使用imessage推广_iMessage功能可避免您的Green Bubble Android好友使用



There are a lot of cool things you can do in iMessage other than just sending text messages to your friends and family, but for your compatriots that use Android, you’ll want to skip these specific iMessage features, since they don’t work on Google’s mobile OS.


Keep in mind; some iMessage features still work with Android, albeit maybe not as well as they would with other iPhones. I’ll cover both sides of the spectrum so that you know what exactly does and doesn’t work with Android.

记住; iMessage的某些功能仍然可以在Android上使用,尽管可能不如其他iPhone那样。 我将介绍频谱的两个方面,以便您了解Android到底能正常工作还是不能正常工作。

iMessage功能不适用于Android (iMessage Features That Don’t Work with Android)

Unsurprisingly, a majority of iMessage features either show up kind of funky-looking on the other end or just don’t plain work at all with Android.


Apple Pay Cash is one feature that you won’t be able to use with your Android friends and family, which makes perfect sense because Apple Pay Cash is iPhone-only anyway. You’re better off using PayPal, Venmo, Square Cash, or another mobile payment platform.

Apple Pay Cash是您将无法与Android朋友和家人一起使用的一项功能,这非常有意义,因为Apple Pay Cash仍然仅支持iPhone。 最好使用PayPal,Venmo,Square Cash或其他移动支付平台

Some iMessage apps may not work perfectly with Android. Your mileage may vary depending on the iMessage apps you frequently use, but I used the ETA iMessage app to send an Android friend my ETA, and while it showed up with a clean preview on my iPhone, it just showed up as a URL on his end. Granted, it still technically works, but it’s not as clean.

某些iMessage应用程序可能无法与Android完美配合。 根据您经常使用的iMessage应用程序,您的里程可能会有所不同,但是我使用ETA iMessage应用程序向Android朋友发送了我的ETA,尽管它在我的iPhone上以清晰的预览显示,但只是以URL的形式显示在他的结束。 当然,它在技术上仍然有效,但是还不算干净。

As far as Tapbacks—emoji reactions to messages—are concerned, they sort of work on Android, but they show up as text. So when you go to “thumbs up” their text message that said “Thanks!” it’ll just appear as a whole new text message that you “Liked” it, instead of showing up as a small thumbs up icon next to the original message.

就Tapbacks(表情符号对消息的React)而言,它们在Android上可以正常工作,但会显示为文本。 因此,当您“竖起大拇指”他们的短信说“谢谢!” 它只会以您喜欢的方式显示为一条全新的短信,而不是在原始消息旁边显示为竖起的小图标。

It’s the same with iMessage Effects, like sending text or photos with Invisible Ink. On Android, the effect won’t appear. Instead, it’ll plainly show your text message or photo with “(Sent with Invisible Ink)” next to it. So if you plan on sending a nude pic with Invisible Ink to an Android friend, know that it won’t be censored at all on their end.

与iMessage Effects一样,例如使用不可见墨水发送文本或照片。 在Android上,效果不会出现。 取而代之的是,它将清晰地显示您的短信或照片,并在其旁边带有“(用不可见墨水发送)”。 因此,如果您打算将带有Invisible Ink的裸照发送给Android朋友,请注意,在他们的终端根本不会对其进行审查。

Handwritten Messages won’t send in the first place. You’d think iMessages would send them as a plain image, but it always just gives me the red “Not Delivered” error message every time. It could be a bug, but it appears that others have come across this issue as well, and it’s been happening for a while now.

手写消息不会首先发送。 您可能会认为iMessages会将它们作为纯图像发送,但是每次总是给我红色的“未送达”错误消息。 这可能是一个错误,但似乎其他人也遇到了这个问题 ,并且已经发生了一段时间。

And as for Audio Messages, that feature isn’t even available in the first place when texting with an Android friend. So for those lazy folks out there, you’ll have to type everything out (although you can still use voice dictation).

至于“音频消息”,当与Android朋友发短信时,该功能甚至根本不可用。 因此,对于那些懒惰的人,您必须将所有内容都键入出来(尽管您仍然可以使用语音命令 )。

所以什么特点工作与Android? (So What Features Do Work with Android?)

It can be a little discouraging knowing that there are so many iMessage features that don’t work with Android, especially if most of your friends and family use Android. However, there are still some iMessage features that work across both platforms, so you’re not entirely out of luck.

知道有太多无法在Android上使用的iMessage功能,可能会有些令人沮丧,特别是如果您的大多数朋友和家人使用Android。 但是,仍然有一些iMessage功能可在两个平台上运行,因此您并不完全不走运。

For starters, Animoji kind of work when you send them to Android friends. A still image of an Animoji is sent as a regular image and shows up just fine; an animated Animoji also is sent as a video, albeit a pretty crappy quality one, unfortunately.

对于初学者来说, Animoji可以将您发送给Android朋友。 Animoji的静止图像作为常规图像发送,并且显示得很好。 不幸的是,动画Animoji也作为视频发送,尽管质量很差。

URL previews also still work pretty well when you send a link from iPhone to Android. Both devices will generate a nice-looking preview of whatever web page you send.

当您将链接从iPhone发送到Android时,URL预览仍然可以很好地工作。 两种设备都会为您发送的任何网页生成漂亮的预览。

And of course, photos and videos will send to other Android devices just fine. Although videos look pretty terrible on Android.

当然,照片和视频也可以发送到其他Android设备。 尽管视频在Android上看起来非常糟糕

Unfortunately, that’s pretty much it. There’s nothing too surprising here, but it certainly goes to show just how much benefit there is to using iMessage from iPhone to iPhone.

不幸的是,仅此而已。 这里没有什么太令人惊讶的,但是它肯定显示了从iPhone到iPhone使用iMessage的好处。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/403490/imessage-features-to-avoid-with-your-green-bubble-android-buddies/






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