如何最大限度地延长Apple Watch的电池寿命


Your Apple Watch battery provides sufficient power to last for most of a typical day under normal usage. Apple estimates most people will get an average of 18 hours of battery life from one full charge, depending on use.

您的Apple Watch电池可提供足够的电力,以在正常使用情况下的大部分时间里正常工作。 苹果公司估计,大多数人一次充满电后平均可获得18小时的电池使用时间, 具体取决于使用情况

That’s a pretty decent battery life for a watch that does as much as the Apple Watch does. However, if you need to get even more juice out of your watch, we have some tips that will help extend the life of your Apple Watch battery.

与Apple Watch一样,这款手表的电池寿命相当不错。 但是,如果您需要从手表中取出更多汁,我们有一些技巧可以帮助延长Apple Watch电池的寿命。

使用最小的表盘 (Use a Minimal Watch Face)

The Apple Watch has an OLED display, on which black pixels use the least amount of power. So, to save battery life on your watch, you should choose a minimal watch face, such as the “Simple” watch face, and avoid more colorful and animated watch faces like “Mickey Mouse” or “Motion”.

Apple Watch具有OLED显示屏,其黑色像素消耗的电量最少。 因此,为了节省手表的电池寿命,您应该选择最小的表盘,例如“ Simple”表盘,并避免使用诸如“ Mickey Mouse”或“ Motion”之类的更彩色和生动的表盘。

You can also add a very minimal watch face by customizing a watch face, such as “Modular”, and turning off all the complications so only the time displays.

您还可以通过自定义表盘 (例如“模块化”)并关闭所有复杂功能以仅显示时间,来添加非常小的表盘。


降低屏幕亮度 (Lower the Screen Brightness)

The OLED display on your Apple Watch already draws minimal power. However, you can squeeze even more juice out your watch’s battery by lowering the brightness of the screen. This can be done directly on your watch, which we’ll show you here, or in the Watch app on your phone.

Apple Watch上的OLED显示屏已经消耗了最小的电量。 但是,您可以通过降低屏幕亮度来从手表电池中榨取更多汁。 这可以直接在您的手表上完成,我们将在此处为您显示,也可以在手机上的“手表”应用程序中完成

To lower the screen brightness directly on your watch, press the digital crown to access the Home screen and then tap the “Settings” icon.



On the “Settings” screen, tap “Brightness & Text Size”.



To lower the brightness, tap the smaller “sun” button under “Brightness”. Each time you tap the button, a green bar is removed from the level indicator between the two buttons.

要降低亮度,请点击“亮度”下较小的“太阳”按钮。 每次您点击该按钮时,两个按钮之间的液位指示器都会删除一个绿色条。

NOTE: You can also make the text size bigger (or smaller) and make the text bold on this screen if you’re having trouble reading text on the small watch screen.



降低振动强度或触觉反馈 (Reduce the Strength of the Vibration, or Haptic Feedback)

The haptic feedback (tapping) from your Apple Watch is a subtle way for the watch to alert you of notifications. However, if you receive a lot of notifications, the constant firing of the haptic engine can use up precious battery life. You can easily adjust the intensity of the haptic feedback, lowering it to save battery, or increasing it if you’re having trouble noticing the taps.

Apple Watch的触觉反馈(窃听)是手表向您发出通知的微妙方式。 但是,如果您收到很多通知,则不断触发触觉引擎会耗尽宝贵的电池寿命。 您可以轻松地调整触觉反馈的强度 ,降低触觉反馈以节省电池,或者在无法注意到触觉的情况下提高触觉反馈的强度


限制通知 (Limit Notifications)

Again, if you receive a lot of notifications throughout the day, the battery on your Apple Watch will drain faster than usual. In addition to adjusting the haptic feedback received for notifications, you can also configure your notifications to only get the most important ones.

同样,如果您整天收到大量通知,则Apple Watch上的电池将比平时更快地耗尽电量。 除了调整收到的通知的触觉反馈之外,您还可以配置通知以仅获取最重要的通知


在手腕提升时关闭唤醒屏幕 (Turn off Wake Screen on Wrist Raise)

By default, the screen on your Apple Watch turns on when you raise your wrist and turns off when you lower it. However, during everyday activities you might find your watch’s screen inadvertently activating as you move your arms about. These accidental activations can reduce the battery life on your watch. If you’re going to be active, you might want to disable the feature that automatically turns on the watch screen when you raise your wrist. The “Wake Screen on Wrist Raise” feature is located on the same settings screen as the option for making the Apple Watch screen stay on longer.

默认情况下,Apple Watch上的屏幕在您举起手腕时会打开,而在您放下手腕时会关闭。 但是,在日常活动中,移动手臂可能会导致手表的屏幕意外启动。 这些意外激活会缩短手表的电池寿命。 如果您要处于活动状态,则可能要禁用抬起手腕时自动打开手表屏幕的功能。 “手腕抬起时的唤醒屏幕”功能与使Apple Watch屏幕停留较长时间的选项位于同一设置屏幕


减少手表屏幕停留的时间 (Reduce the Amount of Time the Watch Screen Stays on)

On the same setting screen as the “Wake Screen on Wrist Raise” option, you’ll find two options allowing you to specify how many seconds to keep the screen on when you tap on it to view it. Selecting the “Wake for 15 Seconds” can save some battery life by reducing the amount of time the watch’s display is active.

在与“手腕抬高唤醒屏幕”选项相同的设置屏幕上,您会找到两个选项,可让您指定在点击屏幕以查看屏幕时将其保持打开多少秒 。 选择“唤醒15秒”可以通过减少手表显示屏的激活时间来节省电池寿命。


在省电模式下锻炼 (Work Out in Power Saving Mode)

If you work out for an extended period of time, the fitness tracking can use up battery life on your watch because of the heart rate sensor. You can save some battery life by turning on “Power Saving Mode” for your workouts. This minimizes the impact of the fitness tracking on the battery.

如果您制定出的时间过长,健身追踪最多可以使用的电池寿命您的手表,因为心脏速率传感器。 通过为锻炼打开“省电模式”,可以节省一些电池寿命。 这样可以最大程度地减少适应性跟踪对电池的影响。

NOTE: Turning off the heart rate sensor may reduce the accuracy of the calorie burn estimate. Even if the heart rate sensor is off, your watch will still track your steps and receive other workout information from third-party apps.

注意:关闭心率传感器可能会降低卡路里消耗估算的准确性。 即使关闭心率传感器,手表仍会跟踪您的步伐并从第三方应用程序接收其他锻炼信息。

To enable “Power Saving Mode”, open the Watch app on your iPhone and open the “My Watch” screen. Then, tap “Workout”.

要启用“省电模式”,请在iPhone上打开Watch应用,然后打开“我的手表”屏幕。 然后,点击“锻炼”。


On the “Workout” screen, tap the “Power Saving Mode” slider button. The button will turn green.

在“锻炼”屏幕上,点击“省电模式”滑块按钮。 该按钮将变为绿色。


关闭心率和健身追踪 (Turn off Heart Rate and Fitness Tracking)

Your Apple Watch is useful for many things including tracking your workouts. The heart rate sensor records your pulse every 10 minutes throughout the day and the fitness tracker uses all available sensors to monitor your vitals and calculate information such as distance traveled and calories burned. According to Apple, the fitness tracker and heart rate sensor can reduce your watch’s battery life by about two-thirds during a lengthy workout.

Apple Watch可用于许多事情,包括跟踪锻炼情况 。 心率传感器全天每10分钟记录一次您的脉搏,而健身追踪器会使用所有可用的传感器来监视您的生命力并计算信息,例如行进距离和燃烧的卡路里。 根据Apple的说法,在长时间的锻炼中,健身追踪器和心率传感器可以将手表的电池寿命减少三分之二。

If you’re not using your Apple Watch as a fitness tracker, you can turn off the heart rate sensor and fitness tracker completely to conserve battery life. To disable these features, open the Watch app on your iPhone and open the “My Watch” screen. Then, tap “Privacy”.

如果您没有将Apple Watch用作健身追踪器,则可以完全关闭心率传感器和健身追踪器,以节省电池寿命。 要禁用这些功能,请在iPhone上打开“手表”应用程序,然后打开“我的手表”屏幕。 然后,点击“隐私”。


On the “Motion & Fitness” screen, tap the “Heart Rate” slider button and the “Fitness Tracking” slider button to turn off these features. The slider buttons turn black.

在“运动和健身”屏幕上,点击“心率”滑块按钮和“健身跟踪”滑块按钮以关闭这些功能。 滑块按钮变为黑色。


消除跟踪位置或经常提取数据的表盘并发症 (Remove Watch Face Complications that Track Location or Frequently Pull Down Data)

Many of the watch faces available on your Apple Watch are customizable and have multiple “complications” you can enable that provide additional information directly on the main watch screen. That can be handy, but some complications, including some third-party complications, have more of an impact on the watch’s battery life than others. For example, the Weather, Moon Phase, and Sunrise/Sunset complications use location information and pull down data through your phone to provide current, relevant information. Therefore, these complications may deplete your battery faster than static complications such as the date or calendar.

Apple Watch上可用的许多表盘都是可定制的,并且具有多个“复杂功能”,您可以启用这些功能,以便直接在主表屏幕上提供其他信息。 这可能很方便,但某些并发症(包括某些第三方并发症)对手表电池寿命的影响要大于其他因素。 例如,“天气”,“月相”和“日出/日落”并发症会使用位置信息,并通过手机提取数据以提供当前的相关信息。 因此,这些复杂性可能比静态复杂性(例如日期或日历)更快地耗尽电池电量。


删除不需要的应用程序和一览 (Remove Apps and Glances You Don’t Need)

Apps are what make the Apple Watch especially useful. Without them, it’s just a fancy timepiece. However, some apps have more impact on your watch’s battery life than others. Apps that connect to the Internet on a regular basis to pull down data, track your location, or stream music can drain the battery faster. Glances can also deplete your battery. You can easily remove apps and glances from the watch to conserve battery life. That doesn’t mean you have to remove them from your phone. If you find you need any of the removed apps later, you can always install them back onto the watch, as long as they are on your phone.

应用程序使Apple Watch特别有用。 没有它们,那只是个花哨的钟表。 但是,某些应用对手表电池寿命的影响要大于其他应用。 定期连接到Internet以提取数据,跟踪您的位置或播放音乐的应用程序可能会更快耗尽电池电量。 一目了然还会耗尽您的电池。 您可以轻松地从手表删除应用程序和内容,以节省电池寿命。 这并不意味着您必须将其从手机中删除。 如果以后发现需要任何已删除的应用程序,则只要将它们安装在手机上,就可以始终将它们重新安装到手表上。


禁用动画 (Disable Animations)

Your Apple Watch includes animations similar to the ones on the iPhone and iPad. Animations on Apple Watch include automatic resizing of the app icons on the Home screen as you move them around. There are also animations that occur when you open apps or press the digital crown to return to the Home screen. These animations can look cool, but can also use up precious battery life. Turning on the “Reduce Motion” setting on your watch disables these animations. A side benefit of this option is making all the icons on the Home screen the same size.

您的Apple Watch包含的动画类似于iPhone和iPad上的动画。 Apple Watch上的动画包括在移动它们时自动调整主屏幕上应用程序图标的大小。 当您打开应用程序或按数字王冠返回主屏幕时,也会出现动画。 这些动画看起来很酷,但也会耗尽宝贵的电池寿命。 开启手表上的“降低动作”设置会禁用这些动画。 此选项的附带好处是使主屏幕上的所有图标大小相同。


限制观看时间 (Limit Your Playtime on the Watch)

It’s cool to be able to play a game directly on your wrist if you have a bit of time to kill. However, we all know how easy it is to play for longer than we planned on, and before we know it, we’ve used up a good chunk of battery life on our watch. Games also use the Watch processor and the display, which also drain the battery.

如果您有时间消磨时间,可以直接在手腕上玩游戏是很酷的。 但是,我们都知道玩起来比计划的要容易得多,而且在我们不知道之前,我们已经在手表上消耗了大量的电池寿命。 游戏还使用Watch处理器和显示屏,这也会消耗电池。


打开飞行模式或请勿打扰 (Turn on Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb)

Another option for reducing the drain on your Apple Watch battery is to turn on Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb. Turning on Airplane Mode disconnects the watch from your phone by disabling the all the watch’s radios. The Do Not Disturb feature allows you to fully disable visual, audio, and haptic distractions, but still allow your devices to track your notifications for reviewing later when you turn off Do Not Disturb. Because these two features disable the connectivity between your watch and your phone, this can save some battery life on your watch.

减少Apple Watch电池电量消耗的另一种方法是打开飞行模式或请勿打扰 。 开启飞行模式会通过禁用手表的所有收音机来断开手表与手机的连接。 “请勿打扰”功能可让您完全禁用视觉,听觉和触觉上的干扰,但仍可以使设备跟踪通知以供以后关闭“请勿打扰”时查看。 由于这两个功能会禁用手表与手机之间的连接,因此可以节省手表的电池寿命。


监控电池性能 (Monitor your Battery Performance)

In addition to the battery saving tips we listed here, you can also monitor battery usage in the Watch app on your phone. The same screen that allows you to view which apps are using up storage on your watch also allows you to view your charging habits and usage times for your watch. When added together, the “Usage” and “Standby” values provide the elapsed time since the last full charge of your watch battery. You can also view the “Power Reserve” value, which we will discuss in the next section.

除了我们在此处列出的节电提示外,您还可以在手机上的“手表”应用中监视电池使用情况。 使用同一屏幕可以查看手表上哪些应用程序正在耗尽存储空间,还可以查看手表的充电习惯和使用时间。 当加在一起时,“使用率”和“待机”值提供自手表电池上一次充满电以来经过的时间。 您还可以查看“功率储备”值,我们将在下一部分中进行讨论。


在紧急情况下使用动力储备 (Use Power Reserve in an Emergency)

If you’ve reached a critically low battery level on your watch, you’ll be prompted to enter “Power Reserve” mode. This mode disables all watch functions except the clock, using as little battery power as possible, while still allowing the watch to keep and display the time, which can only be displayed for six seconds at a time by pressing the side button.

如果手表的电池电量严重不足,系统将提示您进入“ 电量储备 ”模式。 此模式将禁用时钟以外的所有手表功能,并使用尽可能少的电池电量,同时仍允许手表保持并显示时间,通过按侧面按钮一次只能显示六秒钟。


These power saving tips will help you squeeze the most life out of your Apple Watch battery and to help you in an emergency when your battery level is really low and you can’t charge your watch anytime soon. Note that the usage of these tips may cause you to sacrifice some features of watch. However, if you must preserve battery life, you can probably make do without those features temporarily.

这些节电技巧将帮助您充分利用Apple Watch电池的电量,并在电池电量真的不足并且无法立即为手表充电时紧急情况下提供帮助。 请注意,使用这些技巧可能会导致您牺牲手表的某些功能。 但是,如果必须保留电池寿命,则可以暂时不用这些功能。

We also have tips on how to maximize the battery life on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.

我们还提供有关如何最大程度延长iPad,iPhone或iPod Touch电池寿命的提示。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/236922/how-to-maximize-battery-life-on-your-apple-watch/





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