表单-单选框-复选框-提交_在提示框中:免费编码课程,DIY Grid-It组织者和水基文档处理...




This week we’re looking at how you can score a free year of coding lessons, craft your own Grid-It gadget organizer, and how you can skip shredding sensitive documents if you’ve got a bucket on hand.


免费编码课程 (Free Coding Lessons)


Samuel writes in with a tip to help fellow readers learn to code in the new year. He writes:

塞缪尔(Samuel)撰写了一条提示,以帮助其他读者在新的一年中学习编码。 他写:

I’m a regular visitor to this site, and don’t know if I’m writing the right address but thought this info would be worth repeating.  A group called Codeacademy is offering a program called Code Year.  Basically, you send them your email, and they send a free programming lesson every week for the entire year (look like they’re starting out with JavaScript).  I signed up as a New Year’s Resolution, and thought there may be people who visit this site that would like to know.  Check Code Year for more details.

我是该站点的常规访问者,不知道我是否在写正确的地址,但认为此信息值得重复。 一个叫做Codeacademy的小组正在提供一个叫做Code Year的程序。 基本上,您向他们发送电子邮件,并且他们整年每周发送一次免费的编程课程(好像他们从JavaScript入手)。 我注册了“新年决议”,并认为可能会有某些人想知道该网站。 查看代码年以获取更多详细信息。

We took the site for a spin, the first set of lessons gets you started working with basic JavaScript, and we have to say it looks like a great resource for a non-coder to get started learning to work with programming languages. Nice find Samuel!

我们浏览了该站点,第一组课程使您开始使用基本JavaScript,并且不得不说,对于非编码器来说,这看起来像是一个很好的资源,可以开始学习如何使用编程语言。 很高兴找到塞缪尔!

创建自己的Grid-It克隆 (Create Your Own Grid-It Clone)

Mark writes in with a DIY Grid-It clone:

马克用DIY Grid-It复制品写信:

I saw the link you guys shared back in November on how to make your own Grid-It clone. The Grid-It inside an old book was pretty fancy looking, I have to admit, but I like things easy and with duct-tape involved. A few months ago I made a Grid-It clone following a tutorial I found on YouTube. You can check it out here. You won’t have a fancy old-school book cover on your Grid-It when you’re done but it will look more true to the original.

我看到了你们在11月分享的有关如何制作自己的Grid-It克隆的链接。 我必须承认,一本旧书中的Grid-It看起来很漂亮,但是我喜欢简单易行且带有胶带的东西。 几个月前,我按照在YouTube上找到的教程制作了Grid-It克隆。 您可以在这里查看。 完成后,您将不会在Grid-It上放任何花哨的老式书套,但它看上去更像原始的。

We checked out the video, Mark. We can totally see why the guy in the YouTube video would make his own—$75 shipping to Sweden? That’s crazy.

我们检查了视频Mark。 我们完全可以理解,为什么YouTube视频中的那个人会自己赚75美元运往瑞典? 太疯狂了。

用一桶水摧毁文件 (Destroy Documents with a Bucket of Water)


Nick writes in with his DIY paper destroying tip:


I never get around to shredding the papers that need to be shredded… I always end up throwing them in a plastic waste can under my desk with the intention of eventually shredding them. Last weekend we had an unseasonably warm day and I figured I’d haul the paper shredder and can out onto the deck and at least get a little sunshine while I shredded them all. I got the can out onto the deck, went back for the shredder, got distracted helping my wife with something, and forgot all about the project. A few hours later there was a huge rain storm and the can was completely filled with water. I just left it out there for the weekend and figured I’d deal with it later. Come Monday night, the water had so saturated the paper that it was just a giant pulpy mess. I laid the can on its side to let the water drain out and once it was all relatively dry it was like a giant block of wood pulp. There was no way to peel any of it apart in such a way that you could actually read the documents.

我从来没有到处切碎需要切碎的文件……我总是最终将它们扔到我桌子下面的塑料垃圾桶中,目的是最终切碎它们。 上周末,我们度过了异常温暖的一天,我想我要把碎纸机拖起来,可以伸到甲板上,至少要晒一点阳光,然后再把它们全部切碎。 我把罐子放到甲板上,回去拿碎纸机,分散了对我妻子的帮助,于是忘了这个项目。 几个小时后,一场大雨把罐头装满了水。 我只是在周末把它留在外面,以为以后再处理。 星期一晚上到了,水已经把纸浸透了,简直是一团泥泞。 我把罐子放在一边,让水流了出来,一旦它们都比较干了,就象一块巨大的木浆。 没有办法以实际阅读文档的方式将它们分开。

I did a little digging around online to see if other people had experimented with the water-disposal method and it turns out it’s an old Japanese method for destroying paper (in fact you can add powdered dish detergent to the water to accelerate the process). If you never get around to shredding or you hate the sound of the paper shredder, a bucket of water works just as well!

我上网浏览了一下,看看是否有人尝试过这种水处理方法,结果发现这是一种古老的日本方法,用于销毁纸张(实际上,您可以在水中添加洗洁精粉以加速该过程)。 如果您从不乱扔碎纸,或者您讨厌碎纸机的声音,那么一桶水同样有效!

If you have the outdoor space to dunk and dry a big pile of paper before tossing it in the recycling bin, this seems like a pretty clever and low-noise way to trash a lot of sensitive documents at once. Thanks for sharing, Nick!

如果您有室外空间可以在将大纸片扔进回收箱之前先进行浸泡和干燥,那么这似乎是一种巧妙而低噪音的方式,可以一次性将许多敏感文件丢入垃圾中。 感谢您的分享,尼克!

Have a clever tip to share? Shoot an email to tips@howtogeek.com and check back next Thursday.

有一个聪明的提示要分享吗? 拍摄电子邮件至tips@howtogeek.com ,然后在下周四进行检查。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102828/from-the-tips-box-free-coding-lessons-diy-grid-it-organizers-and-water-based-document-disposal/






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