如何从Google Play音乐切换到YouTube音乐

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Google Play Music is going away. Google’s first music service will be shut down by December 2020. To keep your data, you’ll have to switch to YouTube Music—or download it. Here’s what you need to know.

Google Play音乐即将消失 。 Google的首个音乐服务将于2020年12月关闭。要保留您的数据,您必须切换到YouTube音乐-或下载它。 这是您需要知道的。

Google Play音乐什么时候消失? (When is Google Play Music Going Away?)

Google has announced that “YouTube Music will replace Google Play Music by December 2020.” YouTube Music is Google’s replacement for Google Play Music. It appears to have the same big library of streaming music, but the interface is changing—and the app you’ll use to stream is changing, too. Google has been adding features from Google Play Music to YouTube Music, including the ability to upload and stream your own songs.

谷歌宣布 “到2020年12月,YouTube音乐将取代Google Play音乐。” YouTube音乐是Google替代Google Play音乐的工具。 它似乎具有相同的大型流音乐库,但是界面正在发生变化-用于流式传输的应用程序也在发生变化。 Google一直在将Google Play音乐的功能添加到YouTube音乐,包括上传和流式传输自己歌曲的功能。

You will no longer be able to use the Google Play Music app to stream music starting October 2020. (The cutoff date is September 2020 in New Zealand and South Africa.) If you’re currently paying for a Google Play Music subscription and don’t transfer your account, Google will cancel your subscription at the end of your billing cycle in October (or September in New Zealand sn South Africa.)

从2020年10月开始,您将不再能够使用Google Play音乐应用流式播放音乐。(截止日期是2020年9月,在新西兰和南非。)如果您目前正在为Google Play音乐订阅付费,并且不要为了转移您的帐户,Google会在10月的帐单周期结束时(或9月在新西兰sn南非)取消您的订阅。

However, you will be able to transfer everything you have in Google Play Music—your playlists, music uploads, purchases, and likes—to YouTube Music. The transfer service will be available through the end of December 2020.

但是,您将能够将Google Play音乐中的所有内容(您的播放列表,音乐上传,购买和喜欢的内容)转移到YouTube音乐。 转移服务将持续到2020年12月。

After December 2020, Google will delete your Google Play Music data from its servers.

2020年12月之后,Google将从其服务器上删除您的Google Play音乐数据。

如何切换到YouTube音乐 (How to Switch to YouTube Music)

You can transfer your Google Play Music account by using Google’s YouTube Music transfer tool. This is a one-time transfer process that will migrate all your Google Play Music data to YouTube Music. Visit the web page and click “Start Transfer.”

您可以使用Google的YouTube音乐转移工具转移您的Google Play音乐帐户。 这是一次一次性的传输过程,会将所有Google Play音乐数据迁移到YouTube音乐。 访问网页,然后单击“开始传输”。

Whether you subscribe to Google Play Music’s streaming library or you’ve uploaded some of your own songs and you use Google Play Music to listen to them—or both—you can continue using YouTube Music to play your music after the switch.

无论您是订阅Google Play音乐的流媒体库,还是上传了一些自己的歌曲,并使用Google Play音乐来收听它们(或两者都收听),在切换之后,您都可以继续使用YouTube音乐来播放音乐。

Transferring a Google Play Music account to YouTube Music

If you’re an existing subscriber, you’ll now be billed through YouTube but your monthly subscription price and benefits will stay the same (“unless you are in a location with fluctuating currency,” according to Google.) Even if YouTube now charges extra for the benefits you’re paying for, you’ll keep any discounts you have.

如果您是现有订阅者,则现在将通过YouTube向您收费,但是您的每月订阅价格和权益将保持不变(“除非您处在货币浮动的位置,” 谷歌称 。)即使YouTube现在收费额外支付您要支付的收益,您将保留所有折扣。

After you’ve switched, head to the YouTube Music website and use the YouTube Music apps for Android, iPhone, and iPad to stream your music.


如何下载音乐 (How to Download Your Music)

If you’re done with Google’s music services, you can also download any uploaded music and take it with you.


Until late August 2020, you can still use the Google Play Music Manager application to download your uploaded music files from Google Play Music.

直到2020年8月下旬,您仍然可以使用Google Play音乐管理器应用程序从Google Play音乐下载上传的音乐文件。

You can also use Google Takeout to download your Google Play Music data and take it with you. Ensure “Google Play Music” is checked to download everything—from a list of all the songs you’ve added to your library to any music files you’ve uploaded. Google Takeout should work until Google Play Music shuts down at the end of December 2020.

您还可以使用Google Takeout下载Google Play音乐数据并随身携带。 确保选中“ Google Play音乐”以下载所有内容-从已添加到音乐库的所有歌曲列表到已上传的任何音乐文件。 在2020年12月底Google Play音乐关闭之前,Google Takeout应该可以正常工作。

Downloading Google Play Music data from Google Takeout

Not a fan of YouTube Music? Try Spotify or Apple Music instead.

不喜欢YouTube音乐吗? 请尝试使用SpotifyApple Music

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/684339/how-to-switch-from-google-play-music-to-youtube-music/

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Arduino可以通过连接音频模块或者蜂鸣器来播放音乐。下面是一种简单的方法来实现Arduino播放音乐音乐切换: 1. 音频模块连接:将音频模块的输出引脚连接到Arduino的数字引脚。可以使用PWM引脚来获得更好的音质。 2. 音乐文件准备:将音乐文件转换为适合Arduino播放的格式,例如将音乐文件转换为.wav格式,并将其存储在Arduino的SD卡中。 3. 使用库函数:使用Arduino的库函数来读取和播放音乐文件。可以使用SD库来读取SD卡中的音乐文件,使用TMRpcm库来播放音乐。 4. 音乐切换:通过控制程序逻辑来实现音乐切换。可以使用条件语句或者状态机来判断何时切换到下一首音乐。 下面是一个简单的示例代码,演示了如何使用TMRpcm库来播放音乐切换音乐: ```cpp #include <SD.h> #include <TMRpcm.h> TMRpcm music; // 创建一个TMRpcm对象 void setup() { music.speakerPin = 9; // 设置音频输出引脚 Serial.begin(9600); if (!SD.begin(10)) { // 初始化SD卡 Serial.println("SD卡初始化失败"); return; } music.setVolume(5); // 设置音量(0-7) } void loop() { if (!music.isPlaying()) { // 如果当前没有音乐正在播放 playNextMusic(); // 播放下一首音乐 } } void playNextMusic() { static int currentMusic = 1; // 当前音乐编号 // 根据当前音乐编号拼接音乐文件名 String musicFile = "music" + String(currentMusic) + ".wav"; if (SD.exists(musicFile)) { // 如果音乐文件存在 music.play(musicFile.c_str()); // 播放音乐 currentMusic++; // 切换到下一首音乐 if (currentMusic > 3) { // 如果已经是最后一首音乐切换回第一首 currentMusic = 1; } } else { Serial.println("音乐文件不存在"); } } ``` 这是一个简单的示例,你可以根据自己的需求进行修改和扩展。注意,具体的实现方式可能会因为使用的音频模块或者库函数而有所不同。


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