小米路由r1c 刷番茄_充分利用番茄路由器的5条提示

小米路由r1c 刷番茄

小米路由r1c 刷番茄


Tomato is a powerful third-party firmware for your router, but tweaking the software makes it even more powerful. We’ll be showing you our 5 favorite tips for Tomato routers to help speed them up and help you get your work done… faster!

Tomato是路由器的强大第三方固件,但是对该软件进行了调整,使其更加强大。 我们将向您展示关于Tomato路由器的5个最喜欢的技巧,以帮助它们加快速度并帮助您更快地完成工作!

If you’re scratching your head at what Tomato is, check out our guide to installing it and come back when you’re done for some handy tips. This guide assumes you’re running Tomato version 1.28. We will be demonstrating all examples on a Linksys WRT54GL.  So grab your router, a computer, and a fire extinguisher (just kidding) and let’s get started!

如果您不了解什么是Tomato,请查看我们的安装指南 ,并在完成后返回一些方便的提示。 本指南假定您正在运行Tomato版本1.28。 我们将在Linksys WRT54GL上演示所有示例。 因此,抓住您的路由器,计算机和灭火器(只是在开玩笑),让我们开始吧!

1)增加无线信号 (1) Increase Your Wireless Signal)

Sometimes your router’s wireless signal may not be reaching certain areas of your house. That’s a bummer, but you can fix that with a few simple steps inside Tomato. In most cases the easiest solution is to reposition your wireless router to the central point of the area you want covered. If you’ve already tried that and still need better coverage, increasing your wireless signal would be the next best, cost-effective method.

有时,路由器的无线信号可能无法到达房屋的某些区域。 那真是太可惜了,但是您可以在Tomato内部执行几个简单的步骤来解决这个问题。 在大多数情况下,最简单的解决方案是将无线路由器重新放置在要覆盖区域的中心点。 如果您已经尝试过并且仍然需要更好的覆盖范围,那么增加无线信号将是次佳,具有成本效益的方法。

To start open up a web browser and navigate to your Tomato router. Click the Advanced link and then Wireless in the left sidebar. Further down on this page you’ll notice a section called “Transmit Power”. The default value for Tomato is 42mW (milliwatts). The maximum value that Tomato supports is 251mW, but we recommend not going over 70mW unless you’re willing to risk an overheated router with a significantly shortly lifespan.

要开始打开Web浏览器并导航到Tomato路由器。 单击高级链接,然后单击左侧边栏中的无线。 在此页面的下方,您会注意到一个名为“传输功率”的部分。 Tomato的默认值为42mW(毫瓦)。 Tomato支持的最大值为251mW,但我们建议不要超过70mW,除非您愿意冒生命周期短的过热路由器的风险。


2)超频路由器的CPU (2) Overclock Your Router’s CPU)

Note: Before we begin with this tip, we should mention that we’re confident you won’t fry your router or burn your house down only if you follow the directions we provide exactly. We are not responsible for your cat walking across your keyboard when entering the overclocking commands. Got it? Let’s get started!

注意:在开始本技巧之前,我们应该提到, 只有在您完全按照我们提供的指示进行操作时,我们相信您不会油炸路由器或烧毁房屋。 输入超频命令时,猫在键盘上行走时,我们不承担任何责任。 得到它了? 让我们开始吧!

Overclocking your router has its advantages: faster responses from websites, faster downloads, and lower latency. At the very least, overclocking your router’s CPU gives you a faster response time between LAN connections and the router itself. There is almost no risk (when done properly) and it doesn’t involve understanding the multiplier system or front-side bus relationship.

对路由器进行超频有其优点:网站响应速度更快,下载速度更快,延迟更短。 至少,对路由器的CPU超频可以使您在LAN连接和路由器本身之间的响应时间更快。 几乎没有风险(正确完成后),并且不涉及理解乘法器系统或前端总线关系。

However, each router has different clock frequencies that its CPU can handle. Check out the DD-WRT Wiki for more information about your router’s CPU and speed. We’re using a Linksys WRT54GL in this example and the default CPU clock speed that is set by Linksys is 200 MHz. The good news is that you can overclock up to another 50 MHz without doing any damage or extra cooling to your router! These are the clock frequencies the WRT54GL supports: (in MHz) 183, 188, 197, 200, 206, 212, 216, 217, 225, 238, 240, and 250.

但是,每个路由器都有其CPU可以处理的不同时钟频率。 请查看DD-WRT Wiki ,以获取有关路由器的CPU和速度的更多信息。 在此示例中,我们使用Linksys WRT54GL,Linksys设置的默认CPU时钟速度为200 MHz。 好消息是您可以超频至另一个50 MHz,而不会对路由器造成任何损坏或额外的冷却! WRT54GL支持以下时钟频率:(MHz)183、188、197、200、206、212、216、217、225、238、240和250。

Sounds good, right? All you have to do is enable SSH access on your router and run three simple commands. First, log in to your router and click the Administration link in the sidebar. Scroll down until you see “SSH Daemon”. Be sure that “Enable at Startup” is checked. Scroll down until you see “Password”. Type in a password for SSH access, and then click Save at the bottom.

听起来不错吧? 您要做的就是在路由器上启用SSH访问并运行三个简单命令。 首先,登录到路由器,然后单击侧栏中的“管理”链接。 向下滚动,直到看到“ SSH Daemon”。 确保选中“启动时启用”。 向下滚动,直到看到“密码”。 输入用于SSH访问的密码,然后单击底部的“保存”。


Now that we have SSH access enabled on our router, let’s download a program that will allow us to access our router via SSH. We suggest using PuTTY for Windows and the built-in Terminal applications for Mac and Linux users. For this example we will be using PuTTY on Windows. Type in the IP address of your router and be sure that SSH is selected under Connection type. Click the Open button.

现在我们已经在路由器上启用了SSH访问,让我们下载一个程序,该程序将允许我们通过SSH访问我们的路由器。 我们建议为Windows使用PuTTY ,为Mac和Linux用户使用内置的终端应用程序。 对于此示例,我们将在Windows上使用PuTTY。 输入路由器的IP地址,并确保在“连接类型”下选择了SSH。 单击打开按钮。


You will be prompted to login in as an username. Type “root” and hit Enter. Now you will be prompted for a password. Type in the password we set above earlier. Now type the following three commands and hit Enter after each one. Be sure to replace the 3 x’s with your desired clock frequency. Here are the valid clock frequencies again for your reference: 183, 188, 197, 200, 206, 212, 216, 217, 225, 238, 240, and 250. Do not type in anything else but one of these frequencies.

系统将提示您以用户名登录。 输入“ root”,然后按Enter。 现在,将提示您输入密码。 输入我们之前设置的密码。 现在键入以下三个命令,并在每个命令之后按Enter。 确保将3 x替换为所需的时钟频率。 下面是有效的时钟频率再次供你参考:183,188,197,200,206,212,216,217,225,238,240,和250 不要在任何东西,但这些频率的一种类型。

nvram set clkfreq=xxx nvram commit reboot

nvram set clkfreq = xxx nvram提交重启


Your router will reboot. When it turns back on your router’s CPU will be set at whatever clock frequency you specified. Happy downloading!

您的路由器将重新启动。 当它重新打开时,路由器的CPU将设置为您指定的任何时钟频率。 下载愉快!

3)加快网络上的设备发现 (3) Speed Up Device Discovery on Your Network)

This nifty tricks is for Windows only and requires all computers to be on the same workgroup. By default Windows sets your workgroup name as WORKGROUP or MSHOME depending on if you own a professional or home edition of Windows. You can leave it as the default, but be sure that each computer on your network is also on this same workgroup. This trick allows your Tomato router to act as a server that logs the presence of each device on your network and serves this information as soon as it is requested. Network discovery of devices should be much faster and less of a hassle.

这个漂亮的技巧仅适用于Windows,并且要求所有计算机都位于同一工作组中。 默认情况下,Windows会将您的工作组名称设置为WORKGROUP或MSHOME,具体取决于您是否拥有Windows专业版或家庭版。 您可以将其保留为默认值,但请确保网络上的每台计算机也都在同一工作组中。 此技巧使您的Tomato路由器可以充当服务器来记录网络中每个设备的存在并在请求时立即提供此信息。 设备的网络发现应该更快,更省事。

First, let’s change the WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) server IP address in the DHCP menu. Click Basic and scroll down until you see “DHCP Server”. Change the “WINS” IP address to Click Save at the bottom.

首先,让我们在DHCP菜单中更改WINS(Windows Internet名称服务)服务器的IP地址。 单击基本并向下滚动,直到看到“ DHCP服务器”。 将“ WINS” IP地址更改为0.0.0.0。 点击底部的保存。


Next, click the USB and NAS link in the sidebar. The click the sub-link File Sharing. Make sure your workgroup name is set to the same workgroup name all your devices on your network. Then check both boxes next to “Master Browser” and “WINS Server”. Click Save at the bottom.

接下来,单击侧栏中的USB和NAS链接。 单击子链接“文件共享”。 确保您的工作组名称设置为网络上所有设备的相同工作组名称。 然后选中“主浏览器”和“ WINS服务器”旁边的两个框。 点击底部的保存。


Now let’s make sure that our computer is actually using the WINS server we just set up.  Go ahead and open up a command prompt and type “ipconfig –all”. You may have to scroll down to see your current network adapter, but when you do look for the line that says “Primary WINS Sever”. Next to that you should see your router’s IP address. If you do not see your router’s IP address, try restarting your computer and running the command again. Sometimes the WINS server doesn’t update until a new IP is renewed from the DHCP server.

现在,确保我们的计算机实际上正在使用刚刚设置的WINS服务器。 继续并打开命令提示符,然后键入“ ipconfig –all”。 您可能需要向下滚动才能看到当前的网络适配器,但是当您查找“ Primary WINS Sever”(主WINS服务器)行时。 旁边,您应该看到路由器的IP地址。 如果看不到路由器的IP地址,请尝试重新启动计算机并再次运行命令。 有时WINS服务器直到从DHCP服务器更新了新IP才更新。


4)为生产设置访问限制 (4) Set Up Access Restriction For Productivity)

Access restriction never sounds like a good thing, but it is when you’re trying to get work done or when you want to keep certain people off certain parts of the web. Tomato’s Access Restriction feature allows you, the administrator, to create rules for your network. In the example below, we are going to set up a rule that will restrict us from going to certain websites that cause us to not get any work done. This rule will be effective on weekdays from 6 PM to 10 PM.

访问限制从来都不是一件好事,但这是在您要完成工作或想要让某些人离开网络某些部分时出现的。 Tomato的访问限制功能使您(管理员)可以为您的网络创建规则。 在下面的示例中,我们将建立一条规则,该规则将限制我们只能访问某些导致我们无法完成任何工作的网站。 该规则将在工作日的下午6点至晚上10点生效。

To start, log in to your Tomato router and click the Access Restriction link on the left sidebar.



From here, you’ll see a blank page with an “Add” button. When you click the “Add” button you’ll be brought to another page to set up a new restriction rule.

从这里,您将看到带有“添加”按钮的空白页面。 点击“添加”按钮后,您将转到另一个页面以设置新的限制规则。

In the description field, enter anything that describes your rule (i.e. “Work Time”). Next, use the dropdown menus adjacent to “Time” and choose 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM.  Now uncheck the “Sun”, “Fri”, and “Sat” checkboxes next to “Days”. Adjacent to “Type”, we’re going to leave the “Normal Access Restriction” radio button marked. If you decide to choose the “Disable Wireless” option, it will completely disable your router’s wireless functionality for the duration you specified earlier. We’re not going to do that now because we want to restrict access to only one computer and not everyone who is using WiFi.

在描述字段中,输入描述规则的任何内容(即“工作时间”)。 接下来,使用“时间”旁边的下拉菜单,然后选择6:00 PM和10:00 PM。 现在,取消选中“天数”旁边的“太阳”,“星期五”和“星期六”复选框。 与“类型”相邻,我们将保留“正常访问限制”单选按钮。 如果您决定选择“禁用无线”选项,它将在您先前指定的时间内完全禁用路由器的无线功能。 我们现在不打算这样做,因为我们只想限制访问一台计算机,而不是每个使用WiFi的人。

Adjacent to “Applies To” we want to click the dropdown menu and choose “The Following”. You’ll notice that Tomato is asking you for the MAC address or IP address the computer you want to restrict access to. If your computer isn’t set up to have a static IP address, it’s best to enter in your computer’s MAC address for reliability. To find your computer’s MAC address in Windows, open up a command prompt and type “ipconfig –all”. The 12 character string next to “Physical Address” is your computer’s MAC address. Enter this in Tomato without hyphens (Tomato will automatically add semicolons between every 2nd value) and click the “Add” button below.

在“适用于”旁边,我们要单击下拉菜单并选择“以下内容”。 您会注意到,Tomato正在询问您要限制访问的计算机的MAC地址或IP地址。 如果您的计算机未设置为具有静态IP地址 ,则最好输入计算机的MAC地址以确保可靠性。 要在Windows中找到计算机的MAC地址,请打开命令提示符,然后键入“ ipconfig –all”。 “物理地址”旁边的12个字符串是您计算机的MAC地址。 在不带连字符的Tomato中输入此内容(西红柿将在每个第二个值之间自动添加分号),然后点击下面的“添加”按钮。


At this point, your access restriction set up should look similar to ours below:



Finally, make sure you uncheck the “Block All Internet Accesss” box. If left checked, your computer won’t be able to access the Internet at all. A new set of options will appear. These options allow you to filter traffic based on protocols such as RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) or  ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) to name a few. For this example, we won’t be dealing with protocols and are simply going to block access to certain websites by typing only their names into the “HTTP Request” text box.

最后,请确保取消选中“阻止所有Internet访问”框。 如果未选中,则您的计算机将完全无法访问Internet。 将会出现一组新的选项。 这些选项使您可以根据协议(例如RDP(远程桌面协议)或ICMP(Internet控制消息协议))过滤流量。 对于此示例,我们将不处理协议,而只是通过在“ HTTP请求”文本框中仅键入其名称来阻止对某些网站的访问。


There are also special characters you can use for HTTP requests that define your rule even further:


facebook.com$ (blocks everything ending with facebook.com) ^facebook (blocks everything beginning with facebook) ^photos.facebook.com$ (blocks the subdomain photos.facebook.com exactly)

facebook.com $(阻止所有以facebook.com结尾的内容)^ facebook(阻止所有以facebook开头的内容)^ photos.facebook.com $(完全阻止子域photos.facebook.com)

Click the “Save” button near the bottom. Tomato will load the rule and soon after your websites will be blocked. Let the productivity begin!

单击底部附近的“保存”按钮。 Tomato将加载该规则,并且您的网站将很快被屏蔽。 让生产力开始!

To recap, the rule we defined blocks access to any HTTP request that contains the words “reddit”, “twitter”, “facebook”, and “linkedin” and begins with “plus” from the computer with the MAC address of 00:19:D1:81:02:AF. This rule is becomes effective at 6 PM on every weekday and ends at 10 PM. When you try to access these sites, you will see a connection reset error in your browser.

概括地说,我们定义的规则禁止访问任何包含单词“ reddit”,“ twitter”,“ facebook”和“ linkedin”的HTTP请求,并从MAC地址为00:19的计算机中以“ plus”开头:D1:81:02:AF。 该规则在每个工作日的下午6点生效,并在晚上10点结束。 当您尝试访问这些站点时,您将在浏览器中看到连接重置错误。


5)设置服务质量(QoS)规则 (5) Set Up Quality of Service (QoS) Rules)

Quality of Service rules give priority to more “important” Internet traffic. Think of QoS like rush hour traffic on a busy highway; every vehicle is moving at a slow pace because there too many people trying to get out (or in). When something important arrives on the highway, like an emergency vehicle, vehicles slow down even more and pull over to let the emergency vehicle drive faster. The emergency vehicle in this example is the traffic that you determine to be most important (Xbox Live) while the other vehicles are things you consider less important (BitTorrent traffic).

服务质量规则优先考虑更“重要”的互联网流量。 将QoS视为繁忙公路上的高峰时间流量; 每辆车的行驶速度都很慢,因为有太多人试图下车。 当诸如紧急车辆之类的重要物品到达高速公路时,车辆会进一步减速并停下来让紧急车辆更快地行驶。 在此示例中,紧急车辆是您确定为最重要的流量(Xbox Live),而其他车辆是您认为次要的流量(BitTorrent流量)。

Now what determines which traffic is better than others? That’s completely up to you, and we’ll show you how to set that up in Tomato. We want to mention a quick side note before we begin: there is no “right” way to set up QoS rules. Everyone has different preferences as to which protocols/traffic are important to them. With that in mind, we’ll be showing you the basics of QoS rules and we’ll let you take over from there.

现在是什么决定了哪些流量比其他流量更好? 这完全取决于您,我们将向您展示如何在Tomato中进行设置。 在开始之前,我们想提一个简短的旁注:没有建立QoS规则的“正确”方法。 对于哪种协议/流量对其很重要,每个人都有不同的偏好。 考虑到这一点,我们将向您展示QoS规则的基础知识,并让您从那里接手。

The first step is setting up our speed classes which dictate what protocols/traffic get the most or least bandwidth. Click QoS on the sidebar and then Basic Settings. Check off “Enable QoS” to activate the other options below.

第一步是设置速度等级,该等级决定哪种协议/流量获得最大或最小带宽。 单击侧栏上的QoS,然后单击基本设置。 选中“启用QoS”以激活下面的其他选项。


Now we’re going to do a speed test on our Internet connection to see what our maximum bandwidth is. Head over to your favorite speed test website. We suggest using Speedtest.net. Find a server located near you geographically and begin the test. Take note of your upload speed in kilobits per second. If your test displays your speeds in megabits per second, just multiply it by 1024 to display the speed in kilobits. For example, my upload speed was 0.76 Mbps (don’t laugh!), so my speed would be 778 in Kbps. If you notice that your upload speed from the speed test is not near the upload speed your ISP advertises, run multiple tests and use the average of these tests.

现在,我们将对Internet连接进行速度测试,以了解最大带宽是多少。 前往您最喜欢的速度测试网站。 我们建议使用Speedtest.net 。 找到地理位置附近的服务器,然后开始测试。 注意您的上传速度,以每秒千比特为单位。 如果您的测试以兆位/秒显示您的速度,只需将其乘以1024即可显示以千位为单位的速度。 例如,我的上传速度为0.76 Mbps(请不要笑!),所以我的速度将为778 in Kbps。 如果您发现速度测试中的上传速度与ISP公布的上传速度不相符,请运行多个测试并使用这些测试的平均值。


Once you know your maximum upload speed, enter it in next to “Max Bandwidth” under “Outbound Rate/Limit”. You’ll notice Tomato will do some work for you by automatically adjusting the speed classes below.

知道最大上传速度后,将其输入到“出站速率/限制”下“最大带宽”旁边。 您会注意到Tomato将通过自动调整以下速度等级为您做一些工作。


Now let’s take note of the download speed from our speed test earlier. Convert that into kilobits per second and enter it in “Max Bandwidth” underneath “Inbound Limit”. This time Tomato won’t perform its magic and adjust the speed classes below, so we’ll have to manually do it ourselves. You can use the speed classes we used below or configure it specifically to your environment (which is what we recommend). These settings work for us in our environment. Click Save near the bottom of the page.

现在,让我们记下我们较早的速度测试中的下载速度。 将其转换为每秒千位,然后在“入站限制”下方的“最大带宽”中输入。 这次Tomato不会执行其魔术操作并调整下面的速度类,因此我们将不得不手动进行操作。 您可以使用下面我们使用的速度类,也可以根据您的环境专门配置它(这是我们推荐的速度类)。 这些设置在我们的环境中对我们有用。 点击页面底部附近的保存。


Now that we have our speed classes set up, we have to apply them to specified protocols/traffic. Click Classification underneath QoS in the sidebar to begin pairing speed classes with protocols.

现在我们已经设置了速度类,我们必须将它们应用于指定的协议/流量。 单击边栏中QoS下方的分类,以开始将速度等级与协议配对。


This step of QoS rules is a bit tricky because, like we said earlier, everyone has different preferences over what protocols require the most or least bandwidth. You can take QoS into your own hands now, or stick around with us to see how we set up QoS on our network.

QoS规则的这一步有些棘手,因为就像我们前面说的,每个人对于哪种协议需要最大或最小带宽有不同的偏好。 您现在可以将QoS掌握在自己手中,或者与我们一起来看看我们如何在网络上设置QoS。

It helps having both the Classification page and Basic Settings page open in two separate tabs for reference. The first rule, and arguably the most important, we set up was WWW traffic. Now Tomato does a good job setting up this rule by default, so there’s not much tweaking we have to do. This rule gives the highest priority (between 622 – 778 kbit/s in our setup) to outbound traffic that goes through ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). In order for traffic to be pushed through this class, it must not exceed 512 KB of data transferred outbound (upload). This helps ensure that huge file uploads (like copying a 4 GB .mkv video file to Dropbox) don’t fall into this class and hog all our bandwidth.

这有助于在两个单独的选项卡中同时打开“分类”页面和“基本设置”页面以供参考。 我们设置的第一个规则(可能是最重要的规则)是WWW流量。 现在,Tomato在默认情况下可以很好地设置此规则,因此我们无需做太多调整。 此规则为通过端口80(HTTP)和443(HTTPS)的出站流量赋予最高优先级(在我们的设置中为622 – 778 kbit / s)。 为了将流量推送通过此类,流量的出站(上传)不得超过512 KB。 这有助于确保上传的大量文件(例如将4 GB的.mkv视频文件复制到Dropbox)不会属于此类,并且不会占用我们的所有带宽。


We’re going to set up one more rule that is very dear to us: Xbox Live. First, we’re going to set the source IP address to the static IP address of our Xbox console: Then we’re going to prioritize the traffic at the highest priority. Xbox Live uses port 3074, so any traffic that is originating from to delivering to will be in this class. We also set our L7 (Layer 7) filter to “xboxlive” just in case. Be careful adding too many L7 filters to multiple classes because it may bog down your router.

我们将建立另一条我们非常喜欢的规则:Xbox Live。 首先,我们将源IP地址设置为Xbox控制台的静态IP地址:。 然后,我们将优先级最高的流量。 Xbox Live使用端口3074,因此,从生成到传递到192.168.0.34:3074的所有流量都将在此类中。 为了以防万一,我们还将L7(第7层)过滤器设置为“ xboxlive”。 请注意,要在多个类别中添加过多的L7过滤器,因为它可能会使您的路由器停滞不前。


If you find that your Internet connection speeds aren’t that great after setting up your QoS rules, we suggest starting from scratch and redefining your rules and classifications. It might take you 3 or 4 times before you get it right, but once you do, you’ll be happy you put forth the effort.

如果您在设置QoS规则后发现Internet连接速度不是很好,我们建议从头开始,重新定义规则和分类。 您可能需要花费3到4倍的时间才能正确解决问题,但是一旦完成,您会很乐意付出努力。

That’s it for our list of Tomato tips. Your WiFi strength should be at its best along with faster device discovery on your network. Your QoS rules should help speed up your Internet connection all while getting more work done with access restriction rules. And with your new overclocked router, sending packets should be lightning fast! If you’re craving more tips, check out our guide to setting up OpenVPN on Tomato to access your network from anywhere in the world!

这就是我们的番茄提示列表。 您的WiFi强度应与网络上更快的设备发现一起发挥最大作用。 您的QoS规则应有助于加速Internet连接,同时使用访问限制规则完成更多工作。 并且使用新的超频路由器,发送数据包的速度应该很快! 如果您想了解更多提示,请查阅我们的指南,在Tomato设置OpenVPN,以从世界任何地方访问您的网络!

Images by Dugbee and spisharam


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/67943/5-tips-for-getting-the-most-out-of-your-tomato-router/

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