
The "Shared" list in the "Reminders" app on an iPhone.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The built-in Reminders app is a great way to share tasks and to-dos with your family, friends, and colleagues. It can be a bit confusing, though. That’s why assigning reminders to particular contacts on your iPhone or iPad can be helpful.

内置的提醒应用程序是与家人,朋友和同事共享任务和待办事项的好方法。 但是,这可能会有些混乱。 因此,将提醒分配给iPhone或iPad上的特定联系人可能会有所帮助。

The Reminder Assignments feature is available on iPhones and iPads running iOS 14, iPadOS 14, or higher. If you’re unsure whether your device is running the latest firmware, try updating iOS first.

提醒分配功能在运行iOS 14,iPadOS 14或更高版本的iPhone和iPad上可用。 如果不确定设备是否正在运行最新的固件,请尝试首先更新iOS

如何在iPhone和iPad上共享提醒列表 (How to Share Reminders Lists on iPhone and iPad)

First, let’s talk about how to create a shared list in Reminders. Open the “Reminders” app on your iPhone or iPad, and then navigate to the list you want to share. Tap the Three-Dot menu at the top right, and then tap “Share List.”

首先,让我们讨论一下如何在提醒中创建共享列表。 在iPhone或iPad上打开“提醒”应用程序,然后导航到要共享的列表。 点击右上角的“三点式”菜单,然后点击“共享列表”。

Tap "Share List."

In the pop-up, select how you would like to send the invitation. You can tap “WhatsApp” or “Facebook” messenger, but we prefer the “Messages” app (via iMessage).

在弹出窗口中,选择发送邀请的方式。 您可以点击“ WhatsApp”或“ Facebook”信使,但我们更喜欢“消息”应用程序(通过iMe​​ssage)。

Tap "Messages" to send an invitation.

At the top, search for and select the contact (or contacts) with whom you want to share the list. You’ll see a preview of the text message. You can add a comment if you want, and then tap the Send button.

在顶部,搜索并选择要与之共享列表的一个或多个联系人。 您会看到短信的预览。 您可以根据需要添加评论,然后点击“发送”按钮。

Add a contact, and then tap the Send button.

Now, when you come back to the list, you’ll see at the top that it’s been shared.


A list in "Reminders" under "Shared."

如何在iPhone和iPad上分配提醒 (How to Assign Reminders on iPhone and iPad)

Now that you’ve created a “Shared” list, all members of it can add new reminders and mark them as complete. You can also assign reminders to a specific person (one reminder can only be assigned to a single contact).

现在,您已经创建了“共享”列表,该列表的所有成员都可以添加新的提醒并将其标记为已完成。 您还可以将提醒分配给特定的人(一个提醒只能分配给单个联系人)。

You can do this in two ways. Tap the Info icon (i) at the end of the reminder (it appears when you’re creating a reminder or when one is selected).

您可以通过两种方式执行此操作。 点按提醒末尾的“信息”图标(i)(在您创建提醒或选择提醒时出现)。

Tap the Info icon (i).

Next, tap “Assign Reminder” to expand the section. Choose a list member, and then tap “Done” at the top right to save the reminder.

接下来,点击“分配提醒”以展开该部分。 选择一个列表成员,然后点击右上角的“完成”以保存提醒。

Tap "Assign Reminder," and then choose a member from the list.

Alternatively, you can quickly assign a reminder as you’re creating it. To do so, tap the Assign button in the toolbar above the keyboard.

另外,您可以在创建提醒时快速分配提醒。 为此,请点击键盘上方工具栏中的“分配”按钮。

Then, select the contact to whom you want to assign the task.


Tap the Assign button, and then select a contact.

When someone assigns you a reminder, you’ll receive a notification about it.


A "Reminders" notification of an assigned task.

Removing an assignment is just as easy. Each assigned reminder has a profile picture next to it. Simply tap it to see more options.

删除任务也很容易。 每个分配的提醒旁边都有个人资料图片。 只需点击它即可查看更多选项。

Tap the profile picture of an assigned contact.

Tap “Remove Assignment” to remove a contact.


Tap "Remove Assignment."

You can also tap “Reassign” to assign the task to someone else. To do so, just choose another member, and then tap “Apply.”

您也可以点击“重新分配”将任务分配给其他人。 为此,只需选择另一个成员,然后点击“应用”。

Tap another member, and then tap "Apply."

如何从共享提醒列表中删除联系人 (How to Remove Contacts From a Shared Reminders List)

When a project is complete, and you no longer need a Reminders list, you can stop sharing it.


To do so, open the Reminders list, and then tap the Three-Dot menu at the top right. Tap “Manage Shared List.”

为此,请打开“提醒”列表,然后点击右上角的“三点”菜单。 点击“管理共享列表”。

Tap "Manage Shared List."

You’ll then see a list of all the “People” on the list; select someone.

然后,您会看到列表中所有“人”的列表; 选择一个人。

Select a contact from the "People" list.

Here, tap “Remove Access.”


Tap "Remove Access."

In the pop-up, tap “OK” to confirm.


Tap "OK" to confirm and remove a contact from a shared list.

That person will now be removed from the shared list. If he or she was the only member, the list will once again be private.

现在,该人将从共享列表中删除。 如果他或她是唯一成员,则该列表将再次成为私人列表。

The Reminders app on iPhone and iPad doesn’t automatically delete completed reminders—it simply hides them. However, you can instantly delete all completed reminders if you want.

iPhone和iPad上的“提醒”应用程序不会自动删除已完成的提醒,而只是将其隐藏。 但是,您可以根据需要立即删除所有已完成的提醒

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690468/how-to-share-and-assign-reminders-on-iphone-and-ipad/





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