

A smart phone in your pocket is great for on the go news, web browsing, and—of course—mobile gaming. It’s also fantastic for comparison shopping. Today we take a look at four Android scanners and price comparison engines.

口袋里的智能手机非常适合随时随地新闻,网页浏览以及(当然)手机游戏。 比较购物也很棒。 今天我们来看看四个Android扫描仪和价格比较引擎。

It’s quite a neat time to be a consumer. Historically if you wanted to do serious price comparisons you had to haul yourself around town, gather flyers from the newspapers, and otherwise invest way too much energy into potential savings that might not even break into double digits. Now you can comparison shop with an ease that borders on magic: by simply pulling out your smart phone and scanning the barcode or typing in the name of the item you wish to compare. Today we’re taking a look at some of the more popular and powerful barcode scanners and price comparison engines available for the Android platform.

成为消费者非常整洁。 从历史上看,如果您想进行认真的价格比较,则必须将自己拖拉到城里去,收集报纸上的传单,否则将太多的精力投入到潜在的储蓄中,甚至可能不会达到两位数。 现在,您可以轻松地进行比较,以达到魔幻般的效果:只需拉出智能手机并扫描条形码,或输入要比较的商品名称即可。 今天,我们来看看一些可用于Android平台的更流行,功能更强大的条形码扫描仪和价格比较引擎。

Before we get to that, a word on our methodology. To test the barcode scanners and the resulting search results we wandered around and rounded up some relatively random items from around the How-To Geek offices. This included a children’s graphic novel, a Wii game, a board game, a pack of razors, a box of tea, and a bottle of nail polish. It’s a decent spread of consumer items that covers several genres. For each application we scanned all the items, looked for the best price at the time, and noted any other relevant benefits of using one scanner over another.

在此之前,先谈谈我们的方法论。 为了测试条形码扫描仪和得到的搜索结果,我们四处走动,并从How-To Geek办事处附近收集了一些相对随机的物品。 其中包括儿童图画小说,Wii游戏,棋盘游戏,一盒剃须刀,一盒茶和一瓶指甲油。 这是涵盖多种类型的消费品的良好分布。 对于每种应用程序,我们扫描了所有物品,寻找当时的最佳价格,并指出了使用一种扫描仪胜过另一种扫描仪的其他相关好处。

It’s worth noting that our primary focus was on the speed and ease of use. You may find that certain scanners have specific features that best suit your needs. What we focused on was how fast you could scan, compare prices, and purchase items if you desired. Since all the scanners are free-as-in-beer, feel free to download them all and run your own tests to confirm our conclusions.

值得注意的是,我们的主要重点是速度和易用性。 您可能会发现某些扫描仪具有最适合您需要的特定功能。 我们关注的是您可以根据需要快速扫描,比较价格和购买商品的速度。 由于所有扫描仪都是免费的,请随时下载所有扫描仪并运行自己的测试以确认我们的结论。

Google购物者 (Google Shopper)


Google Shopper taps directly into Google’s massive price comparison engine. You can search via text entry, barcode scan, or voice entry. It also includes location-aware coupons and discounts (if you’re into opt-in advertisement in the name of saving money).

Google Shopper直接利用Google庞大的价格比较引擎。 您可以通过文本输入,条形码扫描或语音输入进行搜索。 它还包括位置感知的优惠券和折扣(如果您以省钱的名义参加了选择性广告)。

Within Google Shopper you can check your search history, star items you’d like to revisit later, and sort the items by relevance and price. Barcode scanning is insanely fast, so fast it’s almost aggressive actually. We had all the items lined up on a countertop and ready to scan; several times simply lifting the phone to point the scanner at an item on the table would cause Google Shopper’s scanner to snag a barcode on the way into position. It’s neat that it’s so sensitive and scans so fast, but it was so good it was actually frustrating at moments. That said the barcode scanning was spot on and it didn’t fail to lookup any of the items we threw at it.

在Google Shopper中,您可以查看搜索历史记录,为以后要重新访问的商品加注星标,以及按相关性和价格对商品进行排序。 条形码扫描的速度非常快,实际上,它几乎是攻击性的。 我们把所有物品都放在工作台上,准备扫描。 几次简单地抬起手机,将扫描仪对准桌子上的某个物品,就会导致Google Shopper的扫描仪在进入位置的过程中卡住条形码。 如此灵巧,扫描如此之快很整洁,但是它是如此的好以至于实际上有时令人沮丧。 那就是说条形码扫描是即时的,它不会失败,我们可以找到任何物品。

The voice recognition feature was a mixed bag. It absolutely could not pick up the name of the graphic novel “Zita the Spacegirl” but it had no problem with the French-named game Carcassonne or the box of Peppermint Celestial Tea.

语音识别功能是一个混合包。 它绝对不能拿出图画小说《太空女孩齐塔》的名字,但是对于法国游戏卡尔卡松或薄荷天茶盒来说却没有问题。

The price breakdown for the Google Shopper test was as follows:

Google Shopper测试的价格明细如下:

  • Nail Polish: $4.49

    指甲油:$ 4.49
  • Tea: $2.79

  • Board Game: $16.31

    桌游:$ 16.31
  • Razors: $2.29

  • Wii Game: $30.99

  • Graphic Novel: $4.99


Verdict: Google Shopper is snappy on the scan, quick to look items up, and gives you access to the same broad search results you’d get if you were sitting at your computer using Google to do your shopping. The only complain we can lodge about the application is that there seemed to be a unreasonable number of screens to click through. While we appreciate that it confirms that the item we scanned is indeed the item it found, it was annoying to constantly confirm and then click through to the actual price lists.

结论:Google Shopper的扫描非常灵活,可以快速查找商品,并且可以让您访问与使用Google购物时所获得的广泛搜索结果相同的搜索结果。 关于该应用程序,我们唯一可以抱怨的地方是单击的屏幕似乎不合理。 尽管我们赞赏它确认我们扫描的物品确实是它找到的物品,但是不断确认然后单击进入实际价格表真是令人讨厌。

亚马逊价格查询 (Price Check by Amazon)


Right out of the gate we need to clarify: Price Check is not the same as Amazon’s default Android application. Although Amazon’s default application has a barcode scanner in it, Price Check is a new release from Amazon that builds on their already solid scanner with new features. If you’re doing a lot of price checking it’s more user friendly than the scanner in the Amazon app as it gets you to the scanning and checking section faster and with cleaner and larger icons.

我们需要澄清一下:价格检查与Amazon的默认Android应用程序不同。 尽管Amazon的默认应用程序中装有条形码扫描仪,但是Price Check是Amazon的一个新版本,它以其已经坚固的扫描仪为基础,具有新功能。 如果您要进行大量价格检查,则它比Amazon应用程序中的扫描仪更加用户友好,因为它可以使您更快地进入扫描和检查区域,并带有更清晰和更大的图标。

Amazon only searches the Amazon.com eco-system; the system has grown exponentially over the years and pulls in data from a wide range of merchants. We had no problem finding the products at reasonable prices (and often with free Super Saver or Prime shipping). The one exception was the packet of razors—Amazon found the brand accurately but reported none in stock and no price for comparison.

亚马逊仅搜索Amazon.com生态系统; 多年来,该系统呈指数增长,并从众多商家处获取数据。 我们毫不费力地找到价格合理的产品(通常免费提供Super Saver或Prime送货)。 一个例外是一包剃须刀—亚马逊准确地找到了该品牌,但没有库存,也没有价格进行比较。

The barcode scanner was functional but quite slow compared to the lightening fast scanner in Google Shopper. Like Google’s star feature, Amazon has the Wish List system so you can easily save items for later review (one could easily argue Amazon’s wish list system is superior in that you can easily share it with others). In addition to the barcode scanner you can also speak your search query and type it in (we found the speech function to be just as fuzzy in this app as it was in Google Shopper, no surprise seeing as how it’s using the same underlying functionality provided by the phone). Price Check also has a phone-based search feature. Snap a photo of a book, dvd, game, or other media with a cover, and you can search for it on Amazon. It’s like a very limited version of Google Goggles (interestingly, there is no equivalent function in Google Shopper).

与Google Shopper中的快如闪电的扫描仪​​相比,条形码扫描仪可以正常工作,但速度却很慢。 像Google的星级功能一样,亚马逊拥有“愿望清单”系统,因此您可以轻松地保存商品以供以后查看(可以轻易地说出亚马逊的“愿望清单”系统的优越之处在于可以轻松与他人共享)。 除了条形码扫描仪之外,您还可以说出搜索查询并输入(我们发现语音功能在此应用中的模糊程度与在Google Shopper中一样模糊,看到它如何使用提供的相同基础功能也就不足为奇了通过电话)。 价格查询还具有基于电话的搜索功能。 使用封面拍摄书籍,DVD,游戏或其他媒体的照片,然后可以在Amazon上搜索。 这就像是Google Goggles的非常有限的版本(有趣的是,Google Shopper中没有等效的功能)。

The price breakdown for the Price Check test was as follows:


  • Nail Polish: $5.00

    指甲油:$ 5.00
  • Tea: $6.99

  • Board Game: $9.95

  • Razors: N/A

    剃刀:N / A
  • Wii Game: $41.17

  • Graphic Novel: $4.97


Verdict: If you’re in the Amazon eco-system already (especially if you’re a Prime member) the scanner is quite useful. If you’re not already actively using Amazon as a primary shopping location it doesn’t help you much in the way of speeding up the purchasing process or comparing prices except to scan goods in a store and see that you can get it cheaper on Amazon.

结论:如果您已经在Amazon生态系统中(特别是您是Prime会员),则扫描仪非常有用。 如果您尚未积极使用亚马逊作为主要购物地点,那么除了扫描商店中的商品并发现可以在亚马逊上更便宜之外,它对加快购买过程或比较价格没有太大帮助。 。

红激光 (RedLaser)


RedLaser, a wildly popular iPhone app, has only recently been available on Android. It’s quite polished and the user interface is really nice to use; they’ve clearly put some thought into everything from the graphics to the button layout. For example, minor navigation buttons are located at the top of the screen and the Scan button is located at the bottom of the screen. Thus if you’re scanning a bunch of stuff in a hurry it’s super easy to use your thumb to keep scanning—no awkward hand shifting or grip required. RedLaser also prominently displays the lowest online and local price at the top of the search results for instant comparison.

RedLaser是一种非常受欢迎的iPhone应用程序,最近才在Android上可用。 它非常优美,用户界面使用起来非常好。 他们清楚地考虑了从图形到按钮布局的所有问题。 例如,次要的导航按钮位于屏幕顶部 ,而“扫描”按钮位于屏幕底部 。 因此,如果您要匆忙扫描一堆东西,那么用拇指继续扫描非常容易-无需笨拙的手移动或抓地力。 RedLaser还会在搜索结果的顶部突出显示最低的在线和本地价格,以进行即时比较。

The barcode scanner in RedLaser is snappy. It’s not quite as fast or aggressive as the one in Google Shopper but it’s miles ahead of the scanner in Price Check. It’s just the right balance between rapid focus/snappy lock and the disconcertingly fast scan and lock you get with Google Shopper. We had no complaints. When using the scanner you didn’t even need to really attempt to line it up; while scanning the Wii game, for example, we focused it on the center of the box with barely a sliver of the barcode visible and it still snagged the information.

RedLaser中的条形码扫描仪非常灵活。 它虽然不如Google Shopper中的速度或攻击性那么快,但在Price Check中比扫描仪要领先几英里。 这是快速对焦/快照锁定与Google Shopper令人难以置信的快速扫描和锁定之间的恰当平衡。 我们没有抱怨。 使用扫描仪时,您甚至不需要真正地排队。 例如,在扫描Wii游戏时,我们将其聚焦在盒子的中央,几乎看不到一小部分条形码,但它仍然卡住了信息。

While you can use text and voice search in RedLaser, those two features are tucked into a sub-menu. RedLaser is strongly focused on quick one-touch barcode scanning.

虽然您可以在RedLaser中使用文本和语音搜索,但是这两个功能都包含在子菜单中。 RedLaser强烈致力于快速的一键式条形码扫描。

The price breakdown for the Price Check test was as follows:


  • Nail Polish: $4.49

    指甲油:$ 4.49
  • Tea: $2.79

  • Board Game: $18.30

    桌游:$ 18.30
  • Razors: $2.29

  • Wii Game: $24.25

  • Graphic Novel: $4.97


Verdict: If you’re looking for a fast loading app that will get you scanning and comparing almost instantly, RedLaser should be your first choice. The time from application launch to first scan is unsurpassed by any other apps in this roundup.

结论:如果您正在寻找一个快速加载的应用程序,它将使您几乎立即进行扫描和比较,那么RedLaser应该是您的首选。 从应用程序启动到首次扫描的时间在本综述中没有其他任何应用程序可以超越。

ShopSavvy (ShopSavvy)


ShopSavvy is one of the most downloaded barcode scanners on the Android market and rich with features. Some of them, arguably, are a bit useless–like the live-feed of scans happening near you, do you really need to know that somebody in your town just bought Strawberry Shortcake dolls?

ShopSavvy是Android市场上下载次数最多的条形码扫描仪之一,功能丰富。 其中有些可以说是无用的-就像您附近发生的实时扫描扫描一样,您是否真的需要知道您镇上有人买了草莓酥饼娃娃吗?

ShopSavvy’s barcode scanner was by far the most lackluster of the bunch. It often stuttered, for lack of a better word, on the focus. If it didn’t nail the focus the first time we were in for at least 3-4 seconds of fruitless refocusing. It’s clearly not a phone problem as Google Shopper’s so-fast-it-hurts scanning algorithm demonstrates. ShopSavvy has a wallet system which you can use for speedy purchasing but, since many people likely already have a Google and Amazon account set up for purchasing, it lacks the punch it would have if the market weren’t saturated by other price comparison heavyweights.

到目前为止,ShopSavvy的条形码扫描仪是最乏味的。 由于缺乏更好的措辞,它常常陷入困境。 如果第一次没有聚焦,我们至少需要3-4秒钟才能重新聚焦。 正如Google Shopper的快速扫描扫描算法所展示的,这显然不是电话问题。 ShopSavvy有一个钱包系统,您可以使用它进行快速购买,但是,由于许多人可能已经设置了Google和Amazon帐户来进行购买,因此,如果市场不被其他价格比较权重者所饱和,它就会缺乏冲击力。

ShopSavvy does include a folder organization system for saving items which, while completely functional, lacks the ease of export found in other solutions.


The price breakdown for the Shop Savvy test was as follows:

Shop Savvy测试的价格明细如下:

  • Nail Polish: $4.49

    指甲油:$ 4.49
  • Tea: $2.79

  • Board Game: $18.30

    桌游:$ 18.30
  • Razors: $2.29

  • Wii Game: $24.25

  • Graphic Novel: $4.97


Verdict: ShopSavvy was one of the first widely used barcode scanner applications in the smartphone world and has quite a sizeable following. We entered into our test of ShopSavvy expecting fireworks and ended up being disappointed in almost every metric. It’s a free app so go ahead and keep it in your arsenal for a backup comparison; we just wouldn’t rely on it as a primary tool.

结论:ShopSavvy是智能手机世界中最早被广泛使用的条形码扫描仪应用程序之一,并且拥有相当多的追随者。 我们进入了对ShopSavvy的期望烟花测试,最终对几乎每个指标都感到失望。 这是一个免费的应用程序,因此请继续保存在您的武器库中以进行备份比较; 我们只是不会将其作为主要工具。

Have an comparison tip, trick, or app to share? Sound off in the comments with your Android-based comparison shopping solutions.
有比较技巧,窍门或应用可以分享吗? 借助基于Android的比较购物解决方案,您可以在评论中发出声音。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/97965/use-your-android-phone-to-comparison-shop-4-scanner-apps-reviewed/





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