pt100驱动代码_硬件升级:如何安装新的硬盘驱动器,Pt 1



htg hardware upgrade

It’s recession economics 101—you can’t always afford to shell out for a whole new PC! HTG is here to help you repair and upgrade the parts that are in desperate need. Today’s topic: how to upgrade your hard drive.

这是经济衰退的101岁-您永远买不起全新PC! HTG在这里可以帮助您维修和升级急需的零件。 今天的话题:如何升级硬盘。

In this first of a new series of “Hardware Upgrade” posts, we’ll cover the basics for buying new drives, backing up old system disks, and opening up your PC to swap out drives. It’s great geeky fun, and it can help you put off a new PC purchase for just a little bit longer. Check it out!

在“硬件升级”新系列的第一篇文章中,我们将介绍购买新驱动器,备份旧系统磁盘以及打开PC以换出驱动器的基本知识。 这真是令人讨厌,它可以帮助您推迟购买新PC的时间。 看看这个!

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Installing a hard drive is a fairly simple—although intimidating—affair. Here’s the lowdown on what you’re going to need to upgrade your storage.

安装硬盘驱动器是一件相当简单的事情,尽管令人生畏。 这是升级存储所需的功能。

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Phillips Head Screwdriver: The most important tool in a PC geek’s toolkit—a regular Phillips head screwdriver. Almost all the screws you’re going to run into are going to be Phillips head. 

While your author has never had any trouble with magnetized screwdrivers, considering we’re going to be working with hard disks today, they probably aren’t the best of ideas. Find yourself an ordinary, non-magnetized screwdriver just to be on the safe side.

A “Tower” Style PC: Unfortunately, we aren’t going to talk about how to install a hard drive in a laptop today. Some day! 

Hopefully your PC is in reasonable shape and isn’t incredibly ancient, and you know, runs. If your hard disk is dead, you can follow these directions to install a new one, but having a functional hard drive with a running OS can save you a lot of time and heartache.

A Shiny New Hard Drive: Depending on how old your PC is, you might be installing a shiny old hard drive. 

There are two basic types of drives we’ll be concerning ourselves with today: SATA and IDE. More detail on those later, as well as some guidelines for buying a drive.

You’re going to need a form factor of 3.5 inch. Any other size will most likely not fit inside your case.

A USB HDD Enclosure: Optional, but very very helpful if you intend to back up your existing drive. More on this later. 

USB HDD Enclosure

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十字螺丝刀 :PC怪胎工具包中最重要的工具-普通的十字螺丝刀。 您将要碰到的几乎所有螺丝都是菲利普斯头。

尽管您的作者使用磁化螺丝刀从未遇到任何麻烦,但考虑到我们今天将要使用硬盘,它们可能不是最好的主意。 为了安全起见,请找一把普通的, 未磁化的螺丝起子

一台“塔式”样式的PC :不幸的是,我们今天不再讨论如何在笔记本电脑中安装硬盘驱动器。 有一天!

希望您的PC处于合理的形状,并且没有令人难以置信的古老,并且您知道, 可以运行 。 如果您的硬盘已用完,则可以按照以下说明安装新的硬盘,但是拥有可正常运行的操作系统的功能正常的硬盘可以节省大量时间和心痛。

闪亮的新硬盘驱动器 :您可能会安装闪亮的硬盘驱动器,具体取决于您的PC的年龄

我们今天将讨论两种基本类型的驱动器:SATA和IDE。 有关这些内容的更多详细信息,以及购买驱动器的一些准则。

您将需要3.5英寸的外形尺寸。 其他任何尺寸都可能不适合您的情况。

USB HDD机柜 :可选,但如果要备份现有驱动器,则非常有用。 稍后再详细介绍。


驱动器如何连接:IDE或SATA? (How Does Your Drive Connect: IDE or SATA?)


Most standard internal hard drives have a form factor of 3.5 inches, and come in one of two major connection styles. Neither are cutting edge new, so most PCs you upgrade should have the capability of one or the other. Pictured above, the left cable is a SATA cable, which is a newer standard, and easier to work with. The older connection is called IDE, and the drives are sometimes called PATA. While there’s nothing wrong with IDE hard drives, you’ll want to check if you have the capacity to use SATA before buying a IDE drive.

大多数标准内部硬盘驱动器的外形尺寸为3.5英寸 ,并采用两种主要的连接方式之一。 两者都不是最先进的,因此您升级的大多数PC应该都具有另一台的能力。 如上图所示,左电缆是SATA电缆,它是更新的标准,并且更易于使用。 较早的连接称为IDE,而驱动器有时称为PATA。 尽管IDE硬盘驱动器没有问题,但是您需要在购买IDE驱动器之前检查是否有使用SATA的能力。


Not all PCs will have the connections to read a SATA drive. If your machine is older, you may wish to open up your case first, and see if your mother board has the connections for SATA. In most situations, you’re going to want to opt for SATA, because the setup is easier and the transfer rate is faster than IDE.

并非所有PC都具有读取SATA驱动器的连接。 如果您的计算机较旧,则可能希望先打开机箱,然后查看主板是否具有用于SATA的连接。 在大多数情况下,您会希望选择SATA,因为它的设置比IDE更容易且传输速率更快。

The red connectors like the ones on the left connect up to SATA cables—you can even see the beginning of “SATA” behind the right side of the connector. Most motherboards (that aren’t terribly old) should support it. If you don’t see these connectors, you’ll have to use the IDE connectors, like those pictured on the right.

类似于左侧的红色连接器,最多可连接SATA电缆-您甚至可以在连接器右侧的后面看到“ SATA”的开头。 大多数主板(不是很旧)都应该支持它。 如果看不到这些连接器,则必须使用IDE连接器,如右图所示。

There are, of course, loads of other ways to connect hard disks to a PC. For today, and for the sake simplicity, we’ll stick with what’s most likely to be inside most PC cases.

当然,还有许多其他方式可以将硬盘连接到PC。 在今天,为了简单起见,我们将坚持使用大多数PC机壳中最可能出现的东西。

购买新硬盘 (Buying A New Hard Disk)


When you buy a drive, you buy based on several different factors. The first is usually “can my system handle it?”

在购买驱动器时,您会基于多种不同的因素进行购买。 第一个通常是“我的系统可以处理吗?”

Older systems have drive capacity limits and will struggle to recognize large disks. Systems older than 1998 will be limited to 8.4 GB, while systems older than 2002 may have a drive capacity limit of 137 GB imposed by the motherboard’s BIOS. You’ll require a PC that supports 48 Bit LBA (Logical Block Address), at the very least by the OS, if not the BIOS as well. If your machine is running XP with Service Pack 1, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, your machine likely supports these large drives over 137 GB, and you shouldn’t have to worry about this. If you’re running Windows 98, or something just as old, you’re likely to have some trouble with this upgrade—maybe more than it’s worth.

较旧的系统具有驱动器容量限制,将难以识别大磁盘。 1998年之前的系统将限制为8.4 GB,而2002年之前的系统可能具有由主板BIOS施加的137 GB的驱动器容量限制。 您将需要一台至少支持48位LBA(逻辑块地址)的PC,至少要由OS(如果不是BIOS)也是如此。 如果您的计算机运行的是带有Service Pack 1,Windows Vista或Windows 7的XP ,则您的计算机可能支持这些超过137 GB的大型驱动器,因此您不必为此担心。 如果您运行的是Windows 98或同等版本,则此升级可能会遇到一些麻烦-可能超出其价值。

Once you’ve determined the size disk your PC can support, and found out what kind of of drives you can connect to your motherboard (IDE or SATA) you can start to answer the other big questions that go into buying a drive. Here’s a short list of the three main criteria you should go over before shelling out your hard earned cash for a drive.

一旦确定了PC可以支持的磁盘大小,并确定可以将哪种驱动器连接到主板(IDE或SATA),就可以回答购买驱动器时遇到的其他重要问题。 这是您要花掉硬盘赚来的现金之前应该考虑的三个主要标准的简短列表。

  • Capacity (Size, measured in MB, GB, and TB)

  • Performance (Disk read speed, measured in RPM)

  • Price (What fits your budget?)


There are lots of other factors that go into buying a drive, although these are the major ones. If you can determine what kind of drive your PC can handle, you’ll be able to pick a drive based on these criteria. You might be able to get a high capacity drive (1TB +) for very cheap, but you’ll likely be sacrificing performance, and end up with a slow drive. High performance drives are often expensive, no matter the capacity, but can be worth it if you’re replacing your system disk.

购买驱动器还有许多其他因素,尽管这些是主要因素。 如果您可以确定PC可以处理的驱动器类型,则可以根据这些条件选择驱动器。 您可能能够以非常便宜的价格获得大容量驱动器(1TB +),但您可能会牺牲性能,最终导致驱动器速度变慢。 无论容量如何,高性能驱动器通常都很昂贵,但是如果要更换系统磁盘,则值得。

Once you’re satisfied with your HDD purchase, you’re ready for the next steps.


备份旧驱动器 (Backup The Old Drive)


Before you open up your PC and start ripping out hardware, it might behoove you to make a copy of the disk you’re planning to remove. This is where the aforementioned (see above, in tools) hard drive enclosure can come in handy. There are several ways to make a perfect, bootable copy of your system disk, like PING, DriveImage XML and FOG Project, as well as Clonezilla, which we covered in an extensive hard drive-saving how-to.

在打开PC并开始淘汰硬件之前,您可能应该复制计划删除的磁盘。 这是前面提到的(请参见工具中的) 硬盘驱动器盒可以派上用场的地方。 有几种方法可以完美地引导您的系统磁盘,例如PINGDriveImage XMLFOG Project以及Clonezilla ,我们已在许多节省硬盘的方法中进行了介绍


If you’re simply adding a second drive for storage, you don’t need to back up your system disk. But many of you may want to replace it with a newer, larger, faster drive and keep your OS and files intact. If that’s the case, check out some of the many imaging programs listed above, or read our how-to on cloning your disk.

如果您只是添加第二个驱动器进行存储,则无需备份系统磁盘。 但是你们中的许多人可能想用更新,更大,更快的驱动器替换它, 保持操作系统和文件完整。 如果是这种情况,请检查上面列出的许多映像程序,或者阅读我们的克隆磁盘方法。

升级系统磁盘:卸下旧驱动器 (Upgrading A System Disk: Removing the Old Drive)

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With your prep out of the way, you’re finally ready to start ripping out hardware. A couple of warnings—removing hardware from a PC is done at your own risk and at the risk of your own hardware, so only do it if you’re prepared to learn some potentially expensive lessons!

不用担心准备工作,您终于可以准备开始淘汰硬件。 有几条警告-从PC上卸下硬件需要您自担风险,也要自己承担硬件的风险 ,因此只有在您准备好学习一些潜在的昂贵课程时,才这样做。

Step one is always removing these screws that hold on the case sides. Notice how the PC is also unplugged, and make sure that yours is, as well.

第一步始终是卸下固定在机箱侧面的这些螺钉。 请注意如何拔下PC的电源,并确保您的PC也是如此。

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If the sides of your case don’t come off the way the red arrows are directing, you’ll likely find more screws holding them in place. Double-check and try them again. If this doesn’t work, your case may be built differently—look to see what catches or releases might be holding the sides in place.

如果您的机箱侧面没有偏离红色箭头指示的方向,您可能会发现更多将它们固定在位的螺钉。 仔细检查,然后重试。 如果这不起作用,则您的案子可能会以不同的方式制造-请看有哪些捕获物或释放物将侧面固定在适当的位置。

If you’re unfamiliar with the innerworkings of a PC, here’s a rundown of the parts we will be working with today, and the parts we’ll need to avoid. Notice that the optical drive and the hard disk are in roughly the same place, and may even be connected with the same cables. Make sure you remove the right one!

如果您不熟悉PC的内部工作原理,那么这里是我们今天将要使用的部分的清单,以及我们需要避免的部分。 请注意,光盘驱动器和硬盘位于大致相同的位置,甚至可以使用相同的电缆连接。 确保删除正确的一个!

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Remove the cables from the old hard drive as shown. You’ll need to remove two cables from each disk—one for power, and one for data. The cables above are IDE data cables, the more difficult of the two to remove. SATA cables are fairly easy to remove from a drive, while IDE cables are wide and firmly seated on a large row of pins. You may struggle when removing them—be firm, but careful not to warp the pins, break any part of the cable, or yank to hard on any part that is connected to the motherboard.

如图所示,从旧硬盘驱动器上拔下电缆。 您需要从每个磁盘上卸下两条电缆-一根用于供电,另一根用于数据。 上面的电缆是IDE数据电缆,两者之间的拔除比较困难。 SATA电缆很容易从驱动器上卸下,而IDE电缆很宽且牢固地固定在一大排插针上。 卸下它们时,您可能会遇到困难-牢固,但要注意不要使引脚翘曲,断开电缆的任何部分或猛烈地猛拉连接到主板的任何部分。

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There are typically four screws holding a HDD in place. Look for this cage in the front of your PC case and undo the screws as shown.

通常有四个将HDD固定到位的螺钉。 在PC机壳的前面寻找此固定框架,然后松开螺钉,如图所示。

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The opposite side of the PC case should also have screws holding the drives in place. You’ll have to remove them from the hole illustrated here to get the drive out.

PC机箱的另一侧也应有螺钉将驱动器固定到位。 您必须将它们从此处所示的Kong中取出才能取出驱动器。

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Depending on how tight the inside of your case is, you may have to remove other hardware. In this case, the easiest part to remove would be the power supply, shown top left, rather than the processor fan and heatsink, shown bottom left. Pull the drive out as shown, and you’ll be ready to connect up your new drive. You can expect to install the new drive the same way you removed this one, but backwards—but for more detailed directions and solutions to common problems, check back next Monday for part 2.

根据外壳内部的紧密程度,您可能必须卸下其他硬件。 在这种情况下,最容易卸下的部分是左上角显示的电源,而不是左下角显示的处理器风扇和散热器。 如图所示将驱动器拉出,您将可以连接新驱动器。 您可以期望以与卸下新驱动器相同的方式安装新驱动器,但安装方法相反。但是,有关常见问题的更多详细说明和解决方案,请在下周一查看第2部分。

下一步:连接新驱动器并对其进行故障排除 (Next: Connecting and Troubleshooting Your New Drive)


Installing a new hard drive can get complicated if something goes wrong, and we’re already getting into tl;dr territory. Check back next week, when we’ll cover common problems with installing new hard drives, how to get your system to recognize your new disk, and some tips for fresh installs of an OS.

如果出现问题,安装新的硬盘驱动器可能会变得很复杂,并且我们已经进入tl; dr领域。 下周请回来,当我们将介绍安装新硬盘驱动器时的常见问题,如何使系统识别新磁盘以及重新安装OS的一些技巧时。

Image Credits: Transplant by Grant Hutchinson, available under Creative Commons. IDE Ports and IDE Cables Image in public domain. SATA Cables and Ports by Berkut, available under GNU Free License. All other images copyright the author.

图片来源: Grant Hutchinson的《 移植》 ,可在“ 创用CC”下找到 公共领域中的IDE端口和IDE电缆图像。 Berkut提供的SATA电缆和端口,可通过GNU Free License获得 所有其他图像均版权归作者所有。







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