
android air quality hero image

Depending on where you live, air quality can be a daily concern. Wildfires, pollen, and pollution can affect the air quality in your area. Here’s how to check the Air Quality Index on your Android phone or tablet.

根据您的居住地,空气质量可能是您每天都会关注的问题。 野火,花粉和污染会影响您所在地区的空气质量。 这是在您的Android手机或平板电脑上检查空气质量指数的方法。

There are plenty of apps and services out there for checking your local Air Quality Index. iPhones and iPad can check with Apple Maps. It’s not quite that simple for Android devices, but there are still ways to do it quickly and easily.

有很多应用程序和服务可用于检查您当地的空气质量指数。 iPhone和iPad可以使用Apple Maps进行检查 。 对于Android设备而言,它并不是那么简单,但是仍然有许多方法可以快速,轻松地实现。

什么是空气质量指数? (What Is the Air Quality Index?)

The Air Quality Index is a scale used to rate the quality of the air. In the United States, the Air Quality Index is defined by the EPA. The scale runs from 0-500 and has six different color-coded levels.

空气质量指数是用于评估空气质量的量表。 在美国,空气质量指数由EPA定义。 秤的范围是0-500,有六个不同的颜色编码级别。

ColorAir Quality Index (AQI)Level of Health Concern
Green0 to 50Good
Yellow51 to 100Moderate
Orange101 to 150Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Red151 to 200Unhealthy
Purple201 to 300Very Unhealthy
Maroon301 to 500Hazardous
颜色 空气质量指数(AQI) 对健康的关注程度
绿色 0至50
黄色 51至100 中等
橙子 101至150 对敏感人群不利
151至200 不良
紫色 201至300 非常不健康
栗色 301至500 危险的

The rating takes five different pollutants into consideration: ground-level ozone, particle pollution, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. The goal is to give you a simple metric for understanding the air quality at any given time.

该等级考虑了五种不同的污染物:地面臭氧,颗粒物污染,一氧化碳,二氧化硫和二氧化氮。 目的是为您提供一个简单的指标,以了解任何给定时间的空气质量。

Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and India, use their own Air Quality Index methodology, but the concept is the same.

其他国家,例如英国, 德国印度,使用他们自己的空气质量指数方法,但是概念是相同的。

使用Google Assistant检查空气质量 (Check Air Quality with Google Assistant)

If you use an Android smartphone or tablet, there’s a very good chance it already has Google Assistant. You can use the Google Assistant to check your local air quality without installing any apps.

如果您使用的是Android智能手机或平板电脑,则很有可能已经安装了Google助手。 您可以使用Google助手来检查本地空气质量,而无需安装任何应用程序。

There are a number of different ways to launch Google Assistant. Say “OK, Google” or “Hey, Google” if that’s how you normally do it. Some devices can launch Assistant with a swipe from the bottom left or right corner, which is what we’ll use.

有多种启动Google Assistant的方法。 如果通常这样做,请说“ OK,Google”或“ Hey,Google”。 某些设备可以通过从左下角或右下角滑动来启动Assistant。

google assistant android gesture

Once the Google Assistant is listening, say “What’s the air quality?”


google assistant aircheck action

Google will tell you it can use a service called “AirCheck.” This service is a Google Assistant action, and it won’t install anything on your phone. Say “Yes” to bring AirCheck into the conversation.

Google会告诉您可以使用名为“ AirCheck”的服务。 此服务是Google Assistant的一项操作,不会在您的手机上安装任何内容。 说“是”以将AirCheck纳入对话。

google assistant aircheck action

AirCheck will open and ask for a location. Say “What’s the air quality in [your location]?”

AirCheck将打开并询问位置。 说“ [您所在的位置]的空气质量如何?”

google assistant aircheck action

You’ll get a readout for the air quality index and then AirCheck will leave the conversation.


google assistant aircheck action

To bypass all of this conversation the next time you open Google Assistant, simply say “Ask AirCheck about [your location].”

要在下次打开Goog​​le Assistant时绕过所有对话,只需说“向AirCheck询问[您的位置]”。

aircheck google assistant

下载空气质量应用 (Download an Air Quality App)

There are dozens of apps in the Google Play Store for checking your air quality. Some of the apps are only for specific locations, while others are for general use. One app that we like is “Plume Labs: Air Quality App.”

Google Play商店中有数十种应用程序可用于检查您的空气质量。 有些应用仅用于特定位置,而其他则用于一般用途。 我们喜欢的一个应用程序是“ Plume Labs:空气质量应用程序”

The Plume Labs app is free to download and doesn’t contain ads or in-app purchases. You can add multiple locations, choose the Air Quality Index for your country, get alerts about air quality, and even see air quality on a map in select major cities.

Plume Labs应用程序是免费下载的,并且不包含广告或应用程序内购买。 您可以添加多个位置,选择您所在国家/地区的空气质量指数,获取有关空气质量的警报,甚至可以在某些主要城市的地图上查看空气质量。

EPA air quality app for android

If you live in the United States, another good app to check out is the official app from the EPA. The EPA “AIRNow” app is free and without ads. You can add multiple locations, see a forecast for the week, and view the primary pollutant.

如果您居住在美国,那么另一个值得签出的好应用是EPA官方应用 。 EPA“ AIRNow”应用程序是免费的,没有广告。 您可以添加多个位置,查看本周的预测,并查看主要污染物。

plume air quality app for android

These tools can be invaluable if air quality is something that affects your daily life. Never leave the house again without knowing the conditions!

如果空气质量会影响您的日常生活,那么这些工具将是无价的。 不要在不知道情况的情况下再次离开房子!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/688293/how-to-check-your-local-air-quality-index-on-android/





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