
If you’re a Linux user, there’s a good chance you can’t live without virtual desktops. They’re a great way to organize your workspace. Dexpot brings virtual desktops to Windows, complete with 3D effects and extensive customizability.

如果您是Linux用户,那么很有可能没有虚拟桌面就无法生存。 它们是组织工作空间的好方法。 Dexpot将虚拟桌面引入Windows,并具有3D效果和广泛的可定制性。

Windows has always been behind when it comes to virtual desktops. Even Microsoft’s own Virtual Desktop Manager power toy had some rough edges.

Windows在虚拟桌面方面一直落后。 甚至Microsoft自己的Virtual Desktop Manager功能玩具也有一些粗糙的边缘。

安装 (Installation)

Dexpot is free, but only for private use. If you’re using it on your home system, you’re good to go. If you’re a freelancer like me, you’ll have to pay to use it for more than 30 days.

Dexpot是免费的,但仅供私人使用。 如果您在家庭系统上使用它,那很好。 如果您是像我这样的自由职业者,则必须付费使用30天以上。

Dexpot wants to install a toolbar when you install it — be sure to uncheck this check box.


入门 (Getting Started)

If you didn’t launch Dexpot from the installer, you can open it from your Start menu or desktop. You’ll get a Dexpot icon on your taskbar when you do. Hover over the icon and you’ll see previews of your virtual desktops.

如果没有从安装程序启动Dexpot,则可以从“开始”菜单或桌面上将其打开。 完成后,您会在任务栏上看到一个Dexpot图标。 将鼠标悬停在该图标上,您将看到虚拟桌面的预览。

Dexpot adds a right-click menu to each window’s title bar, so you can easily move windows between desktops, make them always on top, and perform other actions.


Once you’ve moved a window, you’ll see it on your other desktop.


Click the icon to switch between desktops or click a desktop’s preview to switch to that desktop. When you do, you’ll notice that the taskbar doesn’t show applications that are open on other desktops, decluttering your workspace and letting you focus on the applications you’re using.

单击图标可在桌面之间切换,或单击桌面的预览以切换到该桌面。 当您这样做时,您会注意到任务栏上不会显示在其他桌面上打开的应用程序,从而使工作空间变得混乱,让您专注于正在使用的应用程序。

查看虚拟桌面 (Viewing Virtual Desktops)

Right-click the Dexpot system tray icon to see more options.


The Window Catalogue option  displays all open windows on a desktop. You can use the arrows at the top of the screen to move between virtual desktops.

窗口目录选项显示桌面上所有打开的窗口。 您可以使用屏幕顶部的箭头在虚拟桌面之间移动。

The Full-Screen Preview option shows you a full-screen grid of your virtual desktops. Click a desktop to switch to it.

全屏预览选项向您显示虚拟桌面的全屏网格。 单击一个桌面以切换到该桌面。

The Desktop Manager, Desktop Preview, and Desktop Windows options provide different ways of viewing and switching between your virtual desktops.


组态 (Configuration)

Dexpot provides extensive configuration options. For each virtual desktop, you can change its background, hide the taskbar, automatically launch applications, and perform other actions.

Dexpot提供了广泛的配置选项。 对于每个虚拟桌面,您可以更改其背景,隐藏任务栏,自动启动应用程序以及执行其他操作。

From the Settings window, you can configure your hotkeys. By default, Alt-# switches to a specific desktop and Shift-Alt-# moves a window to a specific desktop.

在“设置”窗口中,您可以配置热键。 默认情况下,Alt-#切换到特定的桌面,而Shift-Alt-#将窗口移动到特定的桌面。

You can also configure Dexpot to switch between desktops when you move the mouse to a screen edge.


On the Plugins and Extras pane, you’ll find the Dexcube plugin. It provides a Compiz-style 3D cube effect when you switch between your virtual desktops.

在“插件和附加功能”窗格上,您将找到Dexcube插件。 在虚拟桌面之间切换时,它提供了Compiz样式的3D立方体效果。

The effect looks cool, so it could be good for impressing your friends. It does make the desktop switch take longer, though.

效果看起来很酷,因此可能会给您的朋友留下深刻的印象。 但是,它的确会使台式机切换花费更长的时间。

建立规则 (Creating Rules)

If you always want specific applications or windows to run on specific desktops, you can create rules to have Dexpot manage them for you. Use the Create Rule option in the Dexpot menu.

如果您始终希望特定的应用程序或Windows在特定的桌面上运行,则可以创建规则以让Dexpot为您管理它们。 使用Dexpot菜单中的Create Rule选项。

The rule can match on one or more conditions, such as the program’s .exe file or the window’s title.


You can apply one or more actions, such as moving the window to a specific desktop or making it always on top.


Dexpot will show you a summary of your rule.


Do you like Dexpot, or do you prefer a different virtual desktop solution? Leave a comment and let us know.

您喜欢Dexpot,还是喜欢其他虚拟桌面解决方案? 发表评论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108101/how-to-get-virtual-desktops-on-windows-with-dexpot/





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