


While the crisp and clean recording that digital music allows for is great for perfect reproduction, there’s something to be said for the snaps, crackles, and pops of an old record in play. Read on as we show you how to mimic the sound of an old record with your digital music collection.

尽管数字音乐所允许的清晰干净的录音非常适合完美再现,但对于正在播放的旧唱片的快拍,crack啪声和pop啪声,还有话要说。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何使用您的数字音乐收藏品模仿旧唱片的声音。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I grew up listening to records with both my parents and grandparents, and I’d really like to recapture that sound of that experience even though the record players and the records themselves are long gone. I know I could always get an actual record player and hunt down some old records, but I already own a lot of the music that I grew up listening to in digital form.

我从小与父母和祖父母一起听唱片,即使唱片播放器和唱片本身早已不复存在,我也很想重拾那种经历。 我知道我总能找到一个真正的唱片播放器并搜罗一些旧唱片,但是我已经拥有了很多成长为数字形式的音乐。

Is there anyway I can recreate the whole hiss-and-pop bit that comes with playing old records on a turntable with my actual music collection? I’m open to any ideas or suggestions you might have! Thanks so much guys!

无论如何,我可以用我的实际音乐收藏品在转盘上播放旧唱片时重现整个嘶嘶声吗? 我欢迎您提出任何想法或建议! 非常感谢你们!



Vinyl Nostalgic


Although the hiss and pop of old records is actually the result of dirt, grime, and scratches on the record (and was historically considered problematic because it distorted the actual recording) we absolutely get where you’re coming from. Despite the fact that the dirty-record noise weren’t intended to be part of the listening experience they were part of the record listening experience and they’re as much a part of our memories of listening to old and playworn records as they are of yours.

尽管旧唱片的嘶嘶声和流行实际上是唱片上的灰尘,污垢和划痕的结果(并且由于它扭曲了实际唱片,在历史上被认为是有问题的),但我们绝对能为您提供帮助。 尽管事实上,脏唱片噪音并不是要成为聆听体验一部分,但它们是唱片聆听体验的一部分,与我们对旧唱片和旧唱片的聆听一样,它们也是我们记忆的一部分。你的。

Fortunately we’re not alone in our fond memories of that quintessential “vinyl sound”; multiple developers and enthusiasts have created a variety of ways to recreate the sound of old records both temporarily (with a layover sound effect) and permanently (by editing the sound file itself).

幸运的是,我们对那种典型的“乙烯基声音”的美好回忆并不孤单。 多个开发人员和发烧友已经创建了多种方法来临时(具有叠加声音效果)和永久(通过编辑声音文件本身)来重新创建旧唱片的声音。

Let’s take a look at some of these tricks in order of both ease-of-use and how permanent they are. This will give you (and any readers following along at home) a chance to see if they really want the sound before committing to the project.

让我们从易用性和持久性的角度来看一些技巧。 这将使您(以及所有在家中跟随读者的读者)有机会在致力于该项目之前查看他们是否真的想要声音。

基于网络的噪声生成 (Web-Based Noise Generation)

Over at MyNoise.net they have a handy “Dust ‘n Scratches” sound generator you can use to add background sound effects to your music. This is a great solution because not only is it free, temporary, and easy to use, but you can layer it over any other sound on your system.

在MyNoise.net上,它们具有方便的 Dust'n Scratches”声音生成器,您可以使用它来为音乐添加背景音效。 这是一个很好的解决方案,因为它不仅免费,临时且易于使用,而且可以将其叠加在系统上的任何其他声音上。

You simply open up the webapp in your web browser and then play any other sound source on your computer. It could be a YouTube video, an MP3, or even the sounds from a video game. The generator sounds simply layer over the existing sounds on the system in a completely temporary way.

您只需在Web浏览器中打开webapp,然后在计算机上播放其他声音源即可。 它可能是YouTube视频,MP3,甚至是视频游戏中的声音。 生成器的声音以完全临时的方式简单地覆盖了系统上现有的声音。

Further it’s easy to adjust the sound generator. It comes with a variety of presets that mimic various playback setups (LPs, 78s, very scratched, dusty, even the end-of-groove sound effect). You can close it at any time and resume listening to your music without the hiss and pop if you decide you don’t care for it.

此外,调整发声器很容易。 它带有多种预设,可以模仿各种播放设置(LP,78s,非常刮擦,多灰尘,甚至凹槽末端的音效)。 您可以随时关闭它,如果您决定不关心它,则可以继续听音乐而不会发出嘶嘶声和流行音乐。

使用行动应用程式 (Use a Mobile App)

If you take your music with you and you’d like the same kind of layer-over effect we just highlighted there are several solutions for both iOS and Android worth looking at.


MyNoise, in fact, has a free iOS app that comes with a handful of sound generators (and each additional generator is 99 cents). You can pick up the vinyl sound generator for a buck and enjoy the exact same experience you have with the web app anywhere. Like the web app the process is nondestructive and layers right over your existing music.

实际上,MyNoise 有一个免费的iOS应用程序 ,该应用程序带有一些声音生成器(每个附加的声音生成器为99美分)。 您可以花大钱拿起乙烯基声音发生器,并享受与在任何地方使用Web应用程序完全相同的体验。 与网络应用程序一样,该过程是非破坏性的,并且可以在您现有的音乐之上进行分层。

Other iOS apps that accomplish the same sound effects (as well as add in other features like album art and management) are VinylLove ($0.99) and AirVinyl ($0.99).

其他实现相同音效(以及添加专辑封面和管理等其他功能)的iOS应用是VinylLove (0.99美元)和AirVinyl (0.99美元)。

If you’re on Android you can check out Vinyl Player (free); unfortunately there are a ton of apps on Android devoted to virtual turntables (for mixing/DJ work) but only one app we could dig up that focused on actually creating vinyl sound effects.

如果您使用的是Android,则可以查看Vinyl Player (免费); 不幸的是,Android上有大量用于虚拟转盘的应用程序(用于混音/ DJ工作),但是我们只能挖掘一个专门用于创建黑胶音效的应用程序。

Again, for emphasis, all of the mobile apps we’ve recommended here are nondestructive. They make no changes to your actual sound files and the sound effects only occur while the application is running in parallel with your music playback.

再次强调一下,我们在这里推荐的所有移动应用程序都是无损的。 它们不会更改您的实际声音文件,并且仅在应用程序与音乐播放并行运行时才会产生声音效果。

编辑实际文件 (Editing the Actual Files)

Layering the sound effects over your music is easy to do and doesn’t permanently change the music but what if you want to make a copy of your music with the effects permanently applied? While we could never recommend editing your only files (such as the original rip of a CD that you no longer own) there are more than a few reasons you might want to make a copy and apply the vinyl effects permanently. Let’s say, for example, you wanted to create a burned CD of an MP3 album to play in your car with the vinyl sound effects. In order to do that you’d need to remix the entire album with the sound effects added to the tracks before burning the CD.

将声音效果分层放置在音乐上很容易,并且不会永久更改音乐,但是如果您想使用永久应用的效果制作音乐副本,该怎么办? 虽然我们永远不建议您编辑唯一的文件(例如不再拥有的CD的原始版本),但出于多种原因,您可能想要复制并永久应用乙烯基效果。 比方说,例如,你想创建一个刻录了MP3专辑的CD在您的汽车乙烯基音效播放。 为此,您需要在刻录CD之前将整个专辑与添加到轨道的声音效果重新混合。

Fortunately while this trick might be a little more involved than the two previous examples of web-based and mobile-app solutions, it’s both free and pretty straight forward. To follow along you’ll need three things: a copy of the free cross-platform sound editor Audacity, a free copy of the Audacity-compatible VST plugin iZotope Vinyl, and a sample song to play with. (We grabbed this rendition of  the Jazz standard “Sweet Georgia Brown” by Latché Swing from the Free Music Archive as a vinyl-appropriate sample.)

幸运的是,尽管这个技巧可能比之前两个基于Web和移动应用程序解决方案的示例要复杂得多,但它既免费又简单明了。 要继续学习,您需要做三件事:免费的跨平台声音编辑器Audacity的副本,与Audacity兼容的VST插件iZotope Vinyl的免费副本以及要播放的示例歌曲。 (我们从Free Music Archive中获得了LatchéSwing对爵士标准“ Sweet Georgia Brown”的这种再现,作为适合乙烯基的样本。)

Although the process is pretty straight forward there are two points where things can go frustratingly wrong. First, you need to grab a copy of Audacity that is older than the current 2.1.0 version. There is a bug in the current version of Audacity wherein the Register Effects menu (which prompts you to install the VST plugin) freezes when the Vinyl plugin requests authorization credentials. Download version 2.0.6 here; you can upgrade to the most current version after installing the plugin. Second, you need to use a valid email address for the Vinyl plugin’s registration page because they’ll send you a registration code. The plugin is free, but it won’t work without that code.

尽管该过程非常简单,但仍有两点令人沮丧的错误。 首先,您需要获取一个比当前2.1.0版本更旧的Audacity副本。 当前版本的Audacity中存在一个错误,其中当Vinyl插件请求授权凭证时,Register Effects菜单(提示您安装VST插件)会冻结。 在这里下载2.0.6版本 ; 您可以在安装插件后升级到最新版本。 其次,您需要在Vinyl插件的注册页面上使用有效的电子邮件地址,因为他们会向您发送注册码。 该插件是免费的,但没有该代码将无法使用。

To prepare download and install both Audacity and Vinyl from the links above. Once they are both installed run Audacity. You should be prompted to automatically register the Vinyl plugins as seen below.

要准备下载并从上面的链接安装Audacity和Vinyl。 两者都安装后,请运行Audacity。 提示您自动注册Vinyl插件,如下所示。

When prompted, plugin the registration credentials emailed to you by iZotope. Load up the MP3 or other digital file you wish to edit in Audacity.

出现提示时,插入iZotope通过电子邮件发送给您的注册凭证。 加载要在Audacity中编辑的MP3或其他数字文件。

Navigate to Effect -> iZotope Vinyl in the menu bar.

导航到菜单栏中的效果-> iZotope Vinyl

What we’d strongly recommend doing is immediately hitting the “Preview” button down in the corner. This will play the first five seconds or so of your recording as it currently is (with no effects applied). Listen to that little clip a few times in a row to serve as your baseline and calibrate your ear to what things sound like without any filters applied.

我们强烈建议您立即点击角落中的“预览”按钮。 它将播放当前录音的前五秒钟左右(不应用任何效果)。 连续几次收听该小片段,以此作为基准,并在不应用任何滤波器的情况下将耳朵校准为听起来像什么。

Once you’ve got a good sense of what everything sounds like in an unfiltered state, then you can start messing with the presets and manually adjusting the effects. The filter does a really fantastic job emulating the effects of vinyl and turntables as a medium.

一旦对未过滤状态下的所有声音有了很好的了解,便可以开始使用这些预设并手动调整效果了。 该滤镜在模拟乙烯基和转盘作为媒介的效果方面做得非常出色。

When you’re done tinkering and tweaking you can save your custom settings with the “Save” button up at the top and then click “OK” to apply the effect to the currently open audio file. If you like how it all sounds, File -> Save it (making sure to save a copy and not overwrite your original file) and you’re in business.

完成修补和调整后,您可以使用顶部的“保存”按钮保存自定义设置,然后单击“确定”以将效果应用到当前打开的音频文件。 如果您喜欢所有声音,请依次选择“文件”->“保存”(确保保存副本而不覆盖原始文件),然后就可以开展业务了。

Armed with the above techniques you have multiple ways of introducing some fun vintage turntable sounds into your music both temporarily and, if you so desire, permanently into your music.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/215084/ask-htg-can-i-add-the-hiss-and-pop-of-a-vinyl-record-to-my-mp3-files/






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