
If you switch from iOS to Android and send or receive video messages, you probably had to accept a harsh reality: video messages look terrible on Android. Let’s take a look at why this happens, and ways to combat the problem.

如果您从iOS切换到Android并发送或接收视频消息,则可能不得不接受一个残酷的现实:Android上的视频消息看起来很糟糕。 让我们看看为什么会发生这种情况,以及解决该问题的方法。

为什么会这样? (Why Does This Happen?)

When you send a message from iPhone to iPhone, it doesn’t send over standard MMS like other platforms—it sends over Apple’s iMessage system. This is something you don’t have to think about, as it happens passively in the background on the phone.

当您从iPhone向iPhone发送消息时,它不会像其他平台那样通过标准MMS发送,而是通过Apple的iMessage系统发送。 这是您不必考虑的事情,因为它会在电话的后台被动发生。

So your phone knows if the other person is also using an iPhone and sends the message over iMessage. If iMessage isn’t available—like if you’re sending a message to an Android user, for example—the iPhone defaults back to using a standard text message (SMS) or multimedia message (MMS). You know the coveted “blue bubble?” That means your messages are being sent over iMessage. A green bubble denotes a standard text message.

因此,您的手机会知道对方是否也在使用iPhone,并通过iMe​​ssage发送消息。 如果iMessage不可用(例如,如果您要向Android用户发送消息),则iPhone默认使用标准文本消息(SMS)或彩信(MMS)。 您知道梦“以求的“蓝色泡沫”吗? 这意味着您的消息是通过iMe​​ssage发送的。 绿色气泡表示标准文本消息。

Basically, the messaging app on an iPhone is almost like two clients in one: it can send iMessages or standard SMS/MMS. But it does all of the heavy lifting in the background, so you never have to think about it.

基本上,iPhone上的消息传递应用程序几乎就像一个客户端中的两个客户端:它可以发送iMessages或标准SMS / MMS。 但这在后台完成了所有繁重的工作,因此您无需考虑它。

Because iMessage is more of a dedicated chat client than an SMS app, it handles media differently. In short, it doesn’t compress (and ruin) things like videos or pictures. So when you sent a video or picture to another iMessage user, it’s delivered at much higher quality than when it’s delivered with a traditional MMS.

由于iMessage比SMS应用程序更像是专用的聊天客户端,因此它以不同的方式处理媒体。 简而言之,它不会压缩(或破坏)视频或图片之类的内容。 因此,当您将视频或图片发送给另一个iMessage用户时,其交付质量比传统MMS交付时要高得多。

By contrast, any time a larger file—be that a large picture or any video file—is sent over MMS, it’s heavily compressed. This results in the recipient getting a choppy, blocky, or otherwise generally crummy looking video.

相比之下,无论何时通过MMS发送较大的文件(无论是大图片还是任何视频文件),都会对其进行严重压缩。 这导致接收者收到断断续续,块状或其他情况下通常看起来很简陋的视频。

Since Android doesn’t support iMessage (this is only for Apple devices), then videos or images sent with the standard text messaging app are always sent over MMS. This may change once RCS becomes widely available, but this is how it’s handled currently.

由于Android不支持iMessage(这仅适用于Apple设备),因此,使用标准文本消息传递应用程序发送的视频或图像总是通过MMS发送。 一旦RCS广泛可用 ,这种情况可能会改变,但这就是当前的处理方式。

您可以做什么 (What You Can Do About It)

If you need to send video and it has to be high quality, then the first step is to stop sending them over MMS. It’s always going to compress and there’s nothing you can do about that.

如果您需要发送视频并且它必须是高质量的,那么第一步就是停止通过MMS发送视频。 它总是会压缩,对此您无能为力。

However, there are a few other solutions:


  • Email: While most email services have size limitations for attachments, this is a good answer if the videos are shorter. It’s fast, efficient, and everyone has it.

    电子邮件:虽然大多数电子邮件服务都有附件的大小限制,但是如果视频较短,这是一个很好的答案。 快速,高效,每个人都拥有它。

  • Other messaging clients: Since MMS is arguably the least efficient option for sharing videos, just use another messaging platform—like Facebook messenger. It won’t compress the video, and unlike email, doesn’t have any sort of size limitations to speak of.

    其他消息传递客户端:由于MMS可以说是共享视频的效率最低的选择,因此只需使用另一个消息传递平台,例如Facebook Messenger。 它不会压缩视频,并且与电子邮件不同,它没有大小限制。

  • Share from the cloud: If you shot the video on your phone, you can always upload it to a service like Drive, Dropbox, Google Photos, or similar, and then share a link with the recipient—you should even be able to send said link over SMS, making it almost as convenient as a direct video message.

    从云端共享 :如果您在手机上拍摄了视频,则始终可以将其上传到云端硬盘,Dropbox,Google相册或类似服务,然后与收件人共享链接-您甚至应该能够发送通过SMS链接,使其几乎像直接视频消息一样方便。

One thing worth keeping in mind here are data limitations: sharing videos over your cellular network will eat up your bandwidth. If you’re on Wi-Fi, all of the above options will default to that connection, so they won’t eat through your data cap.

这里需要牢记的一件事是数据限制:通过蜂窝网络共享视频会占用带宽。 如果您使用的是Wi-Fi,则以上所有选项均默认为该连接,因此它们不会占用您的数据上限。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/357315/why-texted-videos-look-better-on-iphone-than-android/





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