safari快捷键_如何在Safari中启用CMD + n快捷键以方便标签切换



OS X’s Safari has quite a few advantages over Chrome, but we miss Chrome’s ability to switch tabs using “Command + #”. Thankfully, we’ve found a solution, which will enable Chrome-like tab keyboard shortcuts in Safari.

OS X的Safari浏览器比Chrome浏览器有很多优势,但是我们错过了Chrome使用“ Command +#”切换选项卡的功能。 值得庆幸的是,我们找到了一个解决方案,它将在Safari中启用类似于Chrome的选项卡键盘快捷键。

It’s not that Chrome is bad, it’s still right up there with the rest of the browsers that aren’t Internet Explorer, but on OS X, it’s a notorious battery hog. Safari, being native to OS X, doesn’t have this problem.

并不是说Chrome不好,而是与其他不是Internet Explorer的浏览器一样仍然存在,但是在OS X上,这是一个臭名昭著的电池消耗。 Safari是OS X的本地版本,没有这个问题。

We see what you’re doing Chrome!

Plus, Safari has a few nice features that Chrome doesn’t, such as the ability to save web pages to a reading list and subscribe to RSS news feeds.


But, if you’re a steady Chrome user, then cold switching to Safari may be a bit of an adjustment. One of the things that we miss the most when we use Safari are Chrome’s tab keyboard shortcuts.

但是,如果您是Chrome的稳定用户,那么冷切换到Safari可能会有些调整。 使用Safari时,我们最容易错过的事情之一就是Chrome的标签键盘快捷键。

For example, say you have a bunch of tabs open and you want to quickly switch between them. On Chrome, you can switch between up to nine open tabs using the hot-key combination “Command + #”. So, “Command + 1” for Tab 1, “Command + 2” for Tab 2, etc.

例如,假设您打开了一堆选项卡,并且想在它们之间快速切换。 在Chrome上,您可以使用热键组合“ Command +#”在多达9个打开的标签之间进行切换。 因此,对于选项卡1,“ Command + 1”对于选项卡2,“ Command + 2”,等等。

On Safari, the default behavior is to open the first nine Bookmark Bar links.


“Command + #” will open the first 9 Bookmark Bar favorites on Safari, which in our opinion is not very useful.
“ Command +#”将在Safari上打开前9个书签栏收藏夹,我们认为这不是很有用。

We found a neat little hack, however, that rebinds those “Command + #” keys from Safari’s Bookmark Bar favorites to its tabs. It also gives you the ability to reopen the most recently closed tab (but just one) using “Command + Shift + T”.

但是,我们发现了一个巧妙的小技巧,它可以将Safari书签栏收藏夹中的“ Command +#”键重新绑定到其选项卡。 它还使您能够使用“ Command + Shift + T”重新打开最近关闭的选项卡(但只有一个)。

The Safari Tab Switching plugin is a simple package you can install in just a few minutes. To do so, you first need to download the file.

Safari Tab Switching插件是一个简单的软件包,您只需几分钟即可安装。 为此,您首先需要下载SafariTabSwitching.zip文件。

With the file downloaded, make sure Safari isn’t running. If it is running, use the “File” menu or “Command + Q” to completely quit it.

下载文件后,请确保Safari未运行。 如果它正在运行,请使用“文件”菜单或“命令+ Q”完全退出它。

Unpack the Safari Tab Switching plugin and double-click on the resulting plugin package file. The first thing that will most likely happen is you will see an error dialog.

解压缩Safari Tab Switching插件,然后双击生成的插件包文件。 最有可能发生的第一件事是您将看到一个错误对话框。

Never fear, if you see this, it means your system security preferences are set correctly. Click “OK” and open your system’s “Security & Privacy” preferences to the “General” tab.

不用担心,如果看到此消息,则意味着您的系统安全首选项设置正确。 单击“确定”,然后在“常规”选项卡中打开系统的“安全性和隐私”首选项。

You see that our system will only allow apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers. To change this we’d have to click the lock and enter our system password, and then change it to “Anywhere.”

您会看到我们的系统仅允许Mac App Store和指定的开发人员中的应用程序。 要更改此设置,我们必须单击锁并输入系统密码,然后将其更改为“ Anywhere”。

Of course, then we need to change it back as soon as we’ve installed the Safari plugin (or any other unidentified app). That said, you should be able to click the “Open Anyway” button to install the Safari Tab Switching plugin this one time. We recommend this in lieu of changing your security settings.

当然,我们需要在安装Safari插件(或其他任何未识别的应用程序)后立即将其改回。 也就是说,这一次您应该可以单击“仍然打开”按钮来安装Safari Tab Switching插件。 我们建议您使用此方法来代替更改安全设置。

You will know you’re good-to-go when you see the plugin’s installer pop open.


From here, continue through the installation process and when prompted, enter your system password to completely install the Safari Tab Switching plugin.

从这里继续安装过程,并在出现提示时输入系统密码,以完全安装Safari Tab Switching插件。

Once everything is complete, reopen Safari and a bunch of tabs (up to nine) and try “Command + #” to  see if it works. Close a tab and try “Command + Shift + T” as well – just remember, if you close more than one tab, only the most recent can be restored.

一切完成后,请重新打开Safari和一堆选项卡(最多9个),然后尝试使用“ Command +#”查看其是否有效。 关闭一个选项卡并尝试“ Command + Shift + T” –请记住,如果关闭多个选项卡,则只能还原最新的选项卡。

If you ever want to uninstall the Safari Tab Switching plugin, open the Terminal and use the following command (you can just paste it so you don’t make a mistake):

如果您想卸载Safari Tab Switching插件,请打开终端并使用以下命令(您可以粘贴它,以免出错):

sudo rm -r “/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/SafariTabSwitching.bundle”

sudo rm -r“ /库/应用程序支持/ SIMBL /插件/SafariTabSwitching.bundle”

Note, when you execute this command, you will again have to enter your system password to approve the action.


As we’ve discussed before, keyboard shortcuts and the ability to change them are one of OS X’s true strengths. Adding these tab keyboard shortcuts to Safari moves it one step closer to being our everyday browser on OS X.

如前所述, 键盘快捷键及其更改功能是OS X的真正优势之一。 将这些选项卡键盘快捷方式添加到Safari可以使它比成为OS X上的日常浏览器更近一步。

As such, we hope this article has been useful to anyone using Safari. If you have any questions or comments you would like to offer, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

因此,我们希望本文对使用Safari的任何人都有用。 如果您有任何疑问或意见,请保留在我们的论坛中。







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