
MacBook user using shortcut to show the desktop on Mac
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If you store work files on your desktop, you might be minimizing windows to view the desktop. Or you might want to view the desktop to quickly hide an app window. Here’s how to quickly show your desktop on Mac.

如果将工作文件存储在桌面上,则可能会最小化用于查看桌面的窗口。 或者,您可能希望查看桌面以快速隐藏应用程序窗口。 这是在Mac上快速显示桌面的方法。

使用键盘或鼠标快捷方式 (Use a Keyboard or Mouse Shortcut)

The quickest way to view the desktop (without setting up a new feature) is to use a keyboard shortcut. There are, in fact, several ways that you can do this:

查看桌面的最快方法(不设置新功能)是使用键盘快捷键 。 实际上,您可以通过多种方式执行此操作:

  • Command+F3: Use the Command+F3 (Mission Control) keyboard shortcut to quickly view the desktop. This shortcut works on most modern Macs.

    Command + F3:使用Command + F3(任务控制)键盘快捷键可以快速查看桌面。 此快捷方式适用于大多数现代Mac。

  • Fn+F11: If you have an older Mac, or if you’re using a keyboard that doesn’t have the media keys, you can use the F11 or the Fn+F11 keyboard combination to reveal the desktop.

    Fn + F11:如果您使用的是较旧的Mac,或者正在使用没有媒体键的键盘,则可以使用F11或Fn + F11键盘组合来显示桌面。

You can also create your own shortcut (using the keyboard or the mouse) to reveal the desktop. To do this, click the “Apple” logo found in the top-left corner of the screen and then select the “System Preferences” option.

您也可以创建自己的快捷方式(使用键盘或鼠标)以显示桌面。 为此,请单击屏幕左上角的“ Apple”徽标,然后选择“系统偏好设置”选项。

Click on System Preferences button from Apple menu in menu bar

Here, click the “Mission Control” option.


Click on Mission Control from System Preferences

Now, you’ll see two drop-down menus next to the “Show Desktop” option. From the one on the left, you can assign a keyboard shortcut, and from the second, you can choose a mouse shortcut.

现在,您将在“显示桌面”选项旁边看到两个下拉菜单。 从左侧的一个,您可以分配一个键盘快捷方式,从第二个中,您可以选择一个鼠标快捷方式。

Click dropdown next to Show Desktop

You can choose from the function keys, and the Shift, Command, Option, and Control keys. Take a look at a key that you don’t use often. For us, choosing the Right Option key made sense because we rarely use it.

您可以从功能键以及Shift,Command,Option和Control键中进行选择。 看一下您不经常使用的键。 对于我们来说,选择“正确选项”键是有意义的,因为我们很少使用它。

Change Keyboard shortcut for Show Desktop feature

If you’re using a mouse with extra buttons, you can also assign it to show the desktop.


分配热点 (Assign a Hot Corner)

You might not know this, but there’s a hidden feature in your Mac called Hot Corners. It basically lets you perform actions simply by wedging the cursor at one of the four corners of the screen.

您可能不知道这一点,但是Mac中有一个名为Hot Corners的隐藏功能。 它基本上可以让您简单地通过将光标楔入屏幕的四个角之一来执行操作。

For example, you can open the Notification Center, Mission Control, and yes, show the desktop by moving the cursor to one of the edges of the screen.


You’ll find this feature by going to System Preferences > Mission Control. Here, click the “Hot Corners” button found in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

您可以通过转到系统偏好设置>任务控制来找到此功能。 在这里,单击屏幕左下角的“热角”按钮。

Click Hot Corners

Now, click the drop-down next to one of the edges (we went with the top-left corner) and choose the “Desktop” option. Then click the “OK” button to save the changes.

现在,单击边缘之一(我们与左上角一起)旁边的下拉菜单,然后选择“桌面”选项。 然后单击“确定”按钮以保存更改。

Choose Desktop from Hot Corners

Going forward, when you move your cursor to the top-left corner of the screen, your Mac will instantly move the windows away and show the desktop. To hide it, jam the cursor to the same edge once more.

向前移动时,将光标移至屏幕的左上角时,Mac会立即将窗口移开并显示桌面。 要隐藏它,请再次将光标卡在同一边缘。

使用触控板手势 (Use the Trackpad Gesture)

If you’re using a MacBook with a trackpad (or if you’re using a Magic Trackpad), you can quickly show the desktop using a simple gesture.

如果您将MacBook与触控板一起使用(或使用Magic Trackpad),则可以使用简单的手势快速显示桌面。

Just spread your thumb away from three fingers on the trackpad to reveal the desktop. Pinch in with your thumb and three fingers to hide the desktop.

只需将拇指从触控板上的三个手指上移开,即可显示桌面。 用拇指和三根手指捏合以隐藏桌面。

Trackpad gesture for showing desktop on Mac

The gesture is enabled by default on all Macs, but if it’s not working for you, go to System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures and here, make sure that the “Show Desktop” option is checked.


Make Sure Show Desktop trackpad gesture is enabled

Next step? Learn how the multiple desktops feature can help increase your productivity on your Mac.

下一步? 了解多桌面功能如何帮助提高Mac上的工作效率。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678073/how-to-quickly-show-your-desktop-on-mac/





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