


Disney+ Logo

Whether your favorite Disney character is Baby Yoda, Elsa, or even Mickey Mouse, you can change your Disney+ profile picture to match. Here’s how to set a new avatar from your web browser or the mobile app for iPhone, iPad, or Android.

无论您最喜欢的迪士尼角色是Baby Yoda,Elsa还是Mickey Mouse,您都可以更改自己的Disney +个人资料图片以进行匹配。 以下是通过网络浏览器或iPhone,iPad或Android移动应用设置新头像的方法。

If you haven’t already, make sure you log into Disney+ on your computer or download the mobile app for iOS/iPadOS or Android before going forward. That will be the initial step before you can change your profile picture.

如果尚未安装,请确保在继续之前先登录计算机上的Disney +或下载适用于iOS / iPadOSAndroid的移动应用程序。 这将是您可以更改个人资料图片的第一步。

如何从浏览器更改您的Disney +个人资料图片 (How to Change Your Disney+ Profile Picture From a Browser)

After you log into Disney+ on your browser, you’ll be on the main screen that shows all the different movies and TV shows. Once you’re on that screen, you’ll see your profile in the top-right corner. Select your profile to display the other options underneath it.

在浏览器上登录Disney +之后,您将进入显示所有不同电影和电视节目的主屏幕。 进入该屏幕后,您将在右上角看到您的个人资料。 选择您的个人资料以显示其下方的其他选项。

Disney+ Main Screen

Once you have that menu open, there will be the other family profiles as well as several settings to choose from. You will want to select “Edit Profile,” which is directly below the “Add Profile” button.

打开该菜单后,将有其他系列配置文件以及几种设置可供选择。 您将要选择“添加配置文件”按钮正下方的“编辑配置文件”。

Disney+ Profiles and Settings

Now, you will see the profiles on your Disney+ account that you are able to edit. There will be an Edit icon that looks like a small pencil. Click on that icon to edit profile’s avatar.

现在,您将在您的Disney +帐户上看到可以编辑的个人资料。 将出现一个看起来像小铅笔的“编辑”图标。 单击该图标以编辑个人资料的头像。

Disney+ Edit Profiles

Once you select the profile, there will be several options where you can personalize your settings. To the right of those settings, you will find your current profile picture with another Edit icon. Click on the pencil to change your profile picture.

选择配置文件后,将有几个选项可用于个性化设置。 在这些设置的右侧,您将找到带有另一个“编辑”图标的当前个人资料照片。 单击铅笔以更改您的个人资料图片。

Disney+ Profile Settings

You will be taken to a page that has all of the various Disney characters you can set as your profile picture. You can scroll through all of the options then and click on the character you want to have as your profile picture.

您将被带到一个页面,其中包含您可以设置为个人资料图片的所有各种迪士尼角色。 您可以滚动浏览所有选项,然后单击要用作个人资料图片的字符。

Disney+ Icon Selection

After selecting the icon, the website will take you back to the Edit Profile page you were previously on. Once you’re on this page, select the “Save” button at the very bottom of the screen, below “App Language.”

选择图标后,网站将带您回到之前的“编辑配置文件”页面。 进入此页面后,选择屏幕最底部“应用程序语言”下方的“保存”按钮。

Disney+ Save profile

Now that you have your icon saved, the site will take you to the “Who’s Watching?” page. You will be able to see your new profile picture. Select your profile with your newly-chosen picture and start watching your favorite Disney shows and movies.

现在,您已经保存了图标,该站点将带您进入“谁在监视?” 页。 您将能够看到您的新个人资料图片。 选择带有新选择的图片的个人资料,然后开始观看您最喜欢的迪士尼节目和电影。

Disney+ Who's Watching?

如何在应用程序上更改个人资料图片 (How to Change Your Profile Picture on the App)

Editing your profiles on the app is a bit simpler than it is on your browser. When you click on your profile icon in the bottom right corner, it will take you to the screen with all the profiles.

在应用程序上编辑个人资料比在浏览器中简单一些。 单击右下角的个人资料图标时,它将带您进入所有个人资料的屏幕。

Disney+ app main screen

Select the “Edit Profiles” button to take you to the various profiles you can edit.


Disney+ app edit profiles

Starting with the editing profiles, just select the pencil icon that corresponds with the profile you want to edit.


Disney+ Edit Profiles

Once you are on your profile screen, select the “Edit” icon next to your profile picture.


Disney+ Edit Profile Picture

You will now see the entire library of pictures to choose from. Pick the icon that best suits yourself as well as your profile.

现在,您将看到整个图片库可供选择。 选择最适合自己以及个人资料的图标。

Disney+ Picture Library

Once your picture is selected, you will be taken back to the “Edit Profile” settings menu. Click “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to officially change your profile picture.

选择图片后,您将回到“编辑个人资料”设置菜单。 单击右上角的“保存”以正式更改您的个人资料图片。

Disney+ Save Profile

Now that you have that all saved, you will be taken back to the profile page where the settings are at. You can click the “Home” button to get back to the main screen or select the magnifying glass button to find your next show.

既然已保存了所有内容,您将被带回到设置所在的配置文件页面。 您可以单击“主页”按钮返回主屏幕,或者选择放大镜按钮以查找下一个节目。

Disney+ Profiles

Disney made it so quick and easy to make your profile picture into your favorite character, especially on the app. Now, you can sport whoever your favorite character is, even if that tends to change for you.

迪士尼使将个人资料图片变成自己喜欢的角色变得如此快捷,容易,尤其是在应用程序上。 现在,您可以随心所欲地选择喜欢的角色,即使这种情况可能会随您而改变。

You now have your desired Disney pal as your profile picture so you can see them each time you log in. You’ll be able to enjoy every show with a personalized icon for every member of the family.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/451732/how-to-change-your-disney-profile-picture/






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