.doc 转 .docx_什么是.DOCX文件,它与Microsoft Word中的.DOC文件有何不同?

.doc 转 .docx

.doc 转 .docx

For most of its long history, Microsoft Word has used a proprietary format for its saved files, DOC. Starting in 2007 with the updated version of Word (and Microsoft Office), the default save format was changed to DOCX. This wasn’t simply a belated 1990s “extreme” version of the format—that extra X stands for the Office Open XML standard. What’s the difference, and which one should you use?

在其悠久的历史中,Microsoft Word对其保存的文件DOC使用专有格式。 从2007年使用Word(和Microsoft Office)的更新版本开始,默认保存格式已更改为DOCX。 这不仅仅是1990年代格式的“晚期”版本,多余的X代表Office Open XML标准。 有什么区别,应该使用哪一个?

DOC is a document format used by Microsoft Word, while DOCX is its successor. Both are relatively open, but DOCX is more efficient and creates smaller, less corruptable files . If given the choice, use DOCX. DOC is only necessary if the file will be used by pre-2007 versions of Word.

DOC是Microsoft Word使用的文档格式,而DOCX是它的后继格式。 两者都是相对开放的,但是DOCX效率更高,并且可以创建更小,更不易损坏的文件。 如果有选择,请使用DOCX。 仅当Word 2007之前的版本将使用该文件时,才需要DOC。

DOC格式简史 (A Brief History of the DOC Format)

Microsoft Word started using the DOC format and file extension over 30 years ago in the very first release of Word for MS-DOS. As an extension explicitly for Microsoft’s proprietary document processor, the format was also proprietary: Word was the only program that officially supported DOC files until Microsoft opened the specification in 2006, after which it was reverse-engineered.

Microsoft Word在MS-DOS的Word的第一版中就开始使用DOC格式和文件扩展名。 作为Microsoft专有文档处理器的显式扩展,该格式也是专有的:Word是唯一正式支持DOC文件的程序,直到Microsoft在2006年开放该规范,然后对其进行了反向工程。

Microsoft Word has used the DOC file format for over 30 years.
Microsoft Word使用DOC文件格式已有30多年的历史了。

In the 90s and early 2000s, various competing products could work with DOC files, though some of Word’s more exotic formatting and options weren’t fully supported in other word processors. Since Office and Word were the de facto standards for office productivity suites and word processors, respectively, the closed nature of the file format undoubtedly helped Microsoft retain its domination over products like Corel’s WordPerfect. Since 2008, Microsoft has released and updated the DOC format specification several times for use in other programs, though not all of Word’s advanced functions are supported by the open documentation.

在90年代和2000年代初期,尽管其他Word处理程序未完全支持Word的一些更特殊的格式和选项,但各种竞争产品都可以使用DOC文件。 由于Office和Word分别是办公生产力套件和文字处理器的事实上的标准,因此文件格式的封闭性无疑有助于Microsoft保持对Corel的WordPerfect等产品的统治。 自2008年以来,Microsoft已多次发布和更新DOC格式规范以供其他程序使用,尽管开放文档并不支持Word的所有高级功能。

After 2008, the DOC format was integrated into paid and free word processing programs from many vendors. It made working with older word processor formats considerably easier, and many users still prefer to save in the older DOC standard, on the off chance that a friend or client with an older version of Microsoft Office might need to open it.

2008年之后,DOC格式被集成到许多供应商的付费和免费文字处理程序中。 它使使用较旧的文字处理器格式的工作变得相当容易,并且许多用户仍然希望保留较旧的DOC标准,以免可能需要使用较旧版本的Microsoft Office的朋友或客户打开它。

Office Open XML(DOCX)的介绍 (The Introduction of Office Open XML (DOCX))

Under pressure from the rising competition of the free and open-source Open Office and its competing Open Document Format (ODF), Microsoft pushed for the adoption of an even broader open standard in the early 2000s. This culminated in the development of the DOCX file format, along with its companions like XLSX for spreadsheets and PPTX for presentations.

在免费开放源代码开放办公室及其竞争的开放文档格式(ODF)日益激烈的竞争压力下,微软在2000年代初推动采用更广泛的开放标准。 最终导致DOCX文件格式及其诸如XLSX的电子表格和PPTX的演示文稿的伴随开发。

The standards were presented under the name “Office Open XML” (no relation to the Open Office program) since the formats were based on Extensible Markup Language rather than the older and less efficient binary-based format. This language allowed for a few benefits, most notably smaller file sizes, less chance of corruption, and better looking compressed images.

这些标准以“ Office Open XML”的名称(与Open Office程序无关)提出,因为这些格式基于可扩展标记语言,而不是基于较旧且效率较低的二进制格式。 这种语言带来了一些好处,最显着的是较小的文件大小,较少的损坏机会以及更好的压缩图像外观。

The XML-based DOCX format became the default save file for Word in the 2007 version of the software. At the time, many users assumed that the new DOCX format and its Microsoft Office contemporaries were merely a means for Microsoft to phase out older versions of the software and sell new copies, since older releases of Word and Office couldn’t read the new XML files. This wasn’t entirely true; Word 2003 can read special Word XML file formats, and compatibility updates were later applied to other versions. But in any case, some users manually saved files in the older DOC standard instead of DOCX for the sake of compatibility…somewhat ironically, since it was only more compatible with older versions of Word, not with other cross-platform tools like Open Office Writer.

基于XML的DOCX格式成为该软件2007版中Word的默认保存文件。 当时,许多用户认为新的DOCX格式及其同时代的Microsoft Office仅仅是Microsoft淘汰该软件的旧版本并出售新副本的一种手段,因为旧版本的Word和Office无法读取新的XML。文件。 这并非完全正确。 Word 2003可以读取特殊的Word XML文件格式,并且后来将兼容性更新应用于其他版本。 但是无论如何,为了兼容性,某些用户手动将文件保存为较旧的DOC标准而不是DOCX…有点讽刺意味的是,由于它仅与Word的较早版本兼容,而与Open Office Writer等其他跨平台工具不兼容。

Modern word processors support both DOC and DOCX formats, among others.

Ten years later, DOCX has become the new de facto standard, though it’s not quite as universal as the older DOC file format was thanks to competitors like ODF and a general decrease in traditional word processor usage.


您应该使用哪一个? (Which One Should You Use?)

The same document is only a fraction of the size in DOCX format versus the older DOC.

DOCX is a better choice for just about every situation. The format creates smaller, lighter files that are easier to read and transfer. The open nature of the Office Open XML standard means that it can be read by just about any full-featured word processor, including online tools like Google Docs. The only reason to use the older DOC file format now would be to recover some files older than ten years, or to work with a very much out-of-date word processor. In either case, it would be best to re-save the file in DOCX, or some other modern standard like ODF, for an easy conversion.

DOCX是几乎每种情况下的更好选择。 该格式创建的文件更小,更轻便,更易于阅读和传输。 Office Open XML标准的开放性意味着几乎所有功能齐全的文字处理器都可以读取它,包括Google Docs等在线工具。 现在使用较旧的DOC文件格式的唯一原因是要恢复某些超过十年的文件,或者使用非常过时的文字处理器。 无论哪种情况,最好将文件重新保存为DOCX或其他现代标准(如ODF),以便轻松转换。

Image Credit: WinWorld

图片来源: WinWorld

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304622/what-is-a-.docx-file-and-how-is-it-different-from-a-.doc-file-in-microsoft-word/

.doc 转 .docx

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要实现基于Java合并docdocx格式的Word文件,可以考虑使用Apache POI库来操作Word文件。下面是一个简单的示例代码,可以将多个docx文件合并为一个: ```java import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*; public class MergeWordFiles { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String[] filesToMerge = {"file1.docx", "file2.docx", "file3.docx"}; String mergedFileName = "merged.docx"; List<XWPFDocument> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (String fileName : filesToMerge) { XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument(OPCPackage.open(fileName)); files.add(document); } XWPFDocument mergedDocument = mergeDocuments(files); FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(mergedFileName)); mergedDocument.write(outputStream); outputStream.close(); } private static XWPFDocument mergeDocuments(List<XWPFDocument> files) { XWPFDocument mergedDocument = new XWPFDocument(); XWPFParagraph newParagraph; for (XWPFDocument document : files) { for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : document.getParagraphs()) { newParagraph = mergedDocument.createParagraph(); newParagraph.setAlignment(paragraph.getAlignment()); for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) { newParagraph.createRun().setText(run.getText(0)); } } for (XWPFTable table : document.getTables()) { mergedDocument.createTable().addNewCol(); mergedDocument.createTable().addNewRow(); for (XWPFTableRow row : table.getRows()) { XWPFTableRow newRow = mergedDocument.createTable().getRow(0); newRow.setHeight(row.getHeight()); for (XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()) { XWPFTableCell newCell = newRow.addNewTableCell(); newCell.setVerticalAlignment(cell.getVerticalAlignment()); newCell.setAlignment(cell.getAlignment()); newCell.setText(cell.getText()); } } } } return mergedDocument; } } ``` 这个示例代码,先将要合并的docx文件读取为XWPFDocument对象,然后将所有文件合并到一个新的XWPFDocument对象,最后将合并后的XWPFDocument对象写入到一个新的docx文件。 需要注意的是,这个示例代码只能合并docx格式的Word文件,如果需要合并doc格式的Word文件,需要使用HWPF库进行操作。同时,如果要处理较大的Word文件,可能需要考虑分段处理,以避免内存溢出等问题。




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