knees a favor with some good knee pads.

您极有可能需要穿过爬行空间或阁楼,而这将不会令人愉快。 因此,请做好准备,不仅要弄脏双手,还要做好其他一切准备。 哦,用一些好的护膝帮您的膝盖忙。

是否将其连接到网络? (Connect It to the Network or Not?)

One huge benefit of having a wired security camera system is that you don’t need to connect it to the internet to use it—unlike most Wi-Fi cams, which require an internet connection to do anything.

拥有有线监控摄像头系统的一个巨大好处是,您无需将其连接到互联网即可使用它-不同于大多数需要网络连接才能执行任何操作的 Wi-Fi摄像头。

The downside to an off-the-grid camera system, however, is that you won’t be able to access it remotely from your phone if you’re away from home. Instead, you can only view and manage your camera system from the DVR box and the connected monitor and peripherals.

但是,离网型摄像头系统的不利之处在于,如果您出门在外,则无法通过手机远程访问它。 相反,您只能从DVR盒以及连接的监视器和外围设备查看和管理摄像机系统。

This probably isn’t a huge deal for most people, and there’s an argument to be made that it’s safer keeping it off the internet anyway. However, if you want to be able to view the feeds remotely, you’ll want to connect it to your network.

对于大多数人来说,这可能不是什么大问题,而且有一种观点认为,无论如何,将其与互联网隔离会更安全。 但是,如果您希望能够远程查看提要,则需要将其连接到网络。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/362165/what-you-should-know-before-buying-a-wired-security-camera-system/






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