


The accessibility options that are available in Windows have been designed to help people that have difficulty using a computer because of a condition or impairment, but there are plenty of interesting options that could prove incredibly useful to everyone. We will reveal how the Ease of Access Center could help you.

Windows中提供的辅助功能选项旨在帮助因状况或障碍而无法使用计算机的人,但是有许多有趣的选项可能被证明对所有人有用。 我们将揭示轻松访问中心如何为您提供帮助。

The Ease of Access Center can be found in the Control Panel and is home to a wealth of settings relating to how you interact with your computer, how notifications appear and much more. Settings can be adjusted on a piecemeal basis, so if there’s something you’re not interested in, you don’t have to use it.

轻松访问中心可以在控制面板中找到,并且拥有许多与您如何与计算机交互,如何显示通知以及其他更多设置有关的设置。 可以逐项调整设置,因此,如果您对某些内容不感兴趣,则不必使用它。

显示选项 (Display Options)

Open up the Ease of Access Center and look to the ‘Explore all settings’ section. Click ‘Use the computer without a display (even if you intend to use a monitor) and you can choose how long Windows’ notifications should remain on screen. This is handy if you tend to stay focused on what you’re doing and find that the popups disappear before you’ve had chance to read them.

打开“轻松访问中心”,然后查看“浏览所有设置”部分。 单击“使用不带显示器的计算机(即使您打算使用显示器),也可以选择Windows通知在屏幕上保留多长时间”。 如果您倾向于专注于正在做的事情,并且发现弹出窗口在您有机会阅读之前就消失了,这将很方便。

Windows’ built in Magnifier tool is not only useful for computer users with sight problems. The tool can be activated via the Ease of Access Center, or from the Start screen and it enables you to zoom in on a section of the screen.

Windows内置的放大镜工具不仅对视力有问题的计算机用户有用。 可以通过“轻松访问中心”激活该工具,也可以从“开始”屏幕激活该工具,使您可以放大屏幕的一部分。

This is handy for graphics work, particularly if you opt to use the magnifier in a floating window that can be moved around the screen as necessary.


Windows控制 (Windows Control)

You’re probably used to interacting with Windows using a mouse and keyboard in a fairly standard way, but don’t feel obliged to do things the ‘normal’ way. Regardless of whether you have a touchscreen monitor, Windows’ On-Screen Keyboard can come in very handy – just move to the ‘Use the computer without a mouse of keyboard’ section.

您可能习惯于以相当标准的方式使用鼠标和键盘与Windows进行交互,但是您不必以“正常”方式进行操作。 不管您是否装有触摸屏显示器,Windows的“屏幕键盘”都可以派上用场-只需转到“使用没有键盘鼠标的计算机”部分。

Suppose your physical keyboard starts to act up. If you find that a particular key does not work, the screen version can be used until you manage to get a replacement sorted out.

假设您的物理键盘开始工作。 如果您发现某个特定的键不起作用,则可以使用屏幕版本,直到您设法整理出一个替换键为止。

Speech recognition can be something of a hit and miss affair, particularly if you have a strong or unusual accent, but it provides a very useful way of interacting with your computer hands-free. The Speech Recognition applet can be accessed either through the main Control Panel or through the Ease of Access Center.

语音识别可能会遇到麻烦,尤其是当您具有强烈或不寻常的口音时,但它为免提与计算机交互提供了非常有用的方式。 可以通过主控制面板或通过轻松访问中心来访问语音识别小程序。

It’s well worth spending the time to run through the training modules for as long as possible, as this will dramatically improve the accuracy of speech-to-text, which can then be used to control Windows and dictate into documents.


Not everyone feels at home moving a mouse around, and it can certainly be tricky to make pinpoint movements with such a clumsy device. To make things a little easier and more accurate, head to the ‘Make the mouse easier to use section’.

并非每个人都觉得在家四处移动鼠标,并且使用这种笨拙的设备进行精确的移动当然很棘手。 为了使操作更简单,更准确,请转到“使鼠标更易于使用”部分。

Activate Mouse Keys (in the ‘Make the mouse easier to use’ section) and you can then use the cursor keys in your keyboard’s numpad to move the cursor around. This is particularly useful if you need to move in a perfect horizontal or vertical plane.  Click the ‘Set up Mouse Keys’ link to configure various options such as whether the feature should be activated when NumLock is on or when it is off.

激活鼠标键(在“使鼠标更易于使用”部分中),然后可以使用键盘数字键盘中的光标键来移动光标。 如果您需要在理想的水平或垂直平面中移动,此功能特别有用。 单击“设置鼠标键”链接以配置各种选项,例如在NumLock打开或关闭时是否应激活该功能。

Back at the main mouse section, you can reduce the amount of clicking you need to do when working with programs and window by checking the box labelled ‘Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse’, while the option beneath this displays Windows’ ‘snapping’ features.

返回鼠标的主要部分,可以通过选中标记为“通过将鼠标悬停在窗口上来激活窗口”的框来减少使用程序和窗口时所需的单击次数,而该窗口下方的选项将显示Windows。 “捕捉”功能。

键盘和声音 (Keyboard and Sound)

If you now move to the ‘Make the keyboard easier to use’ section, you’ll find that there is a degree of crossover with the mouse section – there are additional options, however.


Sticky Keys provides a way to execute keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl + Alt + Del without the need to press all keys simultaneously: you can press them one at a time to build up the combination.

粘滞键提供了一种执行键盘快捷键(例如Ctrl + Alt + Del)的方法,而无需同时按下所有键:您可以一次按下一个键来建立组合。

Especially useful is Toggle Keys. Enable this feature and you’ll hear a beep whenever Caps Lock is pressed – if you have a password that includes the letter A, and suffer from trailing fingers, you’ll know just how handy this is.

切换键特别有用。 启用此功能后,每按一次Caps Lock键,您都会听到一声蜂鸣声–如果您输入的密码中包含字母A,并且手指有手指拖曳,您将知道此操作非常方便。

The sound settings that are to be found in the Ease of Access Center are not just helpful for users with hearing problems. Click the ‘Use text or visual alternatives for sounds’ and you can configure your computer for those times when you need your computer to be silent.

在轻松访问中心中找到的声音设置不仅对有听力问题的用户有用。 单击“使用声音的文本或视觉替代方法”,然后您可以在需要使计算机保持静音的那些时间配置计算机。

By activating Sound Sentry, you can receive visual alerts such as flashing the desktop or program window instead of playing sounds – something your co-workers at the office will no doubt thank you for.

通过激活Sound Sentry,您可以收到视觉警报,例如闪烁桌面或程序窗口而不是播放声音-办公室中的同事无疑会感谢您。







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