


It’s the most famous number on the internet: 140. That’s how many characters you can use in a tweet, and it’s as core to Twitter’s brand as #hashtags, Trending Topics, and ignoring harassment victims.

它是互联网上最著名的数字:140。这就是您可以在一条推文中使用多少个字符,并且它是#hashtags,Trending Topics和对骚扰受害者的忽视,是Twitter品牌的核心。

You could argue that 140 characters is Twitter, and Facebook just stole it. Not directly, but they’re stealing the idea of this number, incentivizing users to keep posts to 130 characters. And most people didn’t even notice.

您可以说140个字符 Twitter,而Facebook只是偷了它。 并非直接,但他们正在窃取此数字的想法,从而激励用户将帖子保持在130个字符以内。 而且大多数人甚至都没有注意到。

Facebook的新130个字符的帖子 (Facebook’s New 130-Character Posts)

You can now post status messages with large text and color backgrounds on Facebook. Your timeline is already littered with these things, and if you’ve posted one there’s a good chance it got more likes than usual.

您现在可以在Facebook上发布带有大文本和彩色背景的状态消息 。 您的时间表已经被这些事情所困扰,如果您发布了一个时间表,很有可能它比平时得到更多的赞。

But these posts have to be short. The crack team of Internet Scientists here at How-To Geek decided to find out how long these posts can be. Here are our findings, in GIF form:

但是这些职位必须简短。 How-To Geek的Internet科学家团队决定决定弄清楚这些帖子可以持续多久。 以下是我们以GIF格式显示的发现:

It’s not an exact clone of Twitter: there’s no countdown ticker in the corner, and you can still post things over 130 characters if you want to.


But give your Facebook post a color background, and more people will notice it as they scroll through their timelines, making them more likely to actually read the thing and hit the “Like” button. This gives you a much-needed dopamine hit, the sort of positive affirmation that is half the reason anyone even gets up anymore.

但是给您的Facebook帖子添加颜色背景,当他们滚动时间线时,就会有更多的人注意到它,这使他们更有可能实际阅读该内容并点击“赞”按钮。 这给您带来了急需的多巴胺打击,这种肯定的肯定是任何人甚至起床的原因的一半。

So yeah: Facebook is using color backgrounds to incentivize users to keep their posts brief. They want to be ever so slightly more like Twitter.

是的:Facebook正在使用彩色背景来激励用户保持其帖子简短。 他们希望变得更像Twitter。

I can’t explain why Facebook is doing this: it’s like bringing a Nerf gun to a tank battle. They have yottabytes of information about how users interact with each other, and I have a couple screenshots and an animated GIF.

我无法解释为什么 Facebook会这样做:这就像将Nerf枪带到坦克战中一样。 他们拥有关于用户如何交互的信息,我有几张屏幕截图和一个动画GIF。

Having said that, it seems like Facebook only ever makes changes if they think it will encourage users to spend more time on Facebook. My guess: shorter posts keep people scrolling. Scroll more, and there’s a better chance you’ll find something you like. Find things you like and you’ll hang out on the site more, clicking ads and otherwise helping Facebook remain the ever growing, media ecosystem dominating juggernaut it aspires to always be.

话虽如此,看来Facebook只会做出改变,如果他们认为这会鼓励用户在Facebook上花费更多的时间。 我的猜测:较短的帖子会让人们不断滚动。 滚动更多,您更有可能找到自己喜欢的东西。 找到您喜欢的事物,您将在网站上进行更多地闲逛,单击广告,否则将帮助Facebook保持其一直渴望成为的不断增长的媒体生态系统的主导地位。

简洁是机智的灵魂 (Brevity Is The Soul of Wit)

Twitter has changed a lot over the years, but the 140 character limit stays the same. And with good reason: keeping posts short is the main thing that separates Twitter from other social networks. While your uncle can rant all he wants on Facebook, Twitter users are forced to keep things brief. Sure, screenshots of text editors and threads work around this, but for the most part Twitter is about short posts.

多年来,Twitter发生了很大变化,但140个字符的限制保持不变。 并有充分的理由:简短的帖子是将Twitter与其他社交网络区分开的主要内容。 虽然您的叔叔可以在Facebook上说出他想要的一切,但Twitter用户被迫保持简短。 当然,可以使用文本编辑器和线程的屏幕快照来解决此问题,但是在大多数情况下,Twitter是关于简短帖子的。

This makes it relatively easy to catch up with an afternoon’s worth of tweets, assuming you’re not following too many people. And the artistic constraints of 140 characters forces people to be creative. People refine their thoughts, removing unnecessary words until everything fits, which occasionally results in magic.

假设您没有关注太多的人,那么相对容易地赶上一个下午的推文。 140个字符的艺术限制迫使人们发挥创造力。 人们完善自己的思想,删除不必要的单词,直到一切合适为止,这有时会产生魔力。

Some interesting facts I learned at the children's museum, lightning bugs are actually beetles and I hate children.


— RoughDiction (@roughdiction) August 3, 2009

— RoughDiction(@roughdiction) 2009年8月3日

"You CAN even."


– white girl life coach


— Reverend Scott (@Reverend_Scott) March 19, 2014

— Reverend Scott(@Reverend_Scott) 2014年3月19日

I just found an old battery on the ground. it says it expires nov. 2011… so, its still safe to eat, right? i got about a month… right???

我只是在地上发现了一块旧电池。 它说它将在11月到期。 2011 ...所以,它仍然可以安全食用,对吗? 我大约有一个月的时间...对吗?

— Graham Gordon (@grahamgordon11) September 21, 2011

— Graham Gordon(@ grahamgordon11) 2011年9月21日

Brevity is the soul of wit, and 140 character seems close to the sweet spot, at least so far as online posts are concerned. Facebook, after all these years, is apparently coming to the same conclusion—just with ten fewer characters.

精简是机智的灵魂,至少就在线帖子而言,140个字符似乎很贴切。 这些年来,Facebook显然得出了相同的结论-字符数减少了十个。

Why 130? I don’t know. Maybe their research shows this is a better number; maybe they wanted to avoid being too blatant in copying Twitter. Whatever the reason, it shows that Facebook sees value in Twitter’s core product: concise posts defined by an arbitrary limitation. And they’ve managed to copy this feature out in the public eye, without many people even noticing.

为什么是130? 我不知道。 也许他们的研究表明这是一个更好的数字。 也许他们想避免在复制Twitter时过于公然。 无论出于何种原因,它表明Facebook在Twitter的核心产品中看到了价值:由任意限制定义的简洁帖子。 而且他们设法在没有很多人注意的情况下将其复制到了公众的视线中。

There’s been a lot of headlines about Facebook “borrowing” ideas from Snapchat lately: they added a clone of Stories to Facebook Messenger after adding Stories to Instagram, for example. But it’s not just Snapchat Facebook is borrowing from.

最近有很多关于Snapchat从Snapchat借用Facebook的头条新闻:例如,在将Stories添加到Instagram之后 ,他们在Facebook Messenger中 添加了Stories 的克隆 。 但这不仅仅是从Facebook借用的Snapchat。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310481/facebook-stole-twitters-best-feature-and-no-one-noticed/






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