c#中收邮件的pop3组件_如何在Windows 8中访问POP3电子邮件帐户




The Mail app included with Windows 8 only supports IMAP, Exchange, Hotmail/Outlook.com, and Gmail accounts. Mail offers POP3 as an option when setting up the account – but if you select POP3, you’ll be informed that Mail doesn’t support POP.

Windows 8附带的Mail应用程序仅支持IMAP,Exchange,Hotmail / Outlook.com和Gmail帐户。 设置帐户时,Mail提供POP3作为选项–但是,如果您选择POP3,则会通知您Mail不支持POP。

To use the Mail app with a POP3 email account, giving you features such as live-tile email notifications and a touch-friendly interface for reading your email, there’s a trick you can use.


使用Outlook.com或Gmail (Use Outlook.com or Gmail)

While Mail itself doesn’t support POP3 accounts, it does support Outlook.com and Gmail accounts. Both Outlook.com and Gmail have a built-in feature that fetches mail from a POP3 server and stores it in your webmail inbox. If you configure one of these services to access your POP3 account, you can add the webmail account to the Mail app.

尽管Mail本身不支持POP3帐户,但它确实支持Outlook.com和Gmail帐户。 Outlook.com和Gmail均具有内置功能,该功能可从POP3服务器获取邮件并将其存储在您的Webmail收件箱中。 如果将这些服务之一配置为访问POP3帐户,则可以将Webmail帐户添加到“邮件”应用程序中。

To get started, visit Outlook.com or Gmail and create an account if you don’t already have one. Log into your account, click the gear icon at the top-right corner of either Outlook.com or Gmail, and select the Settings option.

首先,请访问Outlook.comGmail并创建一个帐户(如果您还没有)。 登录到您的帐户,单击Outlook.com或Gmail右上角的齿轮图标,然后选择设置选项。

On Outlook.com, click the Sending/receiving email from other accounts link.

在Outlook.com上,单击“ 从其他帐户发送/接收电子邮件”链接。


On Gmail, click the Accounts and Import tab.

在Gmail上,单击“ 帐户和导入”标签。


On Outlook.com, click the Add an email account link.

在Outlook.com上,单击“ 添加电子邮件帐户”链接。


On Gmail, click the Add a POP3 mail account you own link.



Continue through either process and add your POP3 account details as if you were adding them to the Mail app itself. You’ll need to know your email address, password, the POP3 server’s address, and the port it uses. After you’re done, Outlook.com or Gmail will automatically fetch new email and place it in your webmail inbox.

继续执行任一过程,然后添加POP3帐户详细信息,就像您将其添加到Mail应用程序本身一样。 您需要知道您的电子邮件地址,密码,POP3服务器的地址及其使用的端口。 完成后,Outlook.com或Gmail将自动获取新电子邮件并将其放入您的Webmail收件箱中。


添加您的Outlook.com或Gmail帐户 (Add Your Outlook.com or Gmail Account)

Go back into the Windows 8 Mail app and open the Settings charm. You can do this by pressing Windows Key+I or by swiping in from the right and tapping Settings. Select the Accounts option and tap or click Add an Account.

返回Windows 8 Mail应用程序并打开“设置”超级按钮。 您可以通过按Windows键+ I或从右侧向内轻扫并点击“设置”来执行此操作。 选择“帐户”选项,然后点击或单击“添加帐户”。


Select Outlook or Google – whichever type of account you used above – and sign into the account with your username and password.



The Mail app will now display the mail from your POP3 account, which is fetched by your Outlook or Gmail accounts. You’ll see new emails appear on the Start screen.

现在,“邮件”应用将显示来自POP3帐户的邮件,该邮件由您的Outlook或Gmail帐户提取。 您会看到新电子邮件出现在“开始”屏幕上。


发送邮件 (Sending Mail)

Unfortunately, this solution doesn’t give you any way to send email from the POP3 address. POP3 servers are generally paired with SMTP servers. In a normal desktop email program, you could add the SMTP server to send outgoing email from your email account’s address. You can send emails from your POP3 account from the Outlook.com or Gmail interface – but not from within the Mail app.

不幸的是,该解决方案无法为您提供从POP3地址发送电子邮件的任何方式。 POP3服务器通常与SMTP服务器配对。 在普通的桌面电子邮件程序中,您可以添加SMTP服务器以从电子邮件帐户的地址发送外发电子邮件。 您可以从Outlook.com或Gmail界面从POP3帐户发送电子邮件,但不能从“邮件”应用程序发送电子邮件。

To get around this, you can read your email in the modern Mail app and use a separate interface to reply to and send emails – either a desktop email program like Outlook or the Outlook.com or Gmail websites.


You could also reply to people from within the Mail app – recipients will see mail as coming from your @outlook.com or @gmail.com email address, however. Make sure they expect emails coming from that address.

您还可以从“邮件”应用程序中回复人员-收件人将看到来自您@ outlook.com或@ gmail.com电子邮件地址的邮件。 确保他们期望电子邮件来自该地址。

The Mail app may be slick, but the omission of POP3 may be a deal breaker for some people – IMAP and Exchange Active Sync (EAS) may be the future, but that’s little consolation to people with POP3 accounts in the present.

Mail应用程序可能很漂亮,但是对于某些人来说,POP3的遗漏可能会破坏交易– IMAP和Exchange Active Sync(EAS)可能会成为未来,但这对于拥有POP3帐户的人来说可不是什么安慰。

This isn’t an ideal solution – but it’s the best we can do with the Windows 8 Mail app. In the long-term, we’ll probably see email apps that support POP3 in the Windows Store.

这不是理想的解决方案,但这是我们可以使用Windows 8 Mail应用程序完成的最好的工作。 从长远来看,我们可能会在Windows Store中看到支持POP3的电子邮件应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/130516/how-to-access-pop3-email-accounts-in-windows-8/






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